A man gazing into the camera. | Source: Unsplash
A man gazing into the camera. | Source: Unsplash

Signs a Scorpio Man Is Falling For You: Intense and Always Eager to Please

Dayna Remus
Sep 29, 2023
09:00 A.M.
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Scorpio men are incredibly intense while being heavily secretive, so when they fall in love, this intensity begins to spill out in different ways. Eventually, not even he will be able to hide it.


Scorpio (October 23 - November 21) men are extraordinarily intense and emotional beings. They take their relationships seriously, so when they fall in love, they fall hard and with an intensity only comparable to that of romantic novels.

However, Scorpios should always lean toward using intensity to be more positive in their relationships. With some, their intense feelings can sometimes lead them to act toxic.

A couple sitting together. | Source: Unsplash

A couple sitting together. | Source: Unsplash

All of the Physical Intimacy

When men engage with a woman on a physical level for a significant part of the time they spend together, the woman, or a man, might begin to wonder if the Scorpio man cares for them or is only interested in their body.


When it comes to the Scorpio, however, they will express their feelings via touch. This could range from brushing against your arm all the way to the bedroom itself. You will notice, however, the intensity in which he engages with these acts, a pure sign of a man who has fallen head over heels.

Will Go Out of His Way to Help You

A Scorpio man will show his love through acts of service. He may fix your lightbulb (although you secretly can do it yourself), buy you coffee during a long and arduous work day, always offer to pick you up from the airport no matter how far the drive is, and god forbid you fall sick! He will buy half the pharmacy for you, make you coffee whenever you please, do all the cooking and cleaning, and let you sleep the whole day through.

Through physical intimacy and acts of service, this Scorpion man wants to prove that he isn't just about words. His actions, in bed and outside, help with your pleasure and comfort, which he sees as love.

He Opens up to You

If a Scorpio man opens up to you about his feelings, more profound thoughts, and secrets, you may as well begin planning your wedding. This man sees you as wife material.


A couple about to kiss. | Source: Pexels

A couple about to kiss. | Source: Pexels

At this point, the Scorpion feels that not only can he love you, but he can also trust you. Trust is a significant factor for the Scorpion man, who is closed up, secretive, distrustful, and scared to show his heart.

The only problematic part is that, before you both get to this level, the Scorpio man may begin setting up little tests for you, sometimes without you even noticing. He may try to pull a serious secret from you that one of your close friends shared to see if you will give it up. If they're incredibly unhealthy, they may even go as far as creating a fake profile on social media and messaging you flirtatiously to see if you respond.

Luckily, most Scorpios don't do this. Instead, they watch how you interact with your family and friends and notice any inconsistencies in your narratives, that you're immune to gossip and don't go around sharing other individuals' confidential stories.


They fall even deeper into love once they feel they can trust you.

Protective, Possessive, and Jealous

One dark aspect of their personalities that all Scorpios grapple with is their possible overprotective, possessive, and jealous behavior.

An upset couple. | Source: Pexels

An upset couple. | Source: Pexels

These Scorpions can have a healthier version of this if they are mature. They're protective in a rational sense if, say, you are visiting a dangerous area by yourself, and they ask you to keep your phone on. They may experience little and cute pangs of jealousy over attractive individuals in your lives, but will move past it quickly.


If the more extreme side of this behavior is not remedied earlier, it is a sign to get out of their fast.

He Only Has Eyes for You

Scorpio's eyes tell stories they never express verbally, and if you're at the end of one of their infamous death stares, it can feel like someone stabbed you in the stomach with a psychic knife.

But everyone forgets to mention how they look at the man or woman they love. The look in their eyes will draw you in, and you will know, just looking into that intense gaze, that this man has fallen deeply for you—no words needed.

A couple lying down and gazing in each others' eyes. | Source: Unsplash

A couple lying down and gazing in each others' eyes. | Source: Unsplash


Scorpios tend to have implicit warning signs on their head due to their notorious possessive and jealous behavior. That said, this is an infrequent occurrence, and like most star signs, there are healthy and unhealthy versions of this Zodiac.

Scorpios can be some of the best lovers around; they care about your safety, are open about their feelings, have no wandering eyes, are always there for you no matter what you need, and are eager to please in bed.

To indulge in some more juicy information about the Scorpio's love life, read: Scorpio Woman and Sagittarius Man: Two Polar Opposites Coming Together.



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