Pisces Woman and Scorpio Man: Are They Destined To Sink or Swim?
To swim or to drown...that is the question, and the only ones who can answer this are the Pisces woman and Scorpio man. Learn their good and bad points. This way, you can discover which paths they can take and how they can choose the right one together.
Pisces and Scorpio have similar values and the ability to connect deeply. Their coupledom can be filled with intensity, passion, and the ability to build a bright future.
On the other hand, these two may get lost in the depths and blind to each other. They may fight over how to implement plans for the future, creating emotional pain and retreating into themselves.
The difference between these two paths is how they act within the relationship. To learn more, read about the good, the bad, and the solutions.

A couple kissing underwater. | Source: Pexels
Reasons The Pairing May Sink
The Pragmatist v.s the Idealist: Although both imaginative, Scorpio (October 23 – November 21) and Pisces (February 19 – March 20) implement their visions in opposing ways. While Scorpio is a practical individual, Pisces tends to be more idealistic. This can cause them to conflict as Scorpio gets annoyed by what he perceives as illusionary thinking on her part.
Scorpio may think his lover does not honestly care about her ideas if they can't be realistically implemented. Pisces, on the other hand, may get frustrated at what she perceives as her partner's limiting thoughts.
When creating plans for a shared future, they may only be able to move forward if they find a way to work through this obstacle.

A couple kissing underwater. | Source: Pexels
A painful sting combined with hypersensitivity: If there is anything Scorpio is known for, it's their ability to cut deep with their words when hurt. On the other hand, Pisces is an extremely sensitive Zodiac, so when her partner stings, it will hurt her deeply. This pain will be inflamed by the fact that the two have a profound connection, so Scorpio will be able to find her points of pain.
This can cause Pisces to escape within herself. This escapism may cut off their depth of connection, which is the glue that holds these two together.
What Will Keep Them Swimming
Aligning values: It is always a great sign when couples' values align. This duo value honesty, depth, loyalty, trust and passion, and romance. This means these two signs will have excellent communication.

A couple kissing underwater. | Source: Pexels
More than that, they are likely to easily be able to please and be pleased by their partner as they will intuitively know what the other one needs. This creates a slight sense of ease in an intense relationship. It will balance out the scales and give these water signs time to float above the water and gaze at the sun.
A Crazy Connection: Pisces and Scorpio are both extraordinarily intuitive and emotional, preferring passion and romance. Not only will this create a deep emotional and intellectual bond, but this connection will also translate to the bedroom.
This will also, once again, help them communicate even better as they understand and connect with each other's internal worlds. Since they both value trust, it is more easily established, making their bond even more substantial. This is especially true for Scorpio, who struggles to trust. Pisces' empathy and intuition will most likely help her Scorpio man put down his guard even more. He will experience closeness he never thought possible.

A couple kissing underwater. | Source: Pexels
These two will get lost in each other, speaking for hours on end and expressing this intensity physically as well. However, they must remember to take a break from their bubble and get some well-deserved fresh air before diving back in.
Power & Compromise: While these two are opposing in how they approach their visions for the future, these differences can make for a formidable pairing. Combine Pisces' idealism with Scorpio's pragmatism, and these two can blaze trails together. To do this, they need to be willing to compromise.

A couple kissing underwater. | Source: Pexels
Compromise will become easier when Scorpio realizes that although his Pisces lover is idealistic, her thoughts are not a flight of fancies. Instead, they are intellectually advanced and well thought out. In turn, he will respect her intellect and see the value in her pushing boundaries that he may not see beyond. Simultaneously, Pisces will relax more when she sees her dreams slowly bloom in a way she could never imagine.
Yes, sometimes they will still butt heads. Although, there is nothing good about partners that never challenge one another to a healthy degree.

A couple kissing underwater. | Source: Pexels
Both Scorpio and Pisces are passionate and committed, so it will be easy for them to take the leap and make the choices that benefit both of them. Otherwise, overnight or in a slow death, their relationship will end in pain aligned with the depth of their connection.
A relationship between these two is sacred and powerful and, if nurtured correctly, can be all they imagined and perhaps even more.