Zodiac Signs: If They Like You, This Is How They'll Show It
Not everyone expresses their feelings in the same way, and it's essential to pick up different cues and hints that someone may like you. It's often hard because some people keep things under wraps while others show their affections immediately, but their Zodiac sign can help you with that.
It's time to stop wondering whether that person likes you or not. Astrology defines many people's personalities, so you won't have to sit in limbo, waiting for them to tell you how they genuinely feel.
One of the best clues you'll ever get is their Zodiac signs. If they like you, they'll show you in a particular way depending on their birth month, so you won't have to be confused anymore. They can also tell you without words if you should move on.

Couple smiling at the camera. | Source: Unsplash
Cancer Will Show Their World
Almost all Cancers (June 22–July 22) are reserved when you first meet them, but that doesn't mean they won't show affection properly. Their connections to others can be some of the most intense, and they adore expressing their love.
But they're dedicated to one person, so they will start treating you with open arms, welcoming you into their world, and showing every part of themselves as much as possible. That's how you'll know they want more.
Capricorn Will Put You First
The downside of Capricorns (December 22–January 19) is that they tend to have high standards, meaning finding someone they like is not easy. Some people believe they don't have a romantic streak, but that's because they're not paying attention.

Couple dancing in the woods. | Source: Unsplash
Once Capricorns find the person they like, they will put them first. It may take time, as they want to be sure of their feelings, but you will become a priority to this person.
Libra Will Brag About You
Libras (September 23–October 23) are known for being the most outgoing of the bunch, with an instinct for flirting. It is complicated to see if they like you or are just being playful.
But a Libra will always want to spend time with you if their feelings are genuine. They will flaunt you to their friends and invite you to everything they have planned.

Couple holding hands. | Source: Unsplash
Taurus Will Pamper You
Taurus (April 20–May 20) people are known for being calm and soothing due to their down-to-earth personalities. But no one can sweep someone off their feet so quickly as a Taurus. They're not afraid to express their feelings when attracted to you.
So, be ready to get the royal treatment with great dinners, conversations, gifts, and much more. Furthermore, they love physical affection. If they show these things, you can honestly say they like you.
Gemini Will Be Flirty
Although Geminis (May 21–June 21) are known for their polarizing personality, they have a specific way of showing their attraction to someone. They will start flirting and being playful with the person who has caught their eye.

Couple playing in the water. | Source: Pexels
They crave intelligent conversations, so they will ask questions, joke, and laugh to keep things going as long as possible. If they show that much interest, you know you have them hooked.
Aquarius Will Remain Close
Aquarius (January 20–February 18) people usually like being adventurous and spontaneous, so settling down in a relationship isn't exactly normal for them. But if they like you, they will clear their time to spend as many moments as possible with you.
But be ready for some hot and cold moments in the initial stages of dating. Don't let that question their attraction for you because if they've taken the time to plan, get dressed, and drive somewhere, they're very interested.

Couple touching their noses. | Source: Pexels
Aries Will Make a Move
Aries (March 21–April 19) people are daring and bold; that personality trait shows perfectly when they're interested in someone. Their passion, ambition, and determination drive every part of their life, so be ready for them to make a move.
They will not hide their interest and will come off as almost arrogant in getting your attention.
Scorpio Will Get to Know You
Scorpios (October 24–November 21) are the kind of people who mind their own business and don't want to usurp anyone's privacy. They keep many secrets and thoughts to themselves, but when they like someone, their interest shows.

Woman with her arm on a man's shoulder. | Source: Pexels
They will want to know everything about you to see if you're compatible. They also become protective and jealous, so if you witness that side of them, it's because their feelings are real.
Pisces Will Make You Their Whole World
Pisces (February 19–March 20) people are dreamers at heart and know how to capture one easily. Their intuitive personality can win people over, but don't be scared because being the center of someone's world is one of the best feelings you can experience.
You will be showered with gifts and displays of affection. Spending a little time with you won't be enough for a Pisces in love.
Leo Will Show Off
Leo (July 23–August 22) is the most confident of all the Zodiac signs, and people are drawn to that energy. But they also love impressing the person they like. Their affection will be overwhelming at times.

Man carrying woman in front of the beach. | Source: Pexels
But you will feel fantastic with a person like that. Of course, they prefer when you return the favor, so they know their efforts are not in vain.
Virgo Will Open Up
Virgos (August 23–September 22) are the most aloof, especially regarding their attraction and affection. They won't put themselves out there so quickly until they're sure of their feelings. Therefore, it's common for them to seek friendship before anything else.
But they will open up fully once they're comfortable enough and have figured out their feelings. They'll show exactly what they've been hiding, and that's how you'll know it's true love.

Couple laughing on top of a picnic blanket. | Source: Pexels
Sagittarius Will Befriend You
Sagittarius (November 22–December 21) have a reputation for being unable to settle down because of their adventurous and fiery side. But the truth is that they want something more solid and someone who shares their views.
Therefore, they will smile and laugh with you like best friends. Their honesty is also notorious, so be ready for them to express their attraction. But they will only look for more if they're sure.

Couple embracing and looking out the window. | Source: Pexels
Of course, you must remember that there are exceptions to every rule, and some people don't follow the norms of their Zodiac sign. Ultimately, you'll have to navigate dating and attraction carefully with each individual until you figure out their personality.
It'll be difficult sometimes, which is why these guidelines from astrology are so great for anyone looking for some advice. So, go slow, remember what their Zodiac signs say about their personality, and explore!