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Hands Of A Romantic Couple. | Source: Pexels

4 Zodiacs Who Can't Handle Clingy Partners: Give Them Space

Sonali Pandey
Jun 21, 2023
12:00 P.M.
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Becoming obsessive or overprotective of your partner in a romantic relationship is not unusual. You may want to be around them all the time, but are you sure your partner would appreciate that? Read on to learn more about zodiac signs who despise clingy partners.


Love is a beautiful feeling, isn't it? But what happens when you want some space in a relationship, but your partner just doesn't get it? Eventually, the spark in the connection is lost, and you tend to become less and less attached to your partner.

While some people actually appreciate their partners or love interests being clingy, some totally despise it. It can be a major turn-off for them and cause two people who are in love to drift apart.

So while wanting to spend time with your partner during the weekends or hanging out with them shows you're in a strong relationship, being around them all the time may annoy some zodiacs. You need to watch out for those signs before it's too late. Here are the 4 zodiacs who can't handle clingy partners.

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For illustration purposes only. | Source: Pexels


Sagittarius: Desirous of Space in a Relationship

Sagittarius (November 22 - December 21) people admire long-term relationships, but they also desire independence. They begin to feel suffocated if their freedom is taken away from them primarily because this zodiac sign values liberty and openness in their relationships, and they are not afraid to speak their minds.

However, they can also be prone to impulsiveness and may need to work on controlling their emotions in order to maintain healthy relationships. Even when they are together with someone, they want to do things and maintain the life they could while they were single.

If you are too clingy with a Sagittarius, you might push them away or scare them. And they are definitely not someone who would appreciate you around them all the time. So if your partner is a Sagittarius, you may want to give them the personal space they desire, or it can negatively impact your relationship.

Going too hard or too fast with a Sagittarius? That might not be a great idea if you want your relationship to last long.

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For illustration purposes only. | Source: Pexels


Gemini: Always up for a Little 'Me' Time

Geminis (May 21 - June 21) are free souls who love adventures and wandering. While they love doing things with their partners, they generally appreciate someone who can handle being apart from them for a while so that they can embark on new adventures, meet new people, and get new experiences.

Geminis are also known for their quick wit and intellectual curiosity, making them great conversationalists, and they are always up for a good debate. However, they can also be indecisive and easily bored, so it's important to keep things interesting and engaging for them.

If given the freedom to pursue their passion while in a relationship, Geminis tend to stick around. They desire both space and attention, but their lovers need to strike a balance between the two. So if their partner is too clingy, Geminis might be scared and unwilling to continue the relationship.

Long story short, if they have their 'me time,' you have them, or they definitely do not fear starting a new journey to find their Mr./Ms. Right. But that being said, they love all the attention they receive from their partners. Just a little space to breathe and be with oneself, and you're all good to go with a Gemini.


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For illustration purposes only. | Source: Pexels

Taurus: Clinginess is a Deal-Breaker

People born with the Taurus (April 20 - May 20) zodiac sign appreciate the time they get to spend with their partner. However, they like taking things slow. They are known for their loyalty and commitment in relationships but may struggle with stubbornness and possessiveness at times.

Taurus often develops a strong attachment to the people they like, but if someone is too clingy to them right at the beginning of the relationship, they might lose them.

It's important for this earth sign to feel like they have space and independence in a relationship. They value trust and loyalty, so once they commit to someone, they are in it for the long haul.


Often taking time to adjust to the new dynamic, this earth sign gets terrified if they are rushed. While they would love to spend all their time with their partners in the future, things must be taken at a slow pace if you are just getting to know them. Slow and steady might make you win the race with a Taurus!

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For illustration purposes only. | Source: Pexels

Aquarius: Desires Space and Gives Space

People born with the Aquarius (January 20 - February 18) sign appreciate trust and space in a relationship. While they want freedom for themselves, they also want their partners to take some time to do their own things.

Aquarians are known for their unconventional and progressive thinking, which can sometimes make them seem detached or aloof. However, they are fiercely loyal to those they care about and value deep, meaningful connections in their relationships.


Aquarians greatly love their independence and need space to follow their own interests and passions. They also appreciate partners who respect their need for alone time and can engage in deep conversations about intellectual topics.

So if their partners are being very clingy, Aquarius regards them as a red flag. Besides that, they also want their partners to be straightforward and brutally honest.

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For illustration purposes only. | Source: Pexels

Clinginess can also be a sign of insecurity and lack of trust in the relationship, which can lead to further issues down the line. It's important for both partners to communicate their needs and boundaries in order to maintain a healthy and happy relationship.

A little space in every relationship allows the bond to become more robust, trustworthy, and worth cherishing. Irrespective of your zodiac sign, you deserve to find some time just for yourself, to do what pleases or calms your soul.



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