52 'Fast and Furious 9' Quotes on Family, Immortality, and Fast Cars
"Fast & Furious 9," also known as "F9: The Fast Saga" or simply "F9," was released 20 years after the first film in the franchise, "The Fast and the Furious." Find 46 furiously funny quotes from the 9th film below.
Vin Diesel, as Dom Toretto, once again works with his chosen family to stop a dangerous piece of tech from falling into the hands of those who will abuse it. The word family is mentioned seven times in "F9," and the theme runs heavily in the film.
Flashbacks show a young Dom, still strong and proud but marginally less buff, on the day his father, Jack Toretto, died in a fiery blaze during a race.
Having brought multiple characters to life throughout the franchise, "F9" leans into its telenovela notions by casting John Cena as Jakob Toretto, Dom's estranged brother and adversary.

Jack Toretto’s quote: "It's not about being the stronger man. It's about being the bigger one." | Image: AmoDays
Quotes on Family in 'Fast and Furious 9'
"What is it with all you Toretto's? Always playing the hero…" ― Kenny Linder
"Maybe this is the end, But we're going to go out together." ― Roman Pearce
"It's not about being the stronger man. It's about being the bigger one." ― Jack Toretto
"There is nothing more powerful than the love of family, But you turn that into anger; there's nothing more dangerous." ― Magdalene "Queenie" Shaw
Dominic Toretto: Whoever Jakob has become, and whatever he's up to, it's on me. And me alone.
Roman Pearce: No. Whatever's on you, it's on us. ― F9: The Fast Saga

Letty Ortiz’s quote: "You know I'd ride to the death with you." | Image: AmoDays
"You always say never turn your back on family, but you turned your back on me." ― Jakob Toretto
"You know I'd ride to the death with you." ― Letty Ortiz
"And here I thought my dad was a pain in the [expletive]. But your family is a train wreck." ― Otto to Jakob Toretto
"Dad wasn't perfect." ― Dominic Toretto
Jack Toretto: "Dom. Tell me what you see, son. See, cars like this are immortal. '70 Chargers are designed so well that if you take care of them, they'll run for a hundred years."
Younger Dominic Toretto: "Immortal?"
Jack Toretto: "Just like a family, Dom. Build it right; you take care of it, it'll live beyond you." ― "F9: The Fast Saga"

Dominic Toretto’s quote: "The world has a way of changing, But there's some things that always stay the same." | Image: AmoDays
"It's all going to be okay, Jakob. We got some rough times ahead, but it's going to be okay. Because we're family." ― Young Dominic Toretto
"Your chin, it's distinctive. I know the Torettos have quite the mixed bloodlines, but I never detected a Nordic strain." ― Cipher to Jakob Toretto
"We became a family." ― Elle on Han Lue
'Fast and Furious 9' Dominic Toretto Quotes
Letty Ortiz: "The hot water heater is broken."
Dominic Toretto: "That's the price we pay for peace and quiet." ― "F9: The Fast Saga"
"The world has a way of changing, But there's some things that always stay the same." ― Dominic Toretto

Dominic Toretto’s quote: "I'll always be in your heart." | Image: AmoDays
"No matter how fast you are, no one outruns their past, And mine just caught up to me." ― Dominic Toretto
"I used to live my life a quarter mile at a time, but things change, and now I'm a father." ― Dominic Toretto
"I'll always be in your heart." ― Dominic Toretto to Brian Toretto
"Remember what your daddy told you. Be precise in life. It can make all the difference." ― Dominic Toretto to his son Brian.
Dominic Toretto: "We're not on call anymore."
Roman Pearce: "Wait, wait. Dom, this is Cipher. The woman who killed the mother of your child."
Dominic Toretto: "Things change." ― "F9: The Fast Saga"
Letty Ortiz: "This isn't who we are."
Dominic Toretto: "Brian and Mia got out of the game when they became parents."
Letty Ortiz: "We're not them." ― "F9: The Fast Saga"

Dominic Toretto’s quote: "Car don't make the driver." | Image: AmoDays
Dominic Toretto: "You miss the old life?"
Letty Ortiz: "Do you?"
Dominic Toretto: "Every day." ― "F9: The Fast Saga"
"Car don't make the driver." ― Young Dominic Toretto
Buddy: "Dom. I hope you find your peace."
Dominic Toretto: "The chance for peace died that day on the track." ― "F9: The Fast Saga"
"Everything I needed to know about life, I learned on this track." ― Dominic Toretto
Dominic Toretto: "The word on the street is you got locked up.
Magdalene "Queenie" Shaw: "Yeah, well, in and out, you know."
Dominic Toretto: "When are they going to learn? Some birds can't be caged." ― "F9: The Fast Saga"
Magdalene "Queenie" Shaw: This geezer was about your height, actually. Similar features. Oh, bloody hell, he's not your cousin or something, is he?
Dominic Toretto: "He's my brother." ― "F9: The Fast Saga"

Queenie ‘s quote: "Dom, don't get yourself killed, okay? You're my favorite American." | Image: AmoDays
Jakob Toretto: So here's my offer. It's the same one you gave me. You leave. Now. You drive away, and you never come back. Ever.
Dominic Toretto: "A deal? I showed you mercy! And I won't show it to you again." ― "F9: The Fast Saga"
"I will stop you. And that's my promise." ― Dominic Toretto to Jakob Toretto
'Fast and Furious 9' Quotes from Dominic Toretto's Fast Family, Friends, and Foes
Young Dominic Toretto: "What are you guys in for?"
Young Leo: "Driving while brown."
"Get the hand brake for me, would you, darling?" ― "F9: The Fast Saga"
"Glad I'm not the only one with a family full of eccentrics. He offered payment for something else. You." ― Magdalene "Queenie" Shaw to Dominic Toretto
"Dom, don't get yourself killed, okay? You're my favorite American." ― Magdalene "Queenie" Shaw

John Doe’s quote "Life's simple, You make choices, and you don't look back." | Image: AmoDays
"We're all stuck driving in the same [expletive] circle. And we're never getting out." ― Letty Ortiz
"Life's simple, You make choices, and you don't look back." ― John Doe
Letty Ortiz: "I'll take point."
Dominic Toretto: "Careful."
Letty Ortiz: "Careful's when you get hurt." ― "F9: The Fast Saga"
Roman Pearce: "My speedometer only goes up to seventy. What do I do?!"
Tej Parker: "You put your foot to that floor, and you pray!" ― "F9: The Fast Saga"
"I simply cannot believe that magnet trick actually worked. It looked so damn cool." ― Otto

Cipher ‘s quote: "You snatched me off Mr. Nobody's plane midair without a scratch, and you took him down. Money well spent." | Image: AmoDays
"You know, I look at her, and I feel creeped out. And sort of turned on at the same time. Is that weird?" ― Otto on Cipher
"East LA is a tough enough place to grow up. But it was your brother's shadow that turned you into this. Isn't it? So your whole life, you pushed yourself to be faster than Dom. Smarter than Dom. Stronger than Dom. Tell me, do you hate him enough that it keeps you up at night? Still? All these years later?" ― Cipher to Jakob Toretto
"You snatched me off Mr. Nobody's plane midair without a scratch, and you took him down. Money well spent." ― Cipher
Cipher: "I should've just hired you instead of coercing your brother a couple of years back."
Jakob Toretto: "I don't work for the competition."
Cipher: "That's cute. You thinking you're the competition."
Jakob Toretto: "Says the woman in the box." ― "F9: The Fast Saga"
Cipher: "Say you get what you're after. A weapon so dangerous it shouldn't exist for another half-century. What would you do with it? Launch some global attack? Sell it to the highest bidder? Or maybe you see yourself as a necessary shock to the system. I bet all you ever wanted was a hug."
Jakob Toretto: "You read my psych eval. Good for you."
Cipher: "I read your second-grade report card. That's what I do." ― "F9: The Fast Saga"

Roman Pearce’s quote: "Y'all ever thought about how many wild missions we been on? How we somehow always survive?" | Image: AmoDays
Cipher: "Qasar Khan."
Jakob Toretto: "What?"
Cipher: "Genghis Khan's little brother. Nobody's heard of him either." ― "F9: The Fast Saga"
"If a Ninja Turtle pop out on me, tell you right now, I'm out." ― Roman Pearce
"Y'all ever thought about how many wild missions we been on? How we somehow always survive?" ― Roman Pearce
Roman Pearce: "Think about this. We've now been on insane missions around the world, doing what most would say is damn near impossible. And I ain't got one single scar to show for it? I mean, look at my jacket. Those are bullet holes from fourteen dudes trying to take my head clean off its shoulders. We've taken out cars, trains, tanks. I'm not going to even mention the submarine."
Tej Parker: "And yet we're still here."
Roman Pearce: "Exactly." ― "F9: The Fast Saga"
Sean: Hey, fellas. Y'all seen ten-second cars? Well, say hello to the two-second car.
Tej Parker: "Is that a Pontiac Fiero strapped to a rocket engine?"
Earl: "Impressive, I know."
Tej Parker: "No. No, that's not impressive." ― "F9: The Fast Saga"

Roman Pearce’s quote: "Tej, numbers is what you do, right? Driving is what I do." | Image: AmoDays
"Ramsey, we're looking everywhere. I just grew a new bunion. This is hopeless." ― Roman Pearce
"Okay, this is a bad time to tell you this, but I don't drive. Okay? I never got my license. I don't know how to drive. And, you know, no one really drives in London. Okay? And that is not my contribution to this group." ― Ramsey
"You keep digging around in the past, Dom; you're not going to like what you find." ― Jakob Toretto
"Okay, listen up! I want fifty of the best men! I want guns! I want wheels, freaking X-wing fighters. I don't care! The Millennium Falcon. Chewbacca, if you can get ahold of him. Money's no object. Go." ― Otto
"Tej, numbers is what you do, right? Driving is what I do." ― Roman Pearce
"You know what, Tej? You're probably right. We're not invincible. We probably just been lucky this whole time. This might be it. But you know what? If we're going to go out, let's go out on top of the world." ― Roman Pearce

Jakob Toretto’s quote: "You keep digging around in the past, Dom; you're not going to like what you find." | Image: AmoDays
The concept of chosen family is not merely a plot device in the "Fast & Furious" franchise. After the untimely death of one of its original stars Paul Walker, Vin Diesel remained in the life of his former co-star's daughter, Meadow Walker.
Diesel walked her down the aisle when she married in 2021, and she made a cameo in "Fast X." Read 32 Brian O'Conner quotes: Paul Walker's legacy in "Fast and the Furious."