42 'Spider-Man: Homecoming' Quotes That Introduced Fans to the New Spider-Man
The box office numbers on "Spider-Man: Homecoming" proved that Spidey fatigue had not settled in despite being the sixth solo outing of the character on the screen in 15 years. In these 42 quotes from Tom Holland's version, one can see why the character remains a hit.
Holland was introduced into the Marvel Cinematic Universe in "Captain America: Civil War" in 2016, a year before the release of "Spider-Man: Homecoming."
The film starts with a brilliant recap of "Civil War," as shown from the excitable teenager's perspective as he records some of the events on his smartphone.
With the audience already familiar with Holland's Parker backstory, "Homecoming" could focus on showcasing his rocky journey from nerdy high schooler to superhero and Avenger, with his friends Ned Leeds and Michelle Jones-Watson, portrayed by Jacob Batalo and Zendaya.

Tony Stark’s quote: "If you're nothing without that suit, then you shouldn't have it." | Image AmoDays
Quotes from the Authority Figures in 15-Year-Old Peter Parker's Life
"Listen, I know school sucks. I know you want to save the world. But... you're not ready yet." ― Tony Stark
"Don't do anything I would do, and definitely don't do anything I wouldn't do. There's a little grey area there, and that's where you operate. " ― Tony Stark
What if somebody had died? That's on you. What if you had died? That's on me. I don't need that guilt on my conscience. I'm gonna need the suit back." ― Tony Stark
"If you're nothing without that suit, then you shouldn't have it." ― Tony Stark
"You need to stop carrying the weight of the world on your shoulders." ― May Parker

Karen’ quote: "You have 576 possible web shooter combinations." | Image AmoDays
"The only way to really be cool is to follow the rules." ― Captain America
"Do me a favor, can't you just be a friendly neighborhood Spider-Man? Just stay close to the ground. ― Tony Stark
Peter Parker: I can keep that suit?
Tony Stark: Yeah, it doesn't fit me. ― Peter Parker and Tony Stark
"You have 576 possible web shooter combinations." ― Karen
I know you left detention today. I know you left the decathlon. I know you sneak out of this house every night, and that is not okay. Peter, what is going on with you? You can tell me! Just you and me. I promise. ― May Parker to Pete Parker

Mr. Harrington’s quote: "I couldn't bear to lose a student on a school trip. Not again." | Image AmoDays
"Thank you, Captain. I'm pretty sure this guy's a war criminal now, but whatever." ― Coach Wilson
Peter: Footage?
Karen: Yes, Peter, I record everything you see.
Peter: Everything?
Karen: Everything. It's called a Baby Monitor Protocol. ― Peter Parker and Karen
Sorry, I took your suit. I mean, you had it coming. Actually, it turns out it was the perfect sort of tough love moment that you needed, right? To urge you on, right? Wouldn't you think? Don't you think? ― Tony Stark
Peter Parker: When's our next retreat?
Tony Stark: What, next mission? We'll call you, all right? That's not a hug. I'm just grabbing the door for you. We're not there yet. All right, kid, good luck out there. ― Peter Parker and Tony Stark
"I couldn't bear to lose a student on a school trip. Not again." ― Mr. Harrington

Adrian Toomes’ quote: The rich and the powerful, like Stark, they don't care about us. The world's changing, boys. Time we change too. | Image AmoDays
Quotes from Spider-Man and the Villains in 'Spider-Man: Homecoming'
"I'm not trying to shoot them back in time." ― Aaron Davies
"Good old Spider-Man." ― Adrian Toomes
"You need to understand, I will do anything to protect my family. I know you know what I'm talking about. So don't mess with me. Don't interfere in my business again. Because I will kill you and anyone you care about." ― Adrian Toomes
"Mr. Stark, here's my report for tonight. I stopped a grand theft bicycle. Oh, I helped this old lady, and she bought me a churro. So, that was nice. I just feel like I could be doing more." ― Spider-Man
"The rich and the powerful, like Stark, they don't care about us. The world's changing, boys. Time we change too." ― Adrian Toomes

Peter Parker ‘s quote: Dude, a gang with alien guns run by a guy with wings? Yeah, they have a lair. | Image AmoDays
Adrian Toomes: "How do you think your buddy Stark paid for that tower or any of his little toys? Those people, Pete, those people up there, the rich and the powerful, they do whatever they want. Guys like us, like you and me. They don't care about us. We build their roads, and we fight all their wars and everything. They don't care about us. We have to pick up after them. We have to eat their table scraps. That's how it is. I know you know what I'm talking about, Peter."
Peter Parker: "Why are you telling me this?"
Adrian Toomes: Because I want you to understand. And I needed a little time to get her airborne. ― "Spider-Man: Homecoming"
Dude, a gang with alien guns run by a guy with wings? Yeah, they have a lair. ― Peter Parker
Karen: Would you like me to engage Enhanced Combat Mode?
Spider-Man: Enhanced Combat Mode? Yeah!
Karen: Activating Instant-Kill!
Spider-Man: No, no, no, I don't wanna kill anybody! ― "Spider-Man: Homecoming"
"Hey, guys! The illegal weapons deal ferry was at 10:30, you missed it!" ― Spider-Man
Adrian Toomes: "Peter, you're young. You don't understand how the world works."
Spider-Man: "Yeah, but I understand that selling weapons to criminals is wrong!" ― "Spider-Man: Homecoming"

Peter Parker ‘s quote: So, to become an Avenger, are there like trials or an interview? | Image AmoDays
"Don't mess with me. Because I will kill you and everybody you love." ― Adrian Toomes
"So, to become an Avenger, are there like trials or an interview?" ― Peter Parker
Ned: "Whoa, what is that?
Peter: "I dunno, but some guy tried to vaporize me with it."
Ned: "Seriously? Awesome! I mean, not awesome... totally uncool, that guy." ― "Spider-Man: Homecoming"
"Don't make me go down there, punk!" ― Gary
"Someone's got to look out for the little guy, right." ― Spider-Man

Ned Leeds’ quote: You're the Spider-Man from YouTube. | Image AmoDays
Mac Gargan: "Rumor has it that you know who he is."
Adrian Toomes: "If I knew who he was, he'd already be dead." ― "Spider-Man: Homecoming"
Zingers from Zendeya's MJ — and Other Quotes from Peter Parker's Interactions with His Peers
You're the Spider-Man from YouTube. ― Ned Leeds
Can you summon an army of spiders? ― Ned Leeds
Ned: Do you know [Captain America] too?
Peter Parker/Spider-Man: I stole his shield. ― "Spider-Man: Homecoming"
Can I try the suit on? ... Badass ― Ned Leeds
Michelle: "Excuse me, can we go already? Because I was hoping to get in some light protesting in front of an embassy before dinner."
Mr. "Harrington: Protesting is patriotic." ― "Spider-Man: Homecoming"
![Michelle Jones-Watson’s quote: Where are you going? What are you hiding, Peter? [Laughing] I'm just kidding. I don't care. Bye. | Image AmoDays](https://cdn.amodays.com/d8f628c8cf3aeb074227f53c6928a61283160deff2ee54b6776c6be3d47f7e03.jpg)
Michelle Jones-Watson’s quote: Where are you going? What are you hiding, Peter? [Laughing] I'm just kidding. I don't care. Bye. | Image AmoDays
Peter Parker: We should probably stop staring before it gets weird.
Michelle: "Too late, you guys are losers."
Ned Leeds: "Then why do you sit with us?"
Michelle: "Because I don't have any friends." ― "Spider-Man: Homecoming"
Peter Parker: "I'm sick of Mr. Stark treating me like a kid."
Ned Leeds: "But you are a kid."
Peter Parker: "Yeah. A kid who can stop a bus with his bare hands." ― "Spider-Man: Homecoming"
Where are you going? What are you hiding, Peter? [Laughing] I'm just kidding. I don't care. Bye. ― Michelle Jones-Watson
I'm not obsessed with him, I'm just very observant. ― Michelle Jones-Watson
You were on the ceiling! ― Ned Leeds to Peter Parker
"Do you lay eggs?" ― Ned Leeds to Peter Parker

Ned Leeds’ quote: You were on the ceiling! | Image: AmoDays
In the newly minted superhero's reality, even something as innocent as his crush on Liz, played by Laura Harrier, is complicated when her father becomes a looming winger supervillain.
Two sequels later, Tom Holland had the unique opportunity to act opposite the two Spider-Man actors who came before him, Andrew Garfield and Tobey Maguire. Read 29 famous quotes from the original "Spider-Man” franchise for a refresher on Maguire's take on the part.