The Dark Side of Capricorn Female: Workaholism, Materialism and a Lonely Life
Capricorn women are powerhouses, breaking glass ceilings wherever they may go. But, while commendable, this aspect of their lives can become the center of their existence, and slowly but surely, while they build one part of their life, the rest might crumble around them. Sadly, they may not even notice until it's too late.
Capricorn (December 22 - January 19) women can be highly ambitious and hard-working, using their accumulated wealth to enjoy life, especially with friends and family. They can recognize potential in others and help coach them to improve and achieve their goals.
However, there are negative sides to these positive attributes if Capricorn becomes hyper-obsessed with their ambition and materialism. If these Capricorn women aren't careful, they can end up with a lot of money, yet the other currencies in life will be sorely lacking.

A woman smelling money. | Source: Pexels
Workaholic and Overly-Ambitious
Capricorns are the hardest-working sign of the Zodiac. They have this burning desire from childhood to be the best at everything. They study through the night, work extra hours, and are always willing to go above and beyond to get to the top.
While this is commendable, it can lead to intense self-criticism and a lack of a full life. It could even lead to burnout, which could bring the Capricorn's professional ambitions to a halt and send them spiraling into depression.
When they are not working, which is hardly ever, they may feel a sense of emptiness. This is most likely because they've not gathered enough a lot of deep connections and experiences to have lived a whole life. But Capricorns do not come to this conclusion, and they will think that working is akin to feeling fulfilled. Therefore, they believe that working more will make them feel better.

A woman working and sipping on coffee. | Source: Pexels
It can also lead them to be ruthless and relentless, stepping over other individuals in the workplace to get to the top without a second thought. At this point, they may have isolated themselves from their friends, family, and now their co-workers.
When it comes to the Capricorn woman in particular, and especially in the corporate world, she may feel the need to work twice as hard and be twice as ruthless to prove that she is just as deserving as her male counterparts to be in her position.
Critical and Arrogant
The Capricorn women's high standards are not just something she puts on herself. Instead, she can project it onto the people around her, becoming hyper-critical, pushy, and without sympathy toward failure and imperfection.

A serious woman with folded arms. | Source: Pexels
She will tell herself this is an act of love. She sees potential in those around her and can not understand why they won't live up to it. Sadly, this type of toxic Capricorn may not recognize that the value in people is not solely based on achievement, which can leave them pushing their loved ones away even more if she even notices their absence in her constant state of workaholism.
This attitude can be particularly detrimental if the Capricorn parent becomes a mother. She may push her kids too hard and fail to develop relationships with them beyond their grades and extra-curricular activities.

A mother scolding her child. | Source: Pexels
Even if her children and other loved ones choose to remain in her life, there will be a disconnect that she may not even notice.
Capricorn women enjoy material possessions and find it to be a satisfying reward for all the work they've done. Sadly, they can become too focused on this aspect of life, once again missing out on experiences with loved ones and life experiences. If the Capricorn woman doesn't notice this early enough, she may find herself in a massive house empty and void of life.
While nothing is wrong with wanting material objects, these Capricorn women should consider spending more on experiences, especially with loved ones. Sadly, these star signs also have a penchant for being selfish, and so the idea of spending money outside of materialism is a foreign one that may not even cross their minds.

A woman shopping. | Source: Pexels
Of course, not all Capricorn women are not like this at all times, although they may display one or two negative traits here and there. However, some give in to their dark side and don't even realize they're building the perfect life with no one to share it with.
These Capricorns' negative mindsets don't help much if they realize what is missing in their life, as they tend to be pessimistic. However, if these powerful women can apply that same grit to other aspects of their lives as they do in their professional world, they will likely transform it overnight.
One star sign that could snap the Capricorn woman out of her ambition-obsessed trance is Sagittarius. Find out more by reading: Capricorn Woman and Sagittarius Man: Work Hard, Play Hard, Love Harder