A crying man. | Source: Unsplash
A crying man. | Source: Unsplash

The Dark Side of Cancer Male: The Catch-22 of Being Sensitive in a Harsh World

Dayna Remus
Sep 16, 2023
01:00 A.M.

Cancer men, like Cancer women, can be the sweetest and gentlest lovers, friends, and parents if they allow their sensitivity to be felt and used positively. However, their dark side comes in when that sensitivity is channeled in all the wrong ways.


Like most people, this crab's greatest weakness is their greatest strength, and if they can learn how to use it correctly, they can have a positive life; the life they want filled with coziness, nurturing, and connection.

That being said, the opposite can happen if these men use their ability to experience the world profoundly to control or push others away, among other negative attributes.

A crying man. | Source: Unsplash

A crying man. | Source: Unsplash

All the Feelings All the Time

Cancer's defining factor in the Zodiac and the general mind of those interested in astrology is that they are hyper-sensitive.

Who can blame them? These crabs have to deal with an onslaught of their emotions, other surrounding peoples' feelings and the negativity blaring out from the news. Their sensitivity even encompasses the physical world: How bright the lights are, the jarring music or that gorgeous amethyst blue on the wall.


Living in color sounds beautiful, but it can be overwhelming, and mood swings are a given from a young age. Unfortunately, these may continue if the Cancer man hasn't matured emotionally. Since anger is generally the only emotion men may express without judgment in our society, their moodiness could extend to this kind of toxic expression.

A broody man. | Source: Unsplash

A broody man. | Source: Unsplash

This can make individuals feel like they are walking on eggshells around the Cancer man, as they never know what might set them off. It may be heartbreaking to a partner who will experience their sweet and kind Cancer man one day, only to be met with an angry individual out of nowhere.

Clinginess and Insecurity

Cancer men love hard, from their family, friends, and partners; their deep care for the important people in their lives transcends what most view as possible. Sadly, this deep love can cause the crab to act in a manner that is the exact opposite of what love should be.


Fearful of having their sensitive heart hurt and sometimes because they are inherently insecure, this star sign can be possessive, controlling, and manipulative. Surprisingly, Cancer is very good at pulling at individuals' emotional strings due to their empathetic understanding of those around them.

A crying man. | Source: Unsplash

A crying man. | Source: Unsplash

If he doesn't take this route, the Cancer man may resort to people pleasing, hoping that this will ensure that the individuals in his life will continue to love him and stick around. This may be sweet initially but can become a little sad and pathetic at worst.

If someone in their lives does transgress, this crab will likely never forgive them, as their heart may be eternally broken.


Reclusive and Closed Up

Due to his intensity of emotions, especially when hurt, the Cancer man tends to become reclusive and broody. Sadly, this lead to the opposite of what he looks for in his life: Connection, nurturing, and love.

A stressed man. | Source: Unsplash

A stressed man. | Source: Unsplash

In incredibly romantic relationships, he may struggle to communicate his feelings, leading to disconnect and miscommunication with his partner or partners. It doesn't help if they hit a wall, as he will crawl back into his shell, and instead of engaging in challenging communication, there may be none.

Beyond miscommunication, this can create distrust and the inability of those in his life to know when he needs them, which will hurt him even further; the cancer man in this capacity needs to understand that, unlike him, most individuals can not read or feel the emotions of others with ease.


Beyond emotions, he may struggle to live fully, being too cautious to take on an overwhelming world.

A man laughing. | Source: Unsplash

A man laughing. | Source: Unsplash

The Cancer man must understand that he has two options. The first is to become reclusive out of fear of being hurt but only to never experience the love and life he needs. The other is to open up, despite the possibility of hurt and heartbreak, thereby experiencing his relationships and life in a beautifully vivid way.

A blessing and a curse, the Cancer man has no armor when he walks into the world, and so he feels his shell and reclusiveness is his only escape. But, while there is nothing wrong with taking a rest from the world now and again, he can live life in a way that many can't, entirely, glowingly and with a beauty most of us can never imagine.

Learn more about the Cancer man by reading: Virgo Woman & Cancer Man: Opposites That Attract.



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