4 Zodiac Signs Still in Love With Their Ex: Chasing The Past Flame
Some people can't seem to get over their old partners, which not only makes it impossible for them to move on but also ruins their future love prospects. You may want to watch out for certain zodiacs if you're looking for a strong connection.
Moving on can be very hard for some people, which tends to force them to slip back to their past. They keep obsessing over their past love and hope to reconcile with them someday. What makes matters worse is when they fail to find new love.
It ends up instilling hope in them that their ex was a better match, and they tend to do anything to regain the old stability, making them chase the past flame. If you don't want to be stuck with a partner who is still reminiscing about the past and is hung up on his/her ex, the zodiac signs below might not be the best option for you.
These signs tend to cling to their past lovers, so if you're crushing over someone or taking that big step in your life with your lover, you may want to ensure they're not one of these 4 zodiac signs still in love with their exes and stuck to their past relationship.

Illustration for Aries Zodiac Sign. | Source: Womanly
Aries: Pros at Holding Onto the Past
People born with the Aries (March 20 - April 20) sign can't convince themselves to get over their exes. When going through a breakup, they don't take adequate space and time to grieve. And then, they tend to move on pretty quickly, which plays a crucial role in why they are unable to get over their exes.
Not processing your emotions hinders the ability to accept new changes, and Aries keeps trying to chase the past flame. They don't mind keeping their exes close as friends; in fact, they jump at the chance of getting in touch with their past lover—it can be anything: from grabbing a coffee together to going out for dinner or even a hookup.
If you are in love with this fire sign, you might need to be very careful. Aries people often overlook the fact that clinging to their past can affect their personal growth. Yet, they tend to go back to their past lovers. So if you are looking for a connection with someone who should be solely into you and you, Aries might not be the best choice out there.

Illustration for Pisces Zodiac Sign. | Source: Womanly
Pisces: Secretly Still into their Ex
Pisces (February 18 - March 20) can go to any length to win their ex over. However, they don't make their feelings evident. They secretly mull over their past and often bottle their emotions, which makes it terribly hard for them to move on.
This water sign will constantly stay in touch with their past lover, holding their hopes up for reconciliation. When Pisces goes through a breakup, they can end up feeling devastated. They secretly keep liking their exes and don't mind having them around as friends.
So if you want a partner who's utterly devoted to their current relationship, Pisces might not be the best choice. First of all, moving on for this sign is a Herculean task, and they keep trying anything and everything just to steal a meeting with their ex—either through casual texting or meetups at social events.
So if you are dating a Pisces or in love with one secretly, you might want to be careful because their traits make it very hard to move on once they break up. In some ways, they are obsessed with their ex-lovers.

Illustration for Cancer Zodiac Sign. | Source: Womanly
Cancer: Attracted to the Past Flame
Cancerians (June 21 - July 23) often tend to dwell in the past to heal their wounds. A breakup leaves Cancerians feeling devastated, so they are often caught up in their history. Recalling the good, old memories soothes their broken heart and provides them comfort. It heals the wounds of brokenness they feel post a breakup.
However, they sometimes tend to jump into a new relationship almost too quickly. But even in that scenario, they can't seem to let go of their past lovers' memories.
Like Pisces and Aries, they don't seem to mind having their exes as friends. In fact, even when they are just friends with their ex-lover, they remain hopeful of rekindling the old love. They hope to stir up the residual feelings and get back with their ex-partner.
So if you dated a Cancer in the past and are now looking forward to a new love prospect, you might want to be careful if you're still friends with a Cancer. They might make a move on you to pull you back into the old relationship just to mend their broken heart and heal their wounds.

Illustration for Taurus Zodiac Sign. | Source: Womanly
Taurus: Less Likely to Move On
Someone with the Taurus (April 20 - May 21) zodiac sign will pretend to be all cool about their breakup and maintain their distance from their past lovers. However, they keep looking for ways to get in touch with their exes.
Whether it's stalking their past lover on social media or talking to their ex's friends and acquaintances to figure out if their past lover is looking for a new connection, Taurus keeps chasing the past love.
They might even approach their ex to become friends with them and often wonder if their ex would take them back, making it incredibly hard for this earth sign to move on.
Also, people born with the Taurus zodiac sign hate being alone, which acts as a catalyst for them to return to their exes. Not wanting to dwell in loneliness, they want to get back with their ex and seek comfort in their arms. They also don't mind hitting up their exes directly to avoid feeling lonely.
So if you are someone who finds it weird why your Taurus ex keeps insisting on being friends with you, it's because they struggle to move on and keep feeling lonely. So while you may feel bad for them, it might be better to stay away. It would help them face reality and perhaps help them move on.

For illustration purposes only. | Source: Unsplash
These zodiacs, unfortunately, can't seem to get over their exes which ruins both their current and future relationships.
So if you are looking forward to building a connection with these signs, you might want to be careful—and keep them away from their exes!