5 Zodiac Signs That Are Still Madly in Love with Their Exes
People handle breakups differently. Some might find it easy to move on, depending on how they ended things with their former partners, and some find it difficult to let go of their feelings for their former flames. Here are five zodiac signs who often find themselves still madly in love with their exes long after the breakup.
Love is a complex emotion. Even after a relationship has ended, a person can still have strong feelings toward their former partner.
This is prominent with particular zodiac signs, which cannot help but find it difficult to let go of past romances, mainly due to their character traits. Here are five zodiac signs that are still madly in love with their exes.

Illustration of the zodiac sign Cancer | Source: Womanly
Cancer (June 22 — July 22)
Cancers are known for being emotional and loyal. Once they commit to someone, they give their all. This is what makes it hard for them to let go once things end between them and a love interest.
They will hold onto their feelings for their ex and cherish the memories they made together to soothe and mend their broken hearts. This will make them miss the relationship they once had and long for something similar to remain at ease.
Because of their intense emotional nature, Cancers are prone to remaining stuck with the past. This makes them harbor feelings for their exes, even if the relationship was not good.
They will probably feel devastated and rejected once their partner ends their relationship. In response, they would likely attempt to get over their ex by getting involved with someone else right after the breakup, but they will also dwell on their feelings from the past.
This water sign can also remain friends with an ex amid breakup struggles. While maintaining a friendship with a former partner, they stir up some past feelings.

Illustration of the zodiac sign Libra | Source: Womanly
Libra (September 23 — October 22)
Libras are lovers at heart and are known for being harmonious. They want a balanced life and will try their level best to avoid disputes.
They tend to harp on their previous relationships, especially if things did not end amicably. This air sign is prone to idealizing their past romances while harboring feelings for their former love.
Libra is ruled by Venus, the planet of love, making them natural romantics. Hence, they still romanticize their past relationships because they feel tied to them.
That said, they may continue to hold a candle for their former flame, hoping to someday rekindle their romance.

Illustration of the zodiac sign Pisces | Source: Womanly
Pisces (February 19 — March 20)
Piscean is ruled by Neptune, which is the planet of dreams and illusions. Having said that, they tend to get lost in nostalgia and could still have strong feelings for their ex. They are prone to only recall the good times they had in the relationship while choosing to ignore the main reasons that ended it.
Pisceans are emotional beings and tend to idealize relationships which can make them hold onto their feelings for their former loves. They may also leave room for a possible reconciliation with an ex.
This water sign finds it challenging to move on after a breakup and tends to feel shattered afterward. Most people born under this sign tend to overthink what led to the split and know how to hide their emotions pretty well so that no one finds out how they truly feel about their ex.
Because they would very much still like their exes and cherish their friendship, they often still keep in touch with their former partners. Not only do they keep in contact via phone, but they might also meet up with them at social events.
Pisceans find it extremely difficult to let their past relationships go, and leaving room for a reunion can become easy. This means their minds often dwell in the past, making them unlikely to get over their former love.

Illustration of the zodiac sign Taurus | Source: Womanly
Taurus (April 20 — May 20)
Taureans are known for constancy and the fact that they cannot stand change. Although they take their time when it comes to commitment, once they eventually reach that point, they are in it for the long haul.
Thus, once their relationship ends, they may have trouble moving on and might still be in love with their ex for a long time. Taurians are very loyal people, and being naturally stubborn can lead them to hold on to the past while thinking of what could have been had things not ended.
They hate being lonely and would seek comfort in the arms of a former partner. Once on holiday or have the weekend off, they would invite their ex-lover over to have that sense of belonging again.
That kind of interaction could cause a Taurean to wonder whether their former partner would be willing to take them back, and as a result, will chase them. They might go as far as asking their ex if they are dating someone new and might try to get close to them by joining their close circles.
This earth sign is likely to stalk their ex's new lover online and try to remain updated about their lives. Taureans are very likely to have a slow process of moving because of their tendency to want to stay in touch with their exes.

Illustration of the zodiac sign Capricorn | Source: Womanly
Capricorn (December 22 — January 19)
Capricorns, also referred to as sea goats are known for their traditional nature and value traditions. Therefore, they are regarded as "old souls" of the zodiac.
Once their relationship ends, they might struggle to let go of the history once shared with their significant other, including the bond that they had. This makes them remain in love with their former partner.
This cardinal earth sign will do whatever it takes to work on their relationship when they are fully committed, especially after putting all the hard work into it.
There are ways to tell whether Cappies are still hung up on their exes, and it is by remaining loyal to them and showing them that they can still depend on them. They will show up for their former flames and will keep their word.

A photo of a man staring at a woman | Source: Womanly
will These zodiac signs are a testament to how tight one can hold on to lost love. While this is part of the process of letting go, holding on too much may hinder one from finding new love. Instead of looking back at what could have been, it is always healthier to look forward to what the future has in store,