An image of Dana Scully with her quote: "We do our work. The truth still lies in the X-Files, Mulder." | Source: Facebook.com/OfficialTheXFiles
An image of Dana Scully with her quote: "We do our work. The truth still lies in the X-Files, Mulder." | Source: Facebook.com/OfficialTheXFiles

63 'The X-Files' Quotes That Send You Beyond the Realm of Reason

Christell Fatima M. Tudtud
Jul 30, 2023
05:00 P.M.

"The X-Files" is a mind-bending series that has left us questioning everything from government secrets to extraterrestrial escapades. Brace yourself for 63 thought-provoking quotes from the most iconic television show.


The "X-Files" isn't just a TV show; it's a cosmic expedition that stretches the boundaries of our human intellect. This iconic series has earned its influential status in the science fiction genre, captivating minds, and imaginations across the universe.

With an ever-growing legion of avid followers, "X-Files" has transcended mere TV into a cultural phenomenon. It has a unique blend of science fiction, horror, and mystery, strong character development, and complex storytelling.

The series, starring skeptical characters Dana Scully and Fox Mulder, has captivated every fan with their fascinating adventures. Like them, trust no one and delve into these 63 quotes from the show that will intrigue you.

Cigarette Smoking Man's quote: "Every man has his weakness. Mine was always just cigarettes." | Source: AmoDays

Cigarette Smoking Man's quote: "Every man has his weakness. Mine was always just cigarettes." | Source: AmoDays


Unsettling Quotes from Dana Scully in 'The X-Files'

"I'm old-school, Mulder. Pre-Google." — Dana Scully

"Mulder, the Internet is not good for you." — Dana Scully

"Mulder, you just keep unfolding like a flower." — Dana Scully

"Time has a way of shedding light on injustices." — Dana Scully

"There's a lot of money to be made in scaring people." — Dana Scully

Susanne Modeski's quote: "No matter how paranoid you are, you're not paranoid enough." | Source: AmoDays

Susanne Modeski's quote: "No matter how paranoid you are, you're not paranoid enough." | Source: AmoDays

"We do our work. The truth still lies in the X-Files, Mulder." — Dana Scully

"I have never met anyone so passionate and dedicated to a belief as you. It's so intense that sometimes it's blinding." — Dana Scully


"What I find fantastic is any notion that there are answers beyond the realm of science. The answers are there. You just have to know where to look." — Dana Scully

"I have seen this before. You're on fire, believing that you're onto some truth, that you can save the world." — Dana Scully

"Mulder… listen to me. As your friend and as a physician, you are on dangerous ground here." — Dana Scully

Jose Chung's quote: "Though we may not be alone in the universe, in our own separate ways, on this planet we are all alone." | Source: AmoDays

Jose Chung's quote: "Though we may not be alone in the universe, in our own separate ways, on this planet we are all alone." | Source: AmoDays

"Some jobs keep pulling you back." — Dana Scully

"A mother never forgets." — Dana Scully

"We've been given another case, Mulder. It has a monster in it." — Dana Scully


"I want to remember how it was. I want to remember how it all was." — Dana Scully

"Must be nice not having someone question your every move, poking holes in all your theories." — Dana Scully

Cigarette Smoking Man's quote: "Men can never be free because they're weak, corrupt, worthless… and restless." | Source: AmoDays

Cigarette Smoking Man's quote: "Men can never be free because they're weak, corrupt, worthless… and restless." | Source: AmoDays

"I'm afraid. I'm afraid to believe." — Dana Scully

"Children aren't born liking sunflower seeds. Environments shape them; behavior patterns are taught." — Dana Scully

"Mulder, sometimes I think the world is going to hell and we're the only two people who can save it." — Dana Scully

"Maybe faith is a type of insanity." — Dana Scully


"The science that we were taught takes us but a distance towards the truth." — Dana Scully

Cigarette Smoking Man's quote: "The world will go on. Just in my image instead of God's." | Source: AmoDays

Cigarette Smoking Man's quote: "The world will go on. Just in my image instead of God's." | Source: AmoDays

"What if there was only one choice and all the other ones were wrong? And there were signs along the way to pay attention to." — Dana Scully

Mind-Bending Quotes from Fox Mulder in the 'X-Files' That Make You Ponder

"Who needs Google when you got Scully?" — Fox Mulder

"All we can do, Scully, is pull the thread, see what it unravels." — Fox Mulder

"I finally know why I'm not a Christian, Scully. My parents never got me a puppy." — Fox Mulder


"Sometimes the only sane answer to an insane world is insanity." — Fox Mulder

Dana Scully's quote: "I'm old-school, Mulder. Pre-Google." | Source: AmoDays

Dana Scully's quote: "I'm old-school, Mulder. Pre-Google." | Source: AmoDays

"We must ask ourselves… are they really a hoax? Are we truly alone? Or are we being lied to?" — Fox Mulder

"Well, I didn't burst into flames when I crossed the threshold, so I guess they really do forgive a lot." — Fox Mulder

"When convention and science offer us no answers, might we not finally turn to the fantastic as a plausibility?" — Fox Mulder

"Conspiracy sells…it pays for bulletproof limousines." — Fox Mulder

"Your own government lies as a matter of course, as a matter of policy…" — Fox Mulder


Dana Scully's quote: "Mulder, the Internet is not good for you." | Source: AmoDays

Dana Scully's quote: "Mulder, the Internet is not good for you." | Source: AmoDays

"It looks like this person was born without footprints. Which is impossible, by the way." — Fox Mulder

"Notice they didn't get a picture of it, which is odd, because everybody always has a camera on them these days." — Fox Mulder

"Cutler's eye-line is trained above the door, about Tim Duncan height. We can eliminate any 76ers, 'cause those guys can't find the rim." — Fox Mulder

"If this thing looks like those drawings, I'm emptying my clip into it. Even if it is in its underwear." — Fox Mulder

"'Back in the day.' Scully, 'back in the day' is now." — Fox Mulder


Dana Scully's quote: "Time has a way of shedding light on injustices." | Source: AmoDays

Dana Scully's quote: "Time has a way of shedding light on injustices." | Source: AmoDays

"We over-populate the world and create new technologies to kill each other with. Maybe we're just beasts with big brains." — Fox Mulder

"You can't protect the public by lying to them." — Fox Mulder

"If coincidences are coincidences, why do they seem so contrived?" — Fox Mulder

"This is America. Just because you get more votes, it doesn't mean you win." — Fox Mulder

"Scully, I gave up profiling before I gave up monsters. You've seen one serial killer, you've seen 'em all." — Fox Mulder

Dana Scully's quote: "There's a lot of money to be made in scaring people." | Source: AmoDays

Dana Scully's quote: "There's a lot of money to be made in scaring people." | Source: AmoDays


"How they police us and spy on us, tell us that makes us safer? We've never been in more danger." — Fox Mulder

"I've often felt that dreams are answers to questions we haven't yet figured out how to ask." — Fox Mulder

"This is my problem with modern-day monsters, Scully. There's no chance for emotional investment." — Fox Mulder

"Did you really think you could call up the Devil and ask him to behave?" — Fox Mulder

"We send those men up into space to unlock the doors of the universe, and we don't even know what's behind them." — Fox Mulder

Dana Scully's quote: "Maybe faith is a type of insanity." | Source: AmoDays

Dana Scully's quote: "Maybe faith is a type of insanity." | Source: AmoDays

"Alien technology being used against us, not by aliens, not with aliens, but by a venal conspiracy of men against humanity." — Fox Mulder


Enigmatic Quotes from 'X-Files' Cast: Cigarette Smoking Man and Others That Stick with You

"That which makes miracles can also make great evil." — Cigarette Smoking Man

"You see a man lying here, a seemingly weak man, but I'm the most powerful man in the world." — Cigarette Smoking Man

"I've controlled you since before you knew I existed." — Cigarette Smoking Man

"The world will go on. Just in my image instead of God's." — Cigarette Smoking Man

Fox Mulder's quote: "Who needs Google when you got Scully?" | Source: AmoDays

Fox Mulder's quote: "Who needs Google when you got Scully?" | Source: AmoDays

"You'll only win the war if you pick the right battles, Agent Mulder. This is a battle you can't win." — Mr. X


"No matter how paranoid you are, you're not paranoid enough." — Susanne Modeski

"I just changed the timetable. Everyone still dies in the end." — Cigarette Smoking Man

"Men can never be free because they're weak, corrupt, worthless… and restless." — Cigarette Smoking Man

Fox Mulder's quote: "All we can do, Scully, is pull the thread, see what it unravels." | Source: AmoDays

Fox Mulder's quote: "All we can do, Scully, is pull the thread, see what it unravels." | Source: AmoDays

"To doubt it is a failure of more than the imagination. It is a failure to recognize the limits of our own stupidity, the nascency of our science, the rudiment of our tools." — Cigarette Smoking Man


"Every man has his weakness. Mine was always just cigarettes." — Cigarette Smoking Man

"We have a small problem. They've reopened the X-Files." — Cigarette Smoking Man

"You want the truth, Agent Mulder? You've come to the right place." — Cigarette Smoking Man

Fox Mulder's quote: "We must ask ourselves… are they really a hoax? Are we truly alone? Or are we being lied to?" | Source: AmoDays

Fox Mulder's quote: "We must ask ourselves… are they really a hoax? Are we truly alone? Or are we being lied to?" | Source: AmoDays

"I didn't set out to destroy the world, Mulder. People did." — Cigarette Smoking Man

"Conscience is just the voices of the dead trying to save us from our own damnation." — Christopher Johansen


"The dead are no longer lonely." — Virgil Incanto

"Though we may not be alone in the universe, in our own separate ways, on this planet we are all alone." — Jose Chung

Fox Mulder's quote: "Conspiracy sells…it pays for bulletproof limousines." | Source: AmoDays

Fox Mulder's quote: "Conspiracy sells…it pays for bulletproof limousines." | Source: AmoDays

Indeed, the world is full of mysteries. Although the influential show is purely a work of science fiction, it encourages us to be open-minded and explore the uncharted territories of the universe with a sense of wonder and curiosity.

Actress Gillian Anderson starred as Scully and actor David Duchovny played Mulder. Other talented cast members of the show included William B. Davis, Mitch Pileggi, Robert Patrick, Tom Braidwood, and Jerry Hardin.

Enigmatic shows like the "X-Files" compel us to engage our critical minds, and "The Matrix," starring Keanu Reeves and Carrie-Anne Moss, is no stranger to this genre. Now, ponder some insightful quotes from the film's iconic villain, Agent Smith.



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