Signs an Aquarius Man Is Falling For You: Unlocking the Water-Bearer’s Love
Water-bearers can be perplexing individuals. They tend to keep their cards close to their chest. But they are not as confusing as they seem if you learn to pick up on the signs.
Aquarius (January 20 – February 18) always seems stuck in another world, somewhat emotionally detached and enigmatic. This can make it difficult to read them, especially when it comes to love.
However, even with someone as puzzling as the water-bearer, there are some tell-tale signs that they are slowly falling for you, and let it be known, if these signs are there, they have probably already imagined putting a ring on your finger.

A couple. | Source: Pexels
You Will Always Be On His Mind
When an Aquarius man begins falling in love with someone, they will not be able to get this person off of their mind. Their usual daydreams spent on intellectual pursuits and imagining the world as a better place will be placed upon you.
He will constantly talk about you to his friends and family to get this intense mental energy out. They may even start getting irritated with his constant blabbering.
If you want to test this out, you can do two things. If you know his friends, see if they mention certain aspects about you that they wouldn't know unless he spoke about you to them. The second strategy is to pay attention to see if he remembers certain things you talked about, especially if they are tiny moments. If the Aquarius man is falling in love, he will remember almost everything you said and did.

A man. | Source: Pexels
In-Depth Intellectual Conversations
The Aquarius man loves a good intellectual conversation about any topic available. He will always attempt to engage in these conversations with you, not just because he enjoys it but because he is genuinely interested in your opinions. He will listen intently to you and always take your opinion seriously.
Even more than that, he will likely lend you books about topics he's interested in or suggest movies, podcasts, and YouTube videos with the sole intent of wanting your perspective on the subject matter.

A couple. | Source: Pexels
He Wants to Know Everything about You
Aquarians are naturally curious individuals, so when they fall in love, you will become the center of that curiosity. Beyond your opinions, he will want to know everything about you, from your favorite movies to your childhood, and he will always be intently interested in your day.
He Supports Your Goals and Aspirations
When an Aquarius falls in love with someone, they will want to see them succeed. Every time you achieve something, the Aquarius man might be happier for you than yourself.
He will always be there for you no matter what and will begin incorporating your vision for the future into his own.

A couple holding hands. | Source: Pexels
Aquarians hold honesty in high regard, so if he feels you are not doing all you can or can improve in some area of your life, he may bring it up. This could feel hurtful, but remember, for the Aquarian, it is simply an act of love. He sees massive potential in you and wants to remind you of that, even if it means some harsh truths will come up.
He Will See You as His Best Friend
Aquarians are big on friendship and will likely befriend you for an extended period before they make any romantic moves. This may seem counterintuitive, but the water-bearer needs to know he can be friends with you before anything else.
Once you begin engaging in a relationship, he will likely refer to you as his "best friend," with "romantic partner" coming second fiddle.

A couple laughing. | Source: Unsplash
He Makes Time for You No Matter What
Aquarius's do not waste their time. They are very intentional about what they spend their energy on. So, if an Aquarian man is making a lot of time for you, he sees you as a significant investment in his life.
If an Aquarius is making time for you over other priorities no matter what, you can be sure that his feelings are pretty strong, especially if he is canceling other plans to be with you.
There will be no shortage of this water-bearer inviting you to spend time with him, with a lot spent on adventures and exploring life together.

A couple on the beach. | Source: Pexels
Opening Up and Vulnerability
Although their compassion for humanity runs deep, Aquariuns are known to be detached individuals focused on life's cerebral aspect. The intellectual conversation does imply serious interest, but once he begins to open up to you emotionally, there is a high chance that he is officially head over heels.
More than that, he will show a lot of physical affection, compliment you, and constantly engage in romantic gestures. He will also invite you into his world, where he keeps his close friends and family.
His emotions, physical affection, and introduction to his loved ones are significant signs that this man deeply loves you.

A couple. | Source: Unsplash
While Aquarians can get along with just about anyone, they tend to be very fussy about who they allow in their lives consistently.
So, if they are letting you in, there is no doubt that the Aquarian man has weighed every option. In other words, you can relax as this water-bearer has already committed to you one hundred percent and is extremely unlikely to change their mind.
One sign that Aquarius may be keenly interested is the mercurial Gemini. Find out more by reading Aquarius Woman and Gemini Man: When the Vivacious Discovers the Visionary.