Vincent Vega holding a gun in a car, with his quote: "If you'll excuse me, I gotta go home and have a heart attack." │Source: facebook.com/PulpFiction
Vincent Vega holding a gun in a car, with his quote: "If you'll excuse me, I gotta go home and have a heart attack." │Source: facebook.com/PulpFiction

25 Vincent Vega Quotes from One of Tarantino’s Most Memorable Characters

Dayna Remus
Jul 24, 2023
01:00 P.M.
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Vincent Vega, played by John Travolta, is one of the characters of the cult classic "Pulp Fiction," with the actor working alongside Urma Thurman and Samuel L. Jackson. Of course, this character wouldn't have come to life so beautifully without Tarantino's writing. Read 25 Vincent Vega quotes below.


"Pulp Fiction" is one of Quentin Tarantino's most celebrated films; up there with. "Kill Bill" and "Django.' Vincent Vega, played by John Travolta, is one of its key characters, who is one of two hitmen in the movie.

While he took on this position confidently, Vega could have been a more competent hitman; sometimes, he worsened situations. Competent or not, Vega faced a tragic ending among the violence and gore so well-recognized in Tarantino films.

Read these 25 cult classic Vincent Vega quotes to learn more about this exciting character.

Vincent Vega, with his quote: "Play with matches, you get burned." │Source: facebook.com/PulpFiction

Vincent Vega, with his quote: "Play with matches, you get burned." │Source: facebook.com/PulpFiction

Vincent and Jules Quotes from ‘Pulp Fiction'

"Vincent: And you know what they call a...a...a Quarter Pounder with Cheese in Paris?


Jules: They don't call it a Quarter Pounder with cheese?

Vincent: No, man, they got the metric system. They wouldn't know what…a Quarter Pounder is.

Jules: Then what do they call it?

Vincent: They call it a Royale with cheese.

Jules: A Royale with cheese. What do they call a Big Mac?

Vincent: Well, a Big Mac's a Big Mac, but they call it le Big Mac.

Jules: Le Big Mac. Ha ha ha ha. What do they call a Whopper?

Vincent: I dunno, I didn't go into Burger King." — "Pulp Fiction"

"Jules: I'll just walk the earth.

Vincent: What'cha mean walk the earth?

Jules: You know, walk the earth, meet people... get into adventures. Like Caine from 'Kung Fu.'" — "Pulp Fiction"

"Vincent: …you're saying a foot massage don't mean nothing, and I'm saying it does. Now look, I've given a million ladies a million-foot massages, and they all meant something. We act like they don't, but they do...There's a sensuous thing going on where you don't talk about it, but you know it; she knows it,…Marsellus knew it, and Antwan should have…better known better. I mean, that's his…wife, man. He can't be expected to have a sense of humor about that...You know what I'm saying?


Jules: That's an interesting point. Come on, let's get into character." — "Pulp Fiction"

"Vincent: Have you ever given a foot massage?

Jules: [scoffs] Don't be tellin' me about foot massages. I'm the foot [expletive] master.

Vincent: Given a lot of 'em?

Jules: Yeah. I got my technique down and everything…” — "Pulp Fiction"

"Jules: You know the shows on TV?

Vincent: I don't watch TV.

Jules: Yeah, but you are aware that there's an invention called television, and on this invention, they show shows, right?" — "Pulp Fiction"

Vincent Vega and Mia Wallace, with Jules quote: You know, walk the earth, meet people... get into adventures.│Source: facebook.com/PulpFiction

Vincent Vega and Mia Wallace, with Jules quote: You know, walk the earth, meet people... get into adventures.│Source: facebook.com/PulpFiction


"Vincent: …do you consider a dog to be a filthy animal?

Jules: I wouldn't go so far as to call a dog filthy, but they're definitely dirty. But, a dog's got personality. Personality goes a long way.

Vincent: Ah, so by that rationale, if a pig had a better personality, he would cease to be a filthy animal. Is that true?

Jules: Well, we'd have to be talkin' about one charmin' [expletive] pig. I mean, he'd have to be ten times more charmin' than that Arnold on Green Acres, you know what I'm sayin'?" — "Pulp Fiction"

“Vincent: Jules, did you ever hear the philosophy that once a man admits he's wrong, then he's automatically forgiven of that wrongdoing?

Jules: Man, get out of my face…” — "Pulp Fiction"

Famous Quotes by Vincent Vega

"If you'll excuse me, I gotta go home and have a heart attack" — Vincent Vega

"Look, I'm not stupid. It's the Big Man's wife. I'm gonna sit across from her, chew my food with my mouth closed, laugh at her…jokes and that's it." — Vincent Vega


“Would you give a guy a foot massage?" — Vincent Vega

Vincent Vega and Jules Winnfield, with Mia Wallace’s quote: In conversation, do you listen or wait to talk?│Source: facebook.com/PulpFiction

Vincent Vega and Jules Winnfield, with Mia Wallace’s quote: In conversation, do you listen or wait to talk?│Source: facebook.com/PulpFiction

"Jules, if you give that… nimrod fifteen hundred dollars, I'm gonna shoot him on general principles." — Vincent Vega

"Why…didn't you tell us somebody was in the bathroom? Slipped your mind? Did you forget that somebody was in there with a goddamn hand cannon?" — Vincent Vega

"This is a moral test of oneself. Whether or not you can maintain loyalty. Because being loyal is very important." — Vincent Vega

"That's the Marilyn Monroe section that's Mamie Van Doren...I don't see Jayne Mansfield; she must have the night off or something." — Vincent Vega


"Do you wanna continue this theological discussion in the car or at the jailhouse with the cops?” — Vincent Vega

Vincent Vega and Jules Winnfield with Vega’s quote:"Do you wanna continue this theological discussion in the car, or at the jailhouse with the cops?” │Source: facebook.com/PulpFiction

Vincent Vega and Jules Winnfield with Vega’s quote:"Do you wanna continue this theological discussion in the car, or at the jailhouse with the cops?” │Source: facebook.com/PulpFiction

"That's a pretty…good milkshake. I don't know if it's worth five dollars, but it's pretty…good." — Vincent Vega

So, you’re gonna go out there, and you’re gonna say, 'Good night. I’ve had a very lovely evening.' Walk out the door, get in the car, go home…and that’s all you gonna do." — Vincent Vega

"Okay, man, it was a miracle. Can we leave now?" — Vincent Vega

"Play with matches, you get burned." — Vincent Vega

"Go home, cool off, and that's all you got to do." — Vincent Vega


Vincent Vega Quotes from Key Dialogues

"Butch: Starin' at something, friend?

Vincent: I ain't your friend, palooka.

Butch: What did you say?

Vincent: I think you heard me just fine, punchy." — "Pulp Fiction"

Vincent Vega, with his quote: "This is a moral test of oneself. Whether or not you can maintain loyalty. Because being loyal is very important." │Source: facebook.com/PulpFiction

Vincent Vega, with his quote: "This is a moral test of oneself. Whether or not you can maintain loyalty. Because being loyal is very important." │Source: facebook.com/PulpFiction

"Mia: Don't you hate that?

Vincent: What?

Mia: Uncomfortable silences. Why do we feel it's necessary to yak about [expletive ]in order to be comfortable?


Vincent: I don't know. That's a good question.

Mia: That's when you know you've found somebody special. When you can just shut the [expletive] up for a minute and comfortably enjoy the silence." — "Pulp Fiction"

"Mia: Don't you just love it when you come back from the bathroom and find your food waiting for you?

Vincent: We're lucky we got anything at all. I don't think Buddy Holly's much of a waiter." — "Pulp Fiction"

"Mia: Vincent, do you still want to hear my Fox Force Five joke?

Vincent: Sure, but I think I'm still a little too petrified to laugh.

Mia: No, you won't laugh, 'cus it's not funny. But if you still wanna hear it, I'll tell it.

Vincent: I can't wait.

Mia: Three tomatoes are walking down the street; a poppa tomato, a momma tomato, and a little baby tomato. Baby Tomato starts lagging behind. Poppa Tomato gets angry, goes over to the baby tomato, and smooshes him...and says, 'Catch up.'" — "Pulp Fiction"

"Mia: In conversation, do you listen or wait to talk?


Vincent: I have to admit that I wait to talk, but I'm trying harder to listen." — "Pulp Fiction"

Vincent Vega, with Mia Wallace’s quote: That's when you know you've found somebody special. When you can just shut the [expletive] up for a minute and comfortably enjoy the silence."│Source: facebook.com/PulpFiction

Vincent Vega, with Mia Wallace’s quote: That's when you know you've found somebody special. When you can just shut the [expletive] up for a minute and comfortably enjoy the silence."│Source: facebook.com/PulpFiction

While this show is typical of Tarantino's inability to shy away from eyesore violence, these quotes and dialogues emphasize his talent for dialogue, which is often overlooked.

These dialogues are not forcing themselves to be more poignant or highbrow than they are. Instead, they consist of usual people having conversations that can be just as profound if shown correctly.

Even more poignant writing awaits you if you read 30 Christopher Lee Saruman Quotes: From 'LOTR' and 'The Hobbit.'



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