55 'You're the Worst' Quotes from FX’s Dark Comedy Series
Agents of chaos Shive-Overly and Gretchen Cutler act as the main characters of this series, embodying a dance between them that can only be defined as "toxic." Read 55 "You're the Worst" quotes to get to know them and their dynamic better.
"You're the Worst" is a series somewhat resembling that of a romantic comedy, except the couple involved are far from perfect. Audiences watch as two unhealthy individuals try to navigate a romantic relationship with one another.
These two characters are Jimmy Shive-Overly, who is generally the most hated character of the series, and Gretchen Cutler. Shive-Overly is self-absorbed, pensive, narcissistic, and selfish, while Cutler is a deeply distrusting individual, brash and selfish in her own right.
Read 55 "You're the Worst" quotes from these chaotic lovebirds as well as other characters in the show.

Lindsay Jillian’s quote: “There comes a day when every relationship turns gross old and boring, like Ben Affleck and Jennifer Garner…” | Source: AmoDays
Jimmy Shive Memorable Quotes from ‘You’re the Worst'
“Dishonesty to spare someone’s feelings belittles everyone involved, but dishonesty to get free stuff is just smart economics!” — Jimmy Shive-Overly
“I did what you said. I looked at my life from an outside perspective. It was terrifying. I didn't recognize any of it. I don't recognize my life. I don't know whether I made any of the right decisions. Everything could be wrong.” — Jimmy Shive-Overly
“I'm not the one who flung my sandwich like an upset chimp at the zoo.” — Jimmy Shive-Overly
“I'm already regretting not slapping you harder.” — Jimmy Shive-Overly
“Ferris just wants to show Cameron a fun day for once in his pathetic little life, but Cameron acts like a whiny knob the whole time, subverting every attempt at fun with his passive-aggressive anxiety and relentless nay-saying, essentially ruining what might be Ferris's last day of freedom by being a miserable, agoraphobic... enemy of fun!” — Jimmy Shive-Overly

Jimmy Shive-Overly’s quote: “I did what you said. I looked at my life from an outside perspective. It was terrifying.” | Source: AmoDays
“You know, when we had that moment in the pub, I thought to myself, 'After 33 years, I'm finally having a real moment with my father.' Can't believe what a fool I was. There wasn't a shred of truth in that moment. You were lying the whole time. You were dying, you didn't say a word. All you had to do was say, 'Hey, Jimmy, this might be the last time I get to see you. Is there anything you'd like to say?' And that way, despite decades of neglecting... I could have had a modicum of closure. Goddamn you! I can hear you laughing at the word 'modicum' as I speak. Well, guess what. I'm getting my closure right now. You do not get to affect me anymore! So long, Dad.” — Jimmy Shive-Overly
“This is our love story… and our story is chaotic, but love is chaos. It's the only game in town I've played.” — Jimmy Shive-Overly
"Headwigglies!" — Jimmy Shive-Overly
“Last night, a certifiable fox hit on me, and I did not respond...” — Jimmy Shive-Overly
“Thank you for being alone with me.” — Jimmy Shive-Overly

Jimmy Shive-Overly’s quote: “This is our love story… and our story is chaotic, but love is chaos.” | Source: AmoDays
“Look what I made! I went to Kinko's. Talked to some undergrads making a 'zine. It's a lovely place. Anyway, turns out I've been living my entire life in opposition to my father. And now that he's dead, I have no idea who I really am. Am I even a writer? Who knows? Maybe I'm meant to be a master carpenter/tree-house architect/singer-songwriter. Anyways, although my zoo animals are likely dead or escaped, I'd like to thank you for taking that router and forcing me to explore the world. Okay. I'm gonna go into the backyard and test some branches for load-bearing capacity.” — Jimmy Shive-Overly
“The world is absolutely lousy with people, and I hate them all. I hate everyone but you.” — Jimmy Shive-Overly
“In battle, we risk all for a taste of the immortal. In retreat, sure, we lose nothing, but what we gain is far worse than nothing: Ignominy. And shame. We don't give up because they make us. We give up because we're lazy!” — Jimmy Shive-Overly
'You’re the Worst' Quotes by Gretchen Cutler
“You're what this town calls a tweener. You're not hot enough to be the lead, and not fat enough to be the funny friend.” — Gretchen Cutler
“There is horrible sadness and pain coming, and we’re inviting in.” — Gretchen Cutler

Gretchen Cutler’s quote: “Oh, my God, that is so sexist and mansplainy! You a Gamergater? Am I living with a Gamergater?” | Source: AmoDays
“Well, as my Grandma used to say, it's only a walk of shame if you're capable of feeling shame.” — Gretchen Cutler
“He's part owner of a cool tech company and invents apps when he's not dick-punching Peter Sarsgaard in his latest movie. Sometimes we talk about adopting a kid from a third-world country, but we never do it. And we live in a legit-ass castle in Malibu with one of those big modern art pieces by the guy who does the big dots.” — Gretchen Cutler
“Oh, my God, that is so sexist and mansplainy! You a Gamergater? Am I living with a Gamergater?” — Gretchen Cutler
“No, seriously, Jimmy, I feel such empathy for you, being a writer. I mean, everyone feels sorry for kids forced to work in the diamond mines in Sierra Leone, but where is the telethon for the noble writer? Bravely drinking coffee, spilling his blood to get his feelings out, filling two, maybe three whole pages... All of you! Sucking the air out of the room with your self-pity-riddled non-problems!” — Gretchen Cutler
“They're my parents! I get to lie to them until I'm old and they're dead, and you don't get a vote!” — Gretchen Cutler

Gretchen Cutler’s quote: “Well, as my Grandma used to say, it's only a walk of shame if you're capable of feeling shame.” | Source: AmoDays
“Have you ever had a day that starts with one bad decision? And then... it's just a cascade of bad decisions, until you're like, "Well, might as well burn down the whole town tonight"?” — Gretchen Cutler
“I just moved in with my boyfriend and I don't have any stuff except for a food processor and, like, nineteen thongs... And anyway, even if I did buy the stuff of a life, there's nowhere for me to put it because I'm not sure this dude really wanted me to move in because I'm an irresponsible monster who burned down her apartment...” — Gretchen Cutler
“If 'I love you' is like a promise, it's just a promise to try real hard. It doesn't mean you can't fail.” — Gretchen Cutler
“Being vulnerable makes me angry!” — Gretchen Cutler
“Jimmy: …the woman who spent weeks catatonic on the couch in crusty yoga pants.
Gretchen: I have a clinical goddamn illness!” — "You're the Worst"

Gretchen Cutler’s quote: “They're my parents! I get to lie to them until I'm old and they're dead…” | Source: AmoDays
“Ew, books are gross.” — Gretchen Cutler
“You know this is the best time, right? It is all downhill from here, for real. I mean, you do get hotter and get to do or eat whatever you want, and that’s awesome, but things are new right now. And you feel things so hard, and that is beautiful.” — Gretchen Cutler
“Improv is the lowest form of comedy. That whole school of yours is just a bunch of actors so janky-looking, no one will write lines for them, so you have to make them up yourself.” — Gretchen Cutler
“I bought in! Finally, after a lifetime of being too goddamn scared and you punished me for it! It just confirmed what I’ve always known; at the end of the day I’m unlovable, fundamentally, always have been.” — Gretchen Cutler
“You need to stop. It's like you have amnesia. Every day, you think things are gonna be different, and I'll just be happy. Well, maybe you can understand this. I feel nothing. About anything. Dogs, candy, old Blondie records, nachos, you, us, nothing. So for the last time, please go.” — Gretchen Cutler

Gretchen Cutler’s quote: “Being vulnerable makes me angry!” | Source: AmoDays
“Gretchen: You know, after I cleaned the fries off your face and put you to bed, you said something to me that was pretty dark.
Jimmy: Don't tell me.
Gretchen: Okay. I won't. [pause] I love you, too.” — "You're the Worst"
Famous Quotes from Edgar, Lindsay Jillian, and Other Characters
“Maybe she’s not texting you because she knows the only reason you’re checking in is to make yourself feel better. Yeah, maybe Gretchen wants to get on with her life and never think about you again. Maybe she thought you were dead, Jimmy. Checking tips on the hotline, coming home night after night to an empty house with only your scent on your pillow to cling to for comfort, until it too faded away and she was left all alone with nobody to make breakfast ramen for, alone with nothing but her scentless pillows and haunted thoughts of all the friends she lost in the war.” — Edgar Quintero
"I monitor the men's showers for...roughhousing." — Edgar Quintero
“You can't ever do anything fun because you're ruining your body with some ginger-headed parasite.” — Lindsay Jillian
“Why is it so hard to find someone to get close with?” — Lindsay Jillian

Paul Jillian’s quote: "I guess, in the end, we were just two stars born lightyears apart. You need to find someone in your own constellation." | Source: AmoDays
“I thought all English people were fancy, but these are like Alabama English people.” — Lindsay Jillian
“There comes a day when every relationship turns gross old and boring, like Ben Affleck and Jennifer Garner…” — Lindsay Jillian
"Do it for the sweater people, Gretch... It's a metaphor." — Lindsay Jillian
“Look at me. You knew it was a snake when you picked it up. You knew who I was. You don't get to act surprised now.” — Lindsay Jillian
"Marriage is hard, but your wedding is the one day it's fun. Everything is downhill after the wedding." — Lindsay Jillian

Lindsay Jillian’s quote: “I thought all English people were fancy, but these are like Alabama English people.” | Source: AmoDays
“I’m not a sidekick! I’m Beyoncé, not Kelly Rowland. If I’m on a motorcycle, I’m driving the motorcycle, not riding in that... little side motorcycle thingy for poor people and dogs.” — Lindsay Jillian
“I'm a terrible patient. When I had the mumps, Mother threatened to send me to foster care.” — Paul Jillian
"I look like a young Roger Ebert!" — Paul Jillian
“Love isn't about having someone to get you things. Love is putting someone else's feelings above your own.” — Paul Jillian
"This takes you off the membership for the Museum of Prehistoric Metallurgy, but I bought you your own individual membership, so there'd be no gap for you there!" — Paul Jillian

Edgar’s quote: "I monitor the men's showers for...roughhousing." | Source: AmoDays
"I guess, in the end, we were just two stars born lightyears apart. You need to find someone in your own constellation." — Paul Jillian
“You're just not a great bet to invest too deeply in.” — Heidi
“I know you had a family... and you couldn't be yourself around them, but you'd straight-up act like someone different depending on who you were with, then pretty soon there's no real Gretchen. We'd be best friends on Friday, and on Monday you'd look right through me.” — Heidi
“Everyone liked you or wanted you, but no one knew you.” — Heidi
“You gotta honor the end of the relationship.” — Vernon Barbara

Paul Jillian’s quote: “I'm a terrible patient. When I had the mumps, Mother threatened to send me to foster care.” | Source: AmoDays
“Jesus, why doesn't anything cool ever happen to me?” — Vernon Barbara
"Do I look like a Fitbit?!" — Sam
“I know you don't want to hear this, but the minute you stop looking for someone else to cure you, maybe you start living again.” — Tow Truck Driver
"Let me give you a few tips: Do not listen to music. Nothing is sucking you towards it..." — Guy in the bar
“Look! These guys rely on me to come up with awesome, cool, underground cultural shit to do every single week. You know how much pressure that puts on me? I got shingles trying to find a new Ethiopian restaurant.” — Hipster

Paul Jillian’s quote: “Love is putting someone else's feelings above your own.” | Source: AmoDays
Many of the quotes between Cutler and Shive-Overly could and even, in some cases, would be seen as romantic were you insert them into a prototypical love story. However, the show manages to bring to light how unhealthy some of these tropes are and pushes the audience to look at what they perceive to be a sustainable romantic relationship.
That being said if you like "You're the Worst," you may also enjoy 1996's "Relativity" with David Conrad and Poppy Montgomery or 2007's "Rules of Engagement" with Patrick Warburton and Megyn Price.
To help think about the narrative of toxic love that the show appears to portray, read these 38 ‘Twilight’ Love Quotes and More That Make Fans’ Hearts Flutter.