Taurus Red Flags: Seven Helpful Signs for Spotting an Unhealthy Bull
If unhealthy in their disposition and approach to life, Taurus can be jealous, materialistic, and extremely stubborn. Learn to spot the signs by reading about the seven red flags below.
Taurus can make lovely friends, family members, and spouses. They are loving and relaxed individuals who also bring a sense of stability and groundedness to those around them. They are understanding, kind, patient, and simply amazing and wholesome individuals to have around.
Simultaneously, just like every person and star sign, Taurus (April 20-May 20) has weaknesses that, if taken to the extreme and not correctly addressed, can lead to them becoming toxic individuals.
Here are seven red flags, especially if you want to engage in a romantic relationship, to look out for if you feel you may be dealing with an unhealthy Taurus.

A bull. │Source: Unsplash
7. Jealous and Controlling
Taurus individuals struggle with trust and can get very attached to their partner, sometimes to the extent that it can get tough to deal with. Sometimes, a very unhealthy Taurus may try to control their significant other.
Watch out for signs of this to avoid feeling trapped and stifled in a relationship.
6. An Explosive Temper
For all the serenity and wholesomeness this bull seems to exude, it may be a surprise to some that they can have a temper that will come out if they feel slighted or hurt.

An angry man. │Source: Unsplash
This can lead to them being unforgiving and bitter towards their partner.
5. Too Cautious and Slow
Taurus individuals can be great in that they are sustainable and practical in their pursuits. However, sometimes this attribute can lead them to take things too slowly, refuse to open up, and be emotionally unavailable.
It is nice to take one's time to build a connection. However, sometimes this cautious individual can take it so far that the person they care for may genuinely feel as though they are not interested.

An individual who is about to bungee jump. │Source: Unsplash
Sadly, this can ruin what could be a great relationship. Taurus needs to learn to take risks sometimes to build healthy and long-lasting relationships and not end up alone.
While it is wise to get to know a person before jumping in the deep end, one has to, at some point, leave the shallow end of the pool.
3. Focused on the Material and Overindulgent
Tauruses love the finer things in love. Brands, lavish dinners, and sparkling diamonds are what turn this materialistic bull on.

An individual holding money in front of their face. │Source: Unsplash
There is nothing necessarily wrong with enjoying some material aspects of life. Still, it can lead to a shallow existence and dissatisfaction or resentment if they can't live a life of luxury.
If you feel your prospective partner is not displaying enough gratitude for life beyond the material and is constantly dissatisfied it may be time to reconsider your choices.
2. Comfort Bound and Lazy
While it can be nice to have someone to relax with and binge-watch your favorite series on Netflix, there is a point where someone needs to leave the couch and begin following their dreams.

A man lying in a hammock.│Source: Unsplash
Sometimes, Tauruses can get so stuck in their comfort zones that the couch becomes their new home. This can become incredibly frustrating for naturally ambitious individuals.
If you are particularly attached to having someone who will be your partner in crime while taking on life's challenges, this may be a red flag for you.
1. Uncompromising and Stubborn
One of the essential aspects of a healthy and long-lasting relationship is to come to compromises with one's partner; without that, it is almost impossible to move forward without at least one side growing resentment.

An angry woman with their arms crossed. │Source: Pexels
This is the biggest issue that Taurus individuals struggle with, and they have to learn how to deal with it for their own sake and others.
The bull can be extremely stubborn, unable to admit when they were at fault, unwilling to apologize or come to any middle ground with their partner.
This may always be an issue, but if Taurus truly cares, they will do their best to improve on this weakness of theirs.

A woman petting a bull. │Source: Pexels
While these are red flags to watch out for, not every Taurus will display one or all of these, especially to the extreme. These only apply to those who may, for some reason, be more attuned to negative aspects of themselves or have refused to see weaker parts of their personality.
If they are not careful, all star signs can run the risk of being walking red flags. Virgos can become too frigid, Libras may people please, and Cancers may let their emotions get the better of them.
Let's all do what we can to become better people and raise our white flags to live in peace and harmony.