A laughing couple. | Source: Pexels
A laughing couple. | Source: Pexels

Virgo-Sagittarius Compatibility: A Match Made in the Starry Heavens

Dayna Remus
Jun 28, 2023
11:00 P.M.
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Sagittarius and Virgo are polar opposites to the point where one wonders, how can they be a match made in heaven if they can't even get along on solid ground? Let's find out.


A methodical, meticulous, and thoughtfully organized individual, Virgo ("August" 23-September 22) is unlikely to find their ideal partner in the spontaneous and relaxed Sagittarius (November 22-December 21).

But, as cliché as it may be, opposites attract, so when this unlikely pairing finds themselves falling in love with one another, how do they make it work?

Unfortunately, life isn't like the movies, and often, those with significant differences can not stay together. But there may be an exception for this Zodiac pair. Not only could they make it work, they could do much better than that.

While these two may differ wildly on the surface, they have three underlying values and skills that can create a bedrock where any partnership can flourish, no matter the challenges.

A laughing couple. | Source: Pexels

A laughing couple. | Source: Pexels


Complementary Communication

One thing these two do have in common is a talent for communication. They will enjoy stimulating and challenging conversations, each bringing their strengths to the table. While Sagittarius has a more imaginative way of thinking, Virgo focuses on detailed analysis.

These exchanges will challenge and mentally invigorate the two and prove they can make a great team in problem-solving. While Sagitarrius can focus on the possibilities of how to overcome an issue by coming up with ideas and visions, Virgos will be able to fill in the blanks and make it more practical.

Balance & Flexibility

While this duo can bump heads regarding their approach to life and everyday living, they may also be able to help each other with their weaknesses. Virgo can help Sagittarius become more practical to reach their lofty ideals, while the centaur can also relieve Virgo from their sometimes overly organized everyday life.

A couple. | Source: Pexels

A couple. | Source: Pexels


Luckily, the key to doing this is flexibility, which both signs have in spades!

All You Need Is Love

Love can't fix everything, but a relationship, especially a difficult one, would never last without it. More specifically, couples need to feel and show their love for one another.

These two star signs are very loving. While Sagittarius may struggle to settle down, once they decide to commit, they are great at showing their love for their partner. Virgos are also extremely loving and tend to want to look after their partner first before they look after themselves. For them, their lover's happiness is their happiness.

A couple. | Source: Pexels

A couple. | Source: Pexels


These two-star signs, although incompatible on so many levels, have the core strengths to make any relationship work: Love put into action, the willingness and ability to compromise, and complementary communication skills.

In essence, not only can this unlikely duo make it work, but they can be a force to be reckoned with or what many refer to as a power couple.

These three values: love, communication, and compromise, however, do not only apply to those who struggle in what may be a tricky relationship. Instead, even the happiest couples, from Aquarius to Gemini and Scorpio to Cancer, will find value in them.

No matter the sun sign, we must all work on ourselves and our relationships to live a fulfilling life.



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