42 Tobias Funke Quotes That Spell Fun with a Dash of Funky Humor
Tobias Funke from the sitcom "Arrested Development" is known not only for his lovable obliviousness but also for his unique and quirky personality, fittingly reflected in his last name. Brighten up your day with these 44 quotes from this fascinating individual.
A comedic gem, Tobias Funke effortlessly brings humor to various topics, from family, parenthood to friendship. With his clever and amusing phrases, leaving them in fits of laughter.
Besides his role as a father, Tobias is a wannabe actor whose passion for the craft knows no bounds. But it's not just his acting dreams that keep us entertained; his rollercoaster relationship with his wife, Lindsay, adds a spicy twist to the mix.
Tobias has a close relationship with Lindsay's brother, Michael, and their interactions are filled with quirky banter and humorous conversations. To brighten your day, just like Tobias did for his family, here are 44 entertaining quotes for you to enjoy.

Tobias Funke's quote: "Michael, look, this has got to stop. I mean, flattered? Yes. Interested? Not tonight." | Source: Facebook.com/ArrestedDevelopment
Tobias Funke's Quirky Quotes Unleashed
"I just found out that my cellular telephone was a lemon. It didn't work." — Tobias Funke
"Guess what? There's a new daddy in town. A discipline daddy!" — Tobias Funke
"George Michael has been acting strange lately. I think he may have developed what we in the soft sciences refer to as obsessive-compulsive disorder. Or the O.C. disorder." — Tobias Funke
"Well, I am off to buy the perfect present. Maybe she'd like a suit like this." — Tobias Funke
"I'm afraid it's merely a cloaking agent from a sadly blunderous afternoon." — Tobias Funke

Tobias Funke's quote: "I had no idea a ninety-year-old man could cave in my chest cavity like that." | Source: Facebook.com/ArrestedDevelopment
"For there's a man inside me, and only when he's finally out can I walk free of pain." — Tobias Funke
Ah, yes. The 'Bob Loblaw Law Blog.' You, sir, are a mouthful." — Tobias Funke
"Boy, this Funke is all anybody's ever talking about. So sick and tired of hearing about how brilliant that Funke is. Overrated." — Tobias Funke
"Ah, the clumsy adolescence. It's a phase we've all been through. Except for me. I was like a cat." — Tobias Funke
"I'm sure wherever your father is right now, she loves you very, very much." — Tobias Funke

Tobias Funke's quote: "You have to be some sort of She-Hulk to get this." | Source: Facebook.com/ArrestedDevelopment
"I'm looking for something that says, 'Dad likes leather.'" — Tobias Funke
"Excuse me, do these effectively hide my thunder?" — Tobias Funke
"Okay, Lindsay, are you forgetting that I was a professional twice over – an analyst and a therapist." — Tobias Funke
"So Ann, the question is, do you want a man or a boy? I know how I would answer." — Tobias Funke
"And these romantic gestures are possibly why people think I'm a homosexual." — Tobias Funke

Tobias Funke's quote: "Ah, the clumsy adolescence. It's a phase we've all been through. Except for me. I was like a cat." | Source: Facebook.com/ArrestedDevelopment
"First of all, I love it. Quick question, though: am I panicked about the fire, or am I being brave for everyone else?" — Tobias Funke
"Michael, you are not quite the ladies' man I had pictured. Hopefully, we will remedy that when we are in the spa spreading body chocolate on each other." — Tobias Funke
"Michael, look, this has got to stop. I mean, flattered? Yes. Interested? Not tonight." — Tobias Funke
"Oh, my God! We're having a fire ... sale! Oh, the burning, it burns me! Evacuate all of the schoolchildren! This isn't a fever! Ama ... I can't even see where the knob is ... zing grace!" — Tobias Funke

Tobias Funke's quote: "I'm looking for something that says, 'Dad likes leather.'" | Source: Facebook.com/ArrestedDevelopment
"Oh, Maeby, great news. I got my hands on some money. I can't say how or when ... or where my wedding ring is, but my purse overfloweth, as do my high spirits, so a-shopping we must go." — Tobias Funke
"I had no idea a ninety-year-old man could cave in my chest cavity like that." — Tobias Funke
Tobias & Lindsay Funke's Witty Quote Banter
"Lindsay: Well, you know, maybe I would be more attracted to you if you were in better shape. You know, if you were just more muscular and masculine. Does that make me shallow?
Tobias: No. I was going to say the same thing to you." — "Arrested Development"
"Lindsay: Oh, you know what? I've already prepared a list of "won'ts."
Tobias: Oh, you're not going to believe this. My list is of "can'ts." — "Arrested Development"
"Lindsay: That's the first time we're in the shower since our honeymoon.
Tobias: And this time no tears!" — "Arrested Development"

Tobias Funke's quote: "Oh, I've been in the film business for a while, but I just can't seem to get one in the can." | Source: Facebook.com/ArrestedDevelopment
"Lindsay: I really love you, Tobias.
Tobias: Oh, Lindsay. We have got to get you to that acting clinic.
Lindsay: And that was with me picturing fudge." — "Arrested Development"
"Tobias: Everyone thinks I'm gay?
Lindsay: I mean, it's kind of a running joke...in the family." — "Arrested Development"
"This family is not about to start using. We are pushers, not takers." — Tobias Funke
"Tobias: Ok, kids. Mommy and daddy are going out for ice cream.
Maeby: Can we come?
Lindsay: Sorry, it's not for kids." — "Arrested Development"
"You have to be some sort of She-Hulk to get this." — Tobias Funke

Tobias Funke's quote: "Here's to our acting addiction…May we never be cured!" | Source: Facebook.com/ArrestedDevelopment
Tobias Funke's Hilarious Quotes on His Quest for the Limelight
"Tobias Funke: So fill each one of these bags with some glitter, my photo resume, some candy, and a note.
Mae 'Maebe' Funke : [reading one of the notes] 'I know where you live, ha, ha.' Casting directors hate this.
Narrator: They really do.
Casting Director: [shows a casting director's office] The glitterati has struck again.
[reading the resume]
Casting Director: Never hire Tobias Funke." — "Arrested Development"
"Do you see me more as the respected dramatic actor or more of the beloved comic actor?" — Tobias Funke
"Yes, that's fine, but I would like to focus on my acting, Mr. Weathers. I did give you my last $1, 100." — Tobias Funke
"If this were a 'Lifetime Moment of Truth' movie, this would be our act break." — Tobias Funke
"Jessie: And Tobias, you're a medical doctor and you're living an absurd fantasy as an actor. It's time to get real.
Tobias: Wow. It's a tough talk, but I like it. You're saying, 'land a major film.'" — "Arrested Development"
"Here's to our acting addiction…May we never be cured!" — Tobias Funke
"Tobias: No, no, no, there's a shower scene? I have to be nude?
Carl Weathers: Hey, you don't shower with your clothes on, now, do you?" — "Arrested Development"

Tobias Funke's quote: "For there's a man inside me, and only when he's finally out can I walk free of pain." | Source: Facebook.com/ArrestedDevelopment
"I didn't get into this business to please sophomore Tracy Schwartzman, so ... onward and upward. On ... (crying) Why, Tracy?! Why?!" — Tobias Funke
"No, I can't... I have an audition tomorrow. I'm up for a minor, but meaty role in a feature film: 'Confidence Man 2.'" — Tobias Funke
"Tobias: I agree with Michael; it's important not to tie your self-esteem to how you look or what people think of you. I mean, look at me- I'm an actor. An actor, for crying out loud. You know how much rejection I face every day? But in this business of show, you have to have the heart of an angel and the hide... of an elephant.
Lindsay: But, you've never actually had an audition.
Tobias: Well... excuse me! Excuse me." — "Arrested Development"

Tobias Funke's quote: "I'm afraid it's merely a cloaking agent from a sadly blunderous afternoon." | Source: Facebook.com/ArrestedDevelopment
"Oh, I've been in the film business for a while, but I just can't seem to get one in the can." — Tobias Funke
"Perhaps I jumped the gun on those new headshots." — Tobias Funke
"Well, I've always wanted to remake Annie Hall. Except, I wouldn't want to get in bed with a green producer like a Sofia Coppola, though. Oh, but give me an old pro like a Robert Redford. Oh, I'd jump into bed with him in a second. And I wouldn't just lie there, Michael Bluth, if that's what you're thinking." — Tobias Funke

Tobias Funke's quote: "Guess what? There's a new daddy in town. A discipline daddy!" | Source: Facebook.com/ArrestedDevelopment
Whether he's chasing his dreams in the limelight or navigating the challenges of family life, Tobias's clever and amusing phrases leave fans in endless laughter.
Actor David Cross starred as Tobias Funke in the renowned sitcom. Alongside Cross in the show were Portia de Rossi, Jason Bateman, Michael Cera, Alia Shakwat, Liza Minelli, Jessica Walter, and Will Arnett.
If you're looking for hearty laughs, dive into the world of Gob Bluth, another character from "Arrested Development." His witty quotes, akin to Tobias, have truly entertained fans for years.