A woman looking angrily in the mirror.│Source: Pexels
A woman looking angrily in the mirror.│Source: Pexels

Star Signs That Are Endlessly Envious of Their Significant Other’s Success

Dayna Remus
Jun 27, 2023
06:35 A.M.

One of the worst feelings we can experience is when someone we love expresses jealousy instead of being happy about our achievements. Some Zodiacs are more prone to this. Find out more by reading about them below.


Jealousy is a bitter and poisonous emotion that can destroy relationships if not dealt with carefully and maturely. It is important to remember that while it is not enjoyable for all parties involved, it is natural and should not be seen as a sign that someone is a bad person.

Some star signs may have to struggle with this bitterness more than others. If we know them, especially if they are our partners, we could help them overcome this jealousy before it poisons our relationships. Find out more below by reading about these highly jealous Zodiacs.

An upset couple.│Source: Pexels

An upset couple.│Source: Pexels

Scorpio: Power-Hungry and Possessive

It is no surprise that Scorpio (October 24–November 21) is on this list. Anyone aware of star signs on a fundamental level probably assumed that this Scorpion would be here.


Passion and power are two of Scorpio's greatest desires, and so if they see their partner gaining power, they get jealous about not having it themselves. On top of this, because Scorpio feels any emotion quite intensely, the depth of their jealousy may overtake them, and they could result in manipulative behavior even toward the one they love.

Beyond the power that their partner may be gaining, they may get anxious that the newfound success will take their significant other's attention away from them.

An upset couple.│Source: Pexels

An upset couple.│Source: Pexels

If you'd like to help your Scorpio lover get over their jealousy, it's best to sit down and talk with them. Reassure them that your newfound success does not mean they have zero power and will always be a focus and priority in your life, which is a promise you should keep.


That being said, do not allow the Scorpio to manipulate you or become overly possessive. While you can help, you are not responsible for their complex emotions and feelings.

Leo: Ego and Abandonment Issues

Just as the sun is the center of the solar system, so does Leo (July 23–August 22) love to be the center of attention, and while they are loving partners, Leo will struggle if their significant other's success pulls the limelight off of them. This jealousy stems from an overblown sense of pride. Leo also sometimes suffers from abandonment issues that could spark these feelings of envy.

A fighting couple.│Source: Pexels

A fighting couple.│Source: Pexels

If you're unsure whether your Leo is jealous, watch out for signs of bragging constantly or almost embarrassingly trying to bring attention to themselves.


If you'd like to help your wounded Leo's pride, you can up the compliments and tell him that he played a massive role in helping you get where you are. If you'd like to take it further, affirm it publicly.

Luckily, while their jealousy can be intense, they do not tend to be manipulative and will genuinely feel happy for you. These feelings will be gone sooner than they came.

Virgo: Self-Critique and High Standards

An upset couple.│Source: Pexels

An upset couple.│Source: Pexels

If there is anything that Virgos (August 23–September 22) want, it's to be perfect and achieve what they set out to do. It can be difficult for this star sign to see anyone, no less their partner, doing better than themselves. This is especially so if the achievement is similar to one of their own goals that they have yet to reach.


This jealousy will lead to the Virgo comparing and criticizing themselves. Rather than seeing your success as something separate from themselves, they will view it as evidence of how much of an apparent failure they are. This may even lead to them lashing out at you and saying regrettable words.

While you do not need to stand for being spoken in a derogatory way, there are ways you can help your Virgo feel better. Point out their achievements and what they have accomplished. Show them how their efforts have helped you get where they are. Help them see that your success does not reflect their failure but shows what a great partner and teammate they are.

Jealousy is an entirely natural experience to have, and we can take the time to help our partners process and deal with it. Still, we deserve someone who will be happy about our successes for the majority of the time.


Scorpios can be power-hungry, but their famous strength should overcome; Leos may have their pride, but the love for the people in their life should outshine that, and Virgos may struggle not to compare themselves, but they are smart enough to see through their irrational thinking.

If your jealous partner does not want to let go, it may be time to reconsider whether they are worth your time and investment.



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