Calm Zodiac Signs That Are Masters of Composure
Not many people know how to calm themselves when upset or panicked. However, according to astrology, some have mastered it. Here are calm zodiac signs that are masters of composure.
Being in distress is a common element in our lives. Whether it involves keeping up with hectic work schedules and busy lives, one is bound to crack somehow.
It is human instinct to react to stressful situations instead of assessing the issues first and seeing how you can tackle them. That only makes things even more unbearable.

A photo of a woman doing yoga meditation | Source: Unsplash
While some people may lose their cool and wallow in the circumstances, others keep a level head and soldier on. According to astrology, these are the type of people who are reliable and can easily manage stressful situations.
No matter how difficult things get, they always think before reacting and hardly panic. Here are calm zodiac signs who have mastered composure.

Illustration of the zodiac sign Capricorn | Source: Pixabay
Calm Zodiac Signs — Capricorn (December 22 – January 19)
Capricorns are described as firm, tough, and courageous. That said, they are pros at remaining calm in the face of adversity and are patient too.
This earth sign always examines the pros and cons of a situation and then takes a step after. With their easygoing attitude, you can count on them to take control of the issue.
Astrologer and psychic Stina Garbis said this about this earth sign during an interview with Bustle: "Capricorn is very brainy and reaches solutions in a very practical way. They collect their thoughts wisely."

Illustration of the zodiac sign Virgo | Source: Pixabay
Calm Zodiac Signs — Virgo (August 23 – September 22)
Virgos are known for being practical and analytical. They want everything to be perfect and see the best in every situation.
They will swiftly make a difficult decision in the face of problems and will remain steadfast despite the circumstances. Instead of getting extremely active, Virgo will try their level best to calm the situation with their rational thinking.
Even though Virgos do not like it when things do not go according to their plans, they can put their impatience on the back burner for the greater good.

Illustration of the zodiac sign Libra | Source: Pixabay
Calm Zodiac Signs — Libra (September 22 – October 23)
Libras are said to have the most balance in the zodiac. With their analytical skills, they will analyze and attempt to resolve the situation tactfully.
This air sign tries, by all means, to minimize stress levels and ensure they do it without making errors with their decisions.
Libras are described as harmonious, therefore, can efficiently serve as the peacekeepers of the group. They do not mind doling out to keep the peace amongst company.

Illustration of the zodiac sign Aquarius | Source: Pixabay
Calm Zodiac Signs — Aquarius (January 20 – February 18)
Aquarius are knowledgeable because of their real-life experiences. They know how their brains work and keep a tab on their emotional intelligence; that is how they make their lives lively.
They do not dwell on negative situations or give in to pressure easily. They would rather have a positive attitude while solving a problem.
Aquarians are not overthinkers. Another astrologer, Maria Hayes, had this to say about this air sign having a fixed modality: "It allows them to retain that mental serenity. Like a true thinker, Aquarius has the ability to step back from their thoughts and feelings. Doing so allows them to evaluate objectively."

Illustration of the zodiac sign Taurus | Source: Pixabay
Calms Zodiac Signs — Taurus (April 20 – May 20)
Taureans have their unique way of handling stressful situations and are considered among the best at it. Garbis said, "With their steadfast ways, they take action slowly and think about everything. They are known for being very patient, and it usually takes a lot of provoking before they get mad."
This earth sign is also known for being stubborn and stable and having conviction, making them uneasy to break. Although this makes them unable to adapt to change, it is also helpful in that it prevents them from making hasty decisions when facing uncertain situations.
A Taurus is generally fixed on their ways of doing things, and nothing can ruffle their feathers. Although some perceive their diplomacy as a disadvantage, they are the ones to dish out comforting words when one is going through a tough time.

Illustration of the zodiac sign Sagittarius | Source: Pixabay
Calm Zodiac Signs — Sagittarius (November 22 – December 21)
Sagittarians are curious by nature and are hungry for knowledge. Moreover, they want to see things in a different light. In addition, they can quickly adapt to change.
This makes the fire sign the most positive-minded because they do not take things to heart. They get the bigger picture; hence they opt to be cool, calm, and collected.
You would not find them among people who tend to gossip about others or people prone to causing havoc, which makes them enjoy life without drama.

Illustration of the zodiac sign Pisces | Source: Pixabay
Calm Zodiac Signs — Pisces (February 19 – March 20)
Pisceans are empaths and tend to overlook their reality. However, they have the desire to help other people and would often serve as personal therapists if need be.
This makes them very relaxed because they can fathom other people's actions. That said, they only put themselves in situations where they can feel at ease and calm.
They ensure to keep their comfort zone because they know their sensitive nature. Therefore, they do not hang out with the wrong crowd.

Illustration of the zodiac sign Cancer | Source: Pixabay
Calm Zodiac Signs — Cancer (June 22 – July 22)
Cancerians are in tune with their feelings and are very loyal. They expect loyalty to be reciprocated. Not only are they in tune with their emotions, but with others too.
These water signs are known for their nurturing and gentle nature. They would rather go to bed than deal with unpredictable situations.
Cancer is about calming environments. They prefer keeping a tight-knit circle, one-on-one relationships, and enjoying some alone time.

A photo of a woman with her hand placed on her chest | Source: Unsplash
These are the calmest zodiac signs that know how to compose themselves in tricky situations or know how to handle them without panic.
All twelve signs can be categorized by their modality and element in the zodiac. The elements include fire, air, water, and earth, which can be used to describe each zodiac's personality traits.
Modality includes mutable, fixed, and cardinal, which affects how a sign expresses its energy. Garbis stated zodiac signs that are commonly calm are earth signs.