59 Biff Tannen Quotes — The Bully from the ‘Back to the Future' Trilogy
A fictional character and antagonist from the "Back to the Future" trilogy, Biff Tannen doesn't shy away from deceit and bullying. Here are 59 Biff Tannen quotes illustrating his personality.
Played by actor Thomas F. Wilson, Biff is a negative character from the action-packed sci-fi comedy "Back to the Future." He is portrayed as an obnoxious bully who gets what he wants by intimidating people and using deceitful means.
Born in California, Biff is Irving Tannen's son and Griff Tannen's grandfather. In the movie, he is seen bullying George McFly just to get his homework done—typical Biff!
This secondary antagonist lives with his grandma and has a special dislike for manure. Here are 59 Biff Tannen quotes to know him better.

Biff Tannen’s quote: “You got my homework finished, McFly?” | Source: AmoDays
Biff Tannen's Quotes Showing His Personality
"Hey, McFly!" — Biff Tannen, "Back to the Future"
"Well looky what we have here." — Biff Tannen, "Back to the Future"
"Since you're new here, I'm gonna cut you a break... today. So why don't you make like a tree... and get outta here!" — Biff Tannen, "Back to the Future"
"My insurance? It's your car! Your insurance should pay for it, hey I wanna know who's going to pay for this? I spilled beer all over when that car smashed into me, who's going pay my cleaning bill? And where's my reports?" — Biff Tannen, "Back to the Future"
"You got my homework finished, McFly?" — Biff Tannen, "Back to the Future"
"Just admit that you want it. Come on. Come on. — Biff Tannen, "Back to the Future"

Biff Tannen’s quote: “What, are you blind, McFly? It's there. How else do you explain that wreck out there?” | Source: AmoDays
"Not too early, I sleep in Saturday/Sunday...oh, McFly your shoe's untied! Don't be so gullible, McFly!" — Biff Tannen, "Back to the Future"
"Say "hi" to your mom for me." — Biff Tannen, "Back to the Future"
"I have your car towed all the way to your house and all you got for me is lite beer?" — Biff Tannen, "Back to the Future"
"Hey kid, say hello to your grandma for me." — Biff Tannen, "Back to the Future Part II"
"Okay, have a seat." — Biff Tannen, "Back to the Future Part II"
"Well, go on! This ain't no peep show." — Biff Tannen, "Back to the Future"

Biff Tannen’s quote: “Are you dumb, McFly? I said CLOSE the door and WALK AWAY!” | Source: AmoDays
"SIT DOWN!" — Biff Tannen, "Back to the Future Part II"
"So there I was, minding my own business. This crazy old codger with a cane shows up. He says he's my distant relative. I don't see any resemblance. So he says "How would you like to be rich?". So I say "Sure." — Biff Tannen, "Back to the Future Part II"
"So he lays this book on me. He says this book will tell me the outcome of every sporting event 'til the end of the century. All I have to do is bet on the winner, and I'll never lose. So I said, "What's the catch?". He says, "No catch. Just keep it a secret." After that, he disappeared. I never saw him again." — Biff Tannen, "Back to the Future Part II"
"Oh, and he told me one more thing. He said, "Someday, a crazy, wild-eyed scientist or a kid may show up asking about that book. And if that ever happens..." — Biff Tannen, "Back to the Future Part II"
"Funny. I never thought it would be you." — Biff Tannen, "Back to the Future Part II"

Biff Tannen’s quote: “Just admit that you want it. Come on. Come on.” | Source: AmoDays
Quotes from George and Biff's Moments in 'Back to the Future'
"Biff Tannen: I thought I told you never to come in here.
Biff Tannen: And where's my reports?
George McFly: Well, I haven't finished those up yet, but you know, I... I figured since they weren't due till...
Biff Tannen: Hello? Hello? Anybody home? Huh? Think, McFly. Think! I gotta have time to get them retyped. Do you realize what would happen if I hand in my reports in your handwriting? I'll get fired. You wouldn't want that to happen, would ya? Would ya?
George McFly: Of course not, Biff. Now, I wouldn't want that to happen. Now, look. I'll, uh, finish those reports on up tonight, and I'll run 'em on over first thing tomorrow, all right?
Biff Tannen: Not too early. I sleep in Saturday. Oh, McFly, your shoe's untied." — "Back to the Future"

Biff Tannen’s quote: “Say "hi" to your mom for me.” | Source: AmoDays
"Biff Tannen: I can't believe you'd loan me your car without telling me it had a blind spot. I could've been killed!
George McFly: Blind spot? Now, now, Biff, now I never noticed that the car had any blind spot before when I would drive it. Hi, Son.
Biff Tannen: What, are you blind, McFly? It's there. How else do you explain that wreck out there?
George McFly: Biff, can I- Can I assume that your, uh, insurance is gonna pay for the damage?" — "Back to the Future"
"Got the place fixed up nice, though, McFly." — Biff Tannen, "Back to the Future"
Quotes from Biff Tannen and Other 'Back to the Future' Characters
"George McFly: Hey you! Get your damn hands off of...
Biff Tannen: Why don't you walk away, McFly and leave the two of us alone.
Lorraine Baines: George! George, help me! Please!
Biff Tannen: Are you dumb, McFly? I said CLOSE the door and WALK AWAY!
George McFly: No, Biff. YOU leave her alone.
Biff Tannen: Alright, McFly. Now, you're gonna get it.
Lorraine Baines: Biff, stop! Stop! You'll break his arm! Biff!
Lorraine Baines: Let him go, Biff! Stop it! LET HIM GO!
George McFly: A-Are you okay?" — "Back to the Future"

Biff Tannen’s quote: “Well, go on! This ain't no peep show.” | Source: AmoDays
"Biff Tannen: Mr. McFly! Mr. McFly, this just arrived. Oh, hi, Marty. I think it's your new book.
Lorraine Baines: Oh, honey! Your first novel.
George McFly: Like I've always told you, you put your mind to it, you can accomplish *anything*.
Biff Tannen: Oh, Marty. Marty, here's your keys. You're all waxed up, ready for tonight.
Marty McFly: Keys?" — "Back to the Future"
"Skinhead (to Biff Tannen): Hey, Biff, get a load of this guy's life preserver. Dork thinks he's gonna drown." — "Back to the Future"

Biff Tannen’s quote: “You want it. You know you want it. You know you want me to give it to you.” | Source: AmoDays
"George McFly: Now, Biff, I want to make sure that we get two coats of wax this time, not just one.
Biff Tannen: I'm just finishing up the second coat now.
George McFly: Now, Biff, don't con me.
Biff Tannen: I'm sorry, Mr. McFly. I-I meant I was just starting on the second coat.
George McFly: Biff. What a character. Always trying to get away with something. I've had to stay on top of Biff ever since high school. Although, if it wasn't for him...
Lorraine Baines: We never would have fallen in love.
George McFly: That's right." — "Back to the Future"
"Young Biff: How do you know how to do that? Nobody can start this car but me.
Old Biff: Just get in the car, Tannen. Today's your lucky day." — "Back to the Future Part II"

Biff Tannen’s quote: “Funny. I never thought it would be you.” | Source: AmoDays
"Biff Tannen: Hey, McFly! What do you think you're doing?
Marty McFly: Biff.
Biff Tannen: Hey, I'm talking to you, McFly, you Irish bug!
George McFly: Oh, hey, Biff. Hey, guys. How are you doin'?
Biff Tannen: Yeah, you got my homework finished, McFly?
George McFly: Uh... well, actually, I figured since it wasn't due 'til Monday...
Biff Tannen: Hello? Hello? Anybody home? Huh? Hey, think, McFly. Think. I gotta have time to re-copy it. You realize what would happen if I hand in my homework with your handwriting? I'll get kicked out of school. You wouldn't want that to happen, would ya?
George McFly: Well, no, of course not." — "Back to the Future"

Biff Tannen’s quote: “Kid, I own the police! Besides, they couldn't match up the bullet that killed your old man.” | Source: AmoDays
"Biff Tannen : You want it. You know you want it. You know you want me to give it to you.
Lorraine Baines: Shut your filthy mouth. I'm not that kind of girl.
Biff Tannen: Well, maybe you are and you just don't know it yet.
Lorraine Baines: Get your meat hooks off of me.
Marty McFly: You heard her.
Marty McFly: She said get your meat hooks... off. Uh, please.
Biff Tannen: So what's it to you? You've been looking for a..." — "Back to the Future"
"Biff Tannen: Hey, McFly!
Marty McFly: Oh, jeez...
Biff Tannen: I thought I told you never to come in here. Well, it's gonna cost you. How much money you got on you?
George McFly: Well, how much do you want, Biff?
Biff Tannen : All right, punk. Now I'm gonna...
Marty McFly: Whoa, whoa, Biff. What's that?
Lorraine Baines: That's Calvin Klein. Oh, my god, he's a dream." — "Back to the Future"
"Biff Tannen: You caused 300 bucks' damage to my car, you son of a b****. And I'm gonna take it outta your ass. Hold him.
Lorraine Baines : Let him go, Biff. You're drunk.
Biff Tannen: Well, looky what we have here.
Biff Tannen : No, no! Stay right here with me. Come on, Lorraine.
Lorraine Baines: Let me go!" — "Back to the Future"
"You guys, take him in back, all right? I'll be right there." — Biff Tannen, "Back to the Future"

Biff Tannen’s quote: “Got the place fixed up nice, though, McFly.” | Source: AmoDays
"Marty McFly: What about the police, Biff? They're gonna match up the bullet with that gun.
Biff Tannen: Kid, I own the police! Besides, they couldn't match up the bullet that killed your old man." — "Back to the Future Part II"
"I suppose it's poetic justice. Two McFlys with the same gun." — Biff Tannen, "Back to the Future Part II"
"Biff Tannen: 300 bucks? 300 bucks for a couple of dents? Hey, that's bullshit, Terry.
Terry: No, Biff, it was horse shit! And it was all over your car! I had to pay old man Jones 80 bucks to haul it away!
Biff Tannen: Old Man Jones! Probably re-sold it too. I oughtta get something for that!
Terry: You want to get something for it! You can go inside and you can call Old Man Jones! If he wants to give you a refund, that's fine!" — "Back to the Future Part II"

Biff Tannen’s quote: “Yeah, money, right? Well forget it!” | Source: AmoDays
"Young Biff: Why don't you make like a tree and get out of here?
Old Biff: It's *leave*, you idiot! "Make like a tree, and leave." You sound like a damn fool when you say it wrong.
Young Biff: All right then, LEAVE! And take your book with you!" — "Back to the Future Part II"
"Old Biff: You always did have a way with women.
Young Biff: Get the hell out of my car, old man!
Old Biff: You wanna marry that girl, Biff? I can help make it happen.
Young Biff: Oh-oh, yeah, who are you, Miss Lonelyhearts?" — "Back to the Future Part II"
"Biff Tannen: Hold on one second. Let's get this straight. Marty is *your* kid, not mine. And all the money in the world wouldn't do jack shit for that lazy bum!
Lorraine Baines: Stop it, Biff, just stop it!
Biff Tannen: Look at him.
Lorraine Baines: Don't you dare speak that way about George! You're not even half the man he was." — "Back to the Future Part II"

Biff Tannen’s quote: “Well looky what we have here.” | Source: AmoDays
"Lorraine Baines: Dammit Biff, that's it. I'm leaving!
Biff Tannen: Oh, so go ahead. But think about this Lorraine, who's gonna pay for all your clothes, huh? And your jewelry, and your liquor? Who's gonna pay for your cosmetic surgery Lorraine?
Lorraine Baines: You were the one who wanted me to get these-these things! If you want 'em back, you can have em.
Biff Tannen: Look, Lorraine, you walk out that door and I won't only cut off you, I'll cut off your kids.
Lorraine Baines: You wouldn't!
Biff Tannen: Oh, wouldn't I? First, your daughter Linda, I'll cancel all her credit cards. She can settle her debts with the bank all by herself. Your idiot son Dave? I'll get his probation revoked. And as for Marty, well maybe you'd like to have all three of your kids behind bars just like your brother Joey. One big happy jailbird family.
Lorraine Baines: Alright Biff, you win. I'll stay.
Biff Tannen:As for you, I'll be back up here in an hour, so you better not be!
Young Biff: Manure! I hate manure!" — "Back to the Future Part II"
"Biff Tannen: Go ahead, kid! Jump! A suicide will be nice and neat.
Marty McFly: What if I don't?
Biff Tannen: Lead poisoning." — "Back to the Future Part II"
"There's something very familiar about all this." — Biff Tannen, "Back to the Future"
"Grandma Tannen: Biff, Biff, where are you goin' now?
Biff Tannen: I told you, grandma, I'm goin' to the dance.
Grandma Tannen: When you comin' home?
Biff Tannen: I'll get home, when I get home.
Grandma Tannen: Don't forget to turn off the garage lights!
Lorraine Baines: Biff, somebody already asked me to the dance.
Biff Tannen: Who? That bug George McFly?
Lorraine Baines: I'm going with Calvin Klein, okay?
Biff Tannen: Calvin Klein? No, it's not okay!" — "Back to the Future Part II"

Biff Tannen’s quote: “I could've been killed!” | Source: AmoDays
"Marty McFly: The answer's no, Griff.
Griff Tannen: No?
Marty McFly: Yeah, what are you deaf and stupid? I said "NO!"
Griff Tannen: What's wrong, McFly. Chicken?" — "Back to the Future Part II"
"Marty McFly: Are you two related?
Biff Tannen: Hello? Hello? Anybody home? What do you think? Griff just called me Grandpa for his health?
S. S. Strickland: Is that liquor I smell Tannen?
Young Biff: Ahhh, I wouldn't know. I don't know what liquor smells like, cuz I'm too young to drink it." — "Back to the Future Part II"
"Marty McFly: Okay, everybody let's back up now, huh? Let's back up... let's everybody back up, give him a little bit of room, okay? A little bit of air. It's okay, I know CPR.
Marty McFly: I know CPR.
CPR Kid: What's CPR?
Biff Tannen: YOU!
Marty McFly: It's fine.
CPR Kid: Hey? Did you just take his wallet?
CPR Kid: He just took that guy's wallet!" — "Back to the Future Part II"
"Biff Tannen: Where is he?
CPR Kid: Who?
Biff Tannen: Calvin Klein.
CPR Kid: Who?
Biff Tannen: The guy with the hat. Where is he?
CPR Kid: Oh he went that way.
CPR Kid: I think he took his wallet." — "Back to the Future Part II"

Biff Tannen’s quote: “Hey kid, say hello to your grandma for me.” | Source: AmoDays
"Old Biff: Tough break, kid.
Marty McFly: What's that supposed to mean?
Old Biff: Hello? Hello? Anybody home? Huh? Think, McFly! Think! Your old man, Mr. Loser?
Marty McFly: What?
Old Biff: That's right. Loser with a capital "L".
Marty McFly: Look, I-I happen to know George McFly is not a loser...
Old Biff: I'm not talkin' about George McFly. I'm talkin' about his kid! Your old man, Marty McFly Sr.? The man who took his life and flushed it completely down the toilet.
Marty McFly: I did? I - I mean - I mean he did?" — "Back to the Future Part II"
"Biff Tannen: You're supposed to be in Switzerland, you little son of a b****!
Marty McFly: My father?
Biff Tannen: Did you get kicked out of another boarding school? Damn it, Lorraine, do you know how much perfectly good dough I blow on this no-good kid of yours, huh? On all three of them!
Lorraine Baines: What the hell do you care? We can afford it! The least we can do with all that money is provide a better life for our children!" — "Back to the Future Part II"
"Biff Tannen: I just wanna say one thing! God Bless America.
Biff Tannen Museum Narrator: Meet the women who shared in his passion as he searched for true love. And relive Biff's happiest moment as in 1973, he realized his life long romantic dream by marrying his high school sweetheart, Lorraine Baines McFly.
Biff Tannen: Third time's a charm.
Skinhead: Hey, hey, you're coming with us upstairs!
Marty McFly: Let me go!
Match: Sonny, we can do this the easy way or the hard way!
Miscellaneous voice: The easy way." — "Back to the Future Part II"

Biff Tannen’s quote: “Third time's a charm.” | Source: AmoDays
"Biff Tannen: Well, looky what we have here. Hey, nice dress, Lorraine. Although, I think you'd look better wearing nothing at all.
Lorraine Baines: Biff, why don't you take a long walk off a short pier?" — "Back to the Future Part II"
"Biff Tannen: There's that dance at school tonight, right? Now that my car's all fixed, I figure I'd cut you a break and give you the honor of going with the best-looking guy in school.
Lorraine Baines: Yeah, well, I'm busy.
Biff Tannen: Yeah, doing what?
Lorraine Baines: Washing my hair." — "Back to the Future Part II"
"Young Biff: What's wrong, McFly? Chicken?
Marty McFly: What did you just call me?
Young Biff: Chicken!
Marty McFly: Nobody! Calls me... chicken.
Biff Tannen: Hey, what the hell's going... Hey, you! What the hell are you doing in here!
Marty McFly: Party's over, Biff. Sorry ladies.
Biff Tannen: How'd you get past my security downstairs?
Marty McFly: There's a little matter we need to talk about.
Biff Tannen: Yeah, money, right? Well forget it!
Marty McFly: No, not money. Gray's Sports Almanac.
Biff Tannen: You heard him, girls. Party's over." — "Back to the Future Part II"

Biff Tannen’s quote: “No, it ain't homework, 'cause I ain't at home.” | Source: AmoDays
"Basketball Kids: Give us our ball back. Give us our ball back.
Biff Tannen: Is this your ball?
Basketball Kids: Yes!
Biff Tannen: Do you want it back?
Basketball Kids: Yes!
Biff Tannen: Well, go get it! Ha-ha!" — "Back to the Future Part II"
"Marty McFly: Doc, I'm in trouble. I blew it.
Doc: Where's the book?
Marty McFly: I don't... Biff must still have it with him. All I got is the damn cover.
Doc: And where's Biff?
Biff Tannen: All right, McFly, you're asking for it, and now you're gonna get it.
Marty McFly: I don't know!
Doc: Don't you have any idea where he is?
Marty McFly: No! I mean, he could be anywhere by now.
Doc: Marty, the entire future depends on you finding Biff and getting that book back!
Marty McFly: I know! I just don't know where...
Lorraine Baines: Stop it! Stop it, Biff, you'll break his arm. Stop it!
Marty McFly: Of course! I gotta go! I got one chance! My old man's about to deck Biff!" — "Back to the Future Part II"

Biff Tannen’s quote: “Hey, nice dress, Lorraine. Although, I think you'd look better wearing nothing at all.” | Source: AmoDays
"Marty McFly: Doc, listen, my kid showed up. All hell broke loose.
Doc: Your kid? Great Scott, the sleep inducer. I was afraid of this. Because I used it on Jennifer, there wasn't enough power left to knock your son out for a full hour. Damn!
Marty McFly: Doc, Doc, Doc, look at this! It's changing.
Griff Tannen : I was framed!
Doc: Why, yes! Yes, of course! Because this hoverboard incident has now occurred, Griff now goes to jail. Therefore, your son won't go with him tonight, and that robbery will never take place. Thus, history - future history - has now been altered, and this is the proof! Marty, we've succeeded, not exactly as I planned, but no matter. Let's go get Jennifer and go home!" — "Back to the Future Part II"
"Biff Tannen : Start talking, kid. What else do you know about that book?
Marty McFly: First, you tell me how you got it. How, where, and when.
Marty McFly: All right. Take a seat.
Biff Tannen : Sit down!
Biff Tannen : November 12, 1955. That was when.
Marty McFly: November 12, 1955? That was the date I went back...
Marty McFly: That was the date of the famous Hill Valley lightning storm.
Biff Tannen: You know your history. Very good. I'll never forget that Saturday. I'd just picked up my car from the shop, 'cause I'd rolled it in a drag race a few days earlier.
Marty McFly: I thought you crashed into a manure truck.
Biff Tannen: How do you know about that?
Marty McFly: My father told me about it.
Biff Tannen: Your father?
Marty McFly: Before he died.
Biff Tannen : Oh, yeah. Right." — "Back to the Future Part II"

Biff Tannen’s quote: “Oh, Marty. Marty, here's your keys. You're all waxed up, ready for tonight.” | Source: AmoDays
"Biff Tannen: Where's that punk Calvin Klein, anyway?
3-D: How-how am I supposed to know, Biff? I ain't his secretary.
Biff Tannen : Well, go find him. He caused 300 bucks' damage to my car, and I owe him a knuckle sandwich." — "Back to the Future Part II"
"S. S. Strickland: Sports statistics. Interesting subject. Homework, Tannen?
Biff Tannen: No, it ain't homework, 'cause I ain't at home.
S. S. Strickland: You've got a real attitude problem. You know that, Tannen? Just watch it. Because one day, I'll have you right where I want you, in detention. Slacker!" — "Back to the Future Part II"

Biff Tannen’s quote: “Oh, you dent this car, I'll kill you.” | Source: AmoDays
"Doc: This stays here. I didn't invent the time machine to win at gambling. I invented a time machine to travel through time!
Marty McFly: I know. I know. I know, Doc.
Old Biff: So, Doc Brown invented a time machine." — "Back to the Future Part II"
"Old Biff: Don't you get it? You could make a fortune with this book. Let me show you. Bet you a million bucks UCLA wins it 19-17.
Biff Tannen: What, are you deaf, old man? He just said it was over. You lost!
Old Biff: Oh, yeah?
Biff Tannen: All right, pops, what's the gag? How did you know what the score was gonna be?
Old Biff: I told you. It's in this book. All you gotta do is bet on the winner, and you'll never lose." — "Back to the Future Part II"
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"Biff Tannen: Hey, hey, hey! Hey, watch where you're driving, old man! Oh, you dent this car, I'll kill you. This cost me 300 bucks!
Old Biff: Would you shut up about the car?" — "Back to the Future Part II"

Biff Tannen’s quote: “So there I was, minding my own business.” | Source: AmoDays
Biff sounds like a bad guy, and he definitely is one. He has, however, provided some unique moments for the audience and the movie fans to appreciate. Besides actor Thomas F. Wilson, "Back to the Future" also features talented stars like Claudia Wells and Lea Thompson. Interested in reading about another exciting character? Check out Paris Geller's quotes from "Gilmore Girls" here.