A photo of a couple sitting down | Source: Unsplash
A photo of a couple sitting down | Source: Unsplash

A Look at How Each Zodiac Sign Falls in Love with Their Significant Other

Gaone Pule
Jun 28, 2023
08:30 A.M.

People fall in love in many different ways. Although it can be difficult to tell whether someone is suitable for you on the first go, the more time you spend with that person, the clearer things become. Here are how each zodiac sign falls in love according to astrology.


Relationships are generally difficult to maintain, especially when many things come into play. So, when you first meet a potential love interest, things may not be precisely black and white in terms of whether you are compatible with them for the long haul.

Often, it is easy to tell whether a person is right for you in the early stages of courtship. But, there is a saying that you cannot exactly choose who you fall in love with. However, there are ways to tell when someone is not a perfect fit. Sometimes, our zodiac inclinations help. Let's explore how each zodiac falls in love.

A photo of a man and woman kissing in the forest | Source: Unsplash

A photo of a man and woman kissing in the forest | Source: Unsplash

Aries (March 21 – April 20)

Those born under the sign of Aries are said to quickly fall in love when the opportunity arises, and they fall hard. This fire sign is known for its passionate nature, and you can count on them as the initiator.


Love is an exciting adventure for people born under this sign ruled by Mars. Ariens are most likely to fall for people who are bold enough to speak their thoughts and stand up for themselves.

While madly in love with their partners, they might realize that it takes a while to develop a genuine bond between two people, and it might take them a few relationships to get it right.

A photo of a man kissing a woman on the forehead | Source: Unsplash

A photo of a man kissing a woman on the forehead | Source: Unsplash

Taurus (April 21 – May 21)

One zodiac sign that knows how to take its time when it comes to matters of the heart is Taurus. They avoid rushing into love and prefer to build a solid foundation first.

Once they eventually fall for somebody, their love becomes deep, and it endures. Ruled by Venus, the planet of romance and attraction, this earth sign is known for being laid-back and relaxed when it concerns love.


They know all too well that good things take more time and that everlasting relationships need more than passion to last. Taureans are most likely to fall for lovers who bring stability and structure into their lives, including those who would not pressure them into doing things.

These people prefer to have their relationships develop naturally and, as such, want partners who are just as relaxed. When in love, they usually show it by spoiling their lovers.

A woman pictured with a black paper bag sitting in front of a man | Source: Unsplash

A woman pictured with a black paper bag sitting in front of a man | Source: Unsplash

Gemini (May 21 – June 20)

Geminis are different in that they fall in love with their minds first. They value intellectual connection more than anything and enjoy stimulating conversations, including common interests.


This air sign loves meeting new people, but they do not have the intention of settling early. Although they want to be involved with someone, they need their space to be free.

Ruled by Mercury, the planet of communication, Geminis will fall in love with anyone that can make them laugh and fascinate them with their character.

A photo of a couple laughing | Source: Unsplash

A photo of a couple laughing | Source: Unsplash

Cancer (June 21 – July 22)

Cancers tend to be wary when it comes to love. However, once they feel safe to let go and let be, they fall wholeheartedly.

This water sign wants to be emotionally secure and seek partners who provide that. Because of their nurturing tendencies, Cancers feel at home when it comes to matters of the heart.


As a sign ruled by the moon, which influences their intuition and emotions, these people are likely to fall for those who are in tune with their feelings and can freely express them.

A photo of two people holding hands | Source: Unsplash

A photo of two people holding hands | Source: Unsplash

Leo (July 23 – August 23)

Leos are known for being passionate and expressive when it comes to love. They do not shy away from how they feel and fall for people who can match their energy.

This fire sign is ruled by the sun; she influences their ego, energy, and sense of self. They fall for people who can recognize their uniqueness and embrace them for who they are.

Leos are believed to make the best partners. They are generous and kind and spoil their lovers rotten. But they also want partners who can initiate adventures together.


A photo of a man and a woman sitting on rock formation | Source: Unsplash

A photo of a man and a woman sitting on rock formation | Source: Unsplash

Virgo (August 22 – September 23)

Virgos are known for being practical analytical thinkers. They fall in love at a slow pace only after considering it. They live by the saying that actions speak louder than words.

This earth sign is ruled by Mercury, and they have an eye for details. That said, they can fall in love with a significant other that remembers minor details about them without being reminded.

Another thing about people born under this sign is that although they may not appreciate you getting them flowers, they would fall madly in love with you if you offered an act of service instead.

A photo of a man and a woman facing each other while holding flowers | Source: Unsplash

A photo of a man and a woman facing each other while holding flowers | Source: Unsplash


Libra (September 23 – October 23)

Libras are considered hopeless romantics and love being in love. They fall for harmonious and balanced relationships and love partners that are all about equality and fairness.

Ruled by the sensual planet Venus, relationships come naturally to this air sign. A Libra will be someone who treats them like an equal in a relationship and allows them to shine as well.

They easily sniff out if they are treated unfairly or unequally. Moreover, they are attracted to their partner's intellect as looks come second to them.

A photo of a man and woman embracing each other | Source: Unsplash

A photo of a man and woman embracing each other | Source: Unsplash

Scorpio (October 23 – November 21)


Scorpios are described as intense and passionate. They give it their all once they fall in love and usually seek a strong emotional connection. Trust is of the utmost importance to them.

The type of person who can make this water sign fall madly in love is someone who loves them with all their flaws. Someone unafraid to engage in deep and uncomfortable conversations with them.

Scorpios realize they are in love once they start to share their true thoughts and their significant others accept them. In that way, they know when things get difficult, they will be able to stay with them.

A photo of a couple holding coffee mugs while holding hands | Source: Unsplash

A photo of a couple holding coffee mugs while holding hands | Source: Unsplash

Sagittarius (November 22 – December 21)


Sagittarians fall in love freely and with adventure. They want someone who understands that they need their independence and can keep up with them.

It would take someone unique to capture the attention of this fire sign. They need someone who can fuel their adrenaline rush, someone willing to try out their hobbies and have some interesting ones of their own.

When a partner takes them on a getaway, high-speed racing, or even swimming, their adrenaline rush makes them realize that they have fallen in love.

A photo of two people on skateboards | Source: Unsplash

A photo of two people on skateboards | Source: Unsplash

Capricorn (December 22 – January 19)

Capricorns are known for being cautious yet faithful in love. They want stability and commitment and usually fall for people who share their values.


This earth sign is ruled by Saturn, the planet of structure and discipline, meaning they prefer doing things by the book, and the same goes for relationships.

They want people who share the same personal ambitions that will go hand in hand with the life they are trying to build. They prefer dating people with straightforward plans and, therefore, would fall for someone who also wants to have a long-term life together.

Aquarius (January 20 – February 18)

Aquarians fall in love with a person's mindset, and intellectual stimulation is necessary. They love unorthodox and independent partners—people who would also respect the fact that they need space sometimes.


This air sign typically falls in love after establishing a friendship before pursuing a romantic relationship. Once they start opening up to their love interests, that is when they begin to realize that they are in love.

Once Aquarians, who have unique interests, notice that their partners have taken time to learn about their interests, it becomes clear to them that they are in love.

A photo of a man and woman laying on grass | Source: Unsplash

A photo of a man and woman laying on grass | Source: Unsplash

Pisces (February 19 – March 20)

Pisceans are considered dreamers and fall in love with the notion of soulful connections. They want significant others who understand their emotions and can handle their moodiness.

Pisces tops the list of being one of the most romantic zodiac signs. They are ruled by Neptune, the planet of dreams, and love getting to know people for who they genuinely are.


One thing that will make people born under this sign realize they are falling in love is when they find someone who can easily be vulnerable and encourage them to chase their dreams, too.

A photo of a couple holding hands in silhouette photography | Source: Unsplash

A photo of a couple holding hands in silhouette photography | Source: Unsplash

Astrology has given us insight into how different zodiac signs experience love and how they react once they realize they are in love.

However, it is also important to note that we are all individuals and that different factors come into play regarding matters of the heart, no matter the star sign.



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