The Top 6 Most Sensitive Zodiac Signs: Handle with Extra Care
While water signs are commonly known for being the crybabies among the zodiac signs, they are not the only ones with thin skin. Read along for the top 6 most sensitive zodiac signs more likely to shed a tear or two when they easily get their feelings hurt.
If you find yourself sniffling after every rom-com or fighting back tears whenever someone says the smallest thing you took to heart, then chances are you lean more on the tender side of the emotional spectrum. And your birth chart may have an answer to that.
While some people have thicker skin or can simply hide their emotions better than others, this list ranks the top 6 most sensitive zodiac signs that do not have as strong of an emotional poker face.

A crying woman. | Source: Getty Images
# 6 Leo (July 23 to August 22)
Leo is the only fire sign to list as one of the most sensitive zodiac signs. Unlike other fire signs, Leos are both passionate and sensitive. While they thrive under the spotlight, a tiny part of them yearns for approval and love.
Leos can be one of the most sensitive signs in the zodiac because they notice when others are bored or lose interest in them. They need to be everyone's favorite. Contrary to their reputation as fierce lions or kings of the jungle, Leos have fragile egos and can be easily hurt.
However, unlike water signs, Leos feel the most hurt when they do not get enough attention or validation. And if you dare to insult or criticize them, cue the waterworks, as they will fall apart. Leos are also sensitive when it comes to being ignored or rejected.

A young woman consoling an older woman. | Source: Getty Images
# 5 Libra (September 22 to August 23)
Libra is an air sign that is sensitive to balance and harmony as they don't like anything mean. However, unlike Leos, Libras are also sensitive to others' needs. It is unlikely to see a Libra who is not distraught by other people's suffering.
Another trait of a highly sensitive person is their inability to make decisions quickly—and nothing screams Libra more than indecisive. This is because Libras weigh out all the pros and the cons, and if they choose wrong, their sensitivity will see the consequences of their choices haunt them for the rest of their lives.
# 4 Aquarius (January 20 to February 18)
While Aquarius landing the fourth spot on this list might come as a surprise to some due to this star sign's independence and erratic nature, Aquarians are actually very sensitive to what people think of them. However, unlike Libras, who don't mind a good cry, Aquarius-born individuals suppress their emotions.
Their unconventional ways often seem then being alienated; however, Aquarians would rather pretend not to care what people think than be caught sniffling into a tissue. If you have an Aquarius friend known for being a social butterfly, check in on them from time to time, as they feel deeply and are good at hiding it.

A woman with a straight face and folded arms. | Source: Getty Images
# 3 Scorpio (October 23 - November 21)
Like Aquarius, Scorpio is another sign that likes to hide their sensitivity. Behind their venomous stinger and razor-sharp tail is an incredibly sensitive water sign that feels deeply. Scorpios are ruled by Pluto. That said, they are also a fixed water sign, which means they are the only water sign that keeps their feelings in a box.
However, their efforts are often proven futile as they always end up feeling the emotions they're running from. On the surface, Scorpios have a great poker face when controlling their sensitivity. However, deep down, they can sometimes be an emotional wreck.
Their hunt for power and aggressive exterior is due to their sensitive nature, and Scorpios will often have high walls to guard their more gentle and vulnerable side.

An upset man. | Source: Getty Images
# 2 Cancer (June 21 - July 22)
The Cancer star sign is widely known for being a ball of emotions. They are ruled by the Moon, the fastest-moving planet in the birth chart, so Cancers experience sudden shifts in emotions. However, their hot and cold mood swings make this crab sign one of the most sensitive zodiac signs of them all.
Cancers are deeply connected to their emotions, as well as the feelings of those around them. Unintentional insults or careless statements easily hurt Cancers. If you mindlessly comment on their cooking or parenting or remark about a loved one, you will surely leave a Cancer devastated.
These hypersensitive signs also have a great memory, so you can bet on the fact that they might forgive, but they will never forget. Even helpful or constructive criticism will leave you guiltily looking at teary-eyed Cancer, as they show great compassion towards others and expect the same in turn.

A crying woman. | Source: Getty Images
# 1 Pisces (February 19 - March 20)
The only zodiac sign that can give the Cancer sign a run for its money when it comes to sensitivity is the Pisces star sign. Pisces are the most sensitive star sign and have very thin skin. Even a joke can be what breaks the camel's back.
Not only can their feelings be easily hurt, but people born under the Pisces star sign are also hypersensitive to their environment. They feel the struggles of those around them, which can be draining.
Due to their transparent nature, Pisces expect transparency in return and can read into things with great detail. More often than not, they also project their fears and insecurities onto other people, which only heightens their sensitivity.
Pisces also rank the highest on the list of sign that openly show their feelings. They are very expressive and are the most likely sign to cry. Pisces is also the most gentle, caring, and compassionate zodiac sign. If you can tolerate a few tears ever so often, you will find an emotionally nurturing friend in Pisces.

A crying man. | Source: Getty Images
If you've ever wondered if sensitivity is written in the stars are you accidentally offending someone with what was meant to be a joke or a comment taken a bit too seriously, then you'll be glad to know astrology can have something to do with it.
Some people are more sensitive than others. And sometimes, tendered-hearted individuals are not only hypersensitive when it comes to their own emotions, but extend the same reaction to the feelings of others.