A groom and bride kissing. | Source: Pexels
A groom and bride kissing. | Source: Pexels

Three Zodiacs That Are Lucky in Love and Destined to Find Their Soulmate

Dayna Remus
Sep 09, 2023
09:00 A.M.

Pisces, Taurus, and Aries are all generally lucky in love. However, they do not simply possess powers to lure their soulmates in, but rather skills we can learn to discover and maintain a healthy relationship with our soulmate or potential soulmate.


We are all sold dreams of true love, with many of these stories acting as if finding and being with someone is a passive process. The truth is that it's not. One has to have specific attributes and habits to attract one's soulmate.

The following three-star signs all have skills and qualities that helped them actively find and commit to a long-term relationship with their one true love instead of believing that the fairytale writes itself.

A couple kissing. | Source: Unsplash

A couple kissing. | Source: Unsplash

Pisces: The Intuitive Romantic

Pisces is an open book. This star sign does not hesitate to open themselves to those who they are interested and falling in love with. Many people may see this as not the most brilliant move on the fish's part. It is also in stark contrast to many nowadays who hold their cards too close to their chest and are much less likely to form a genuine connection with anyone.


While there are real dangers to Pisces putting themselves out there with abandon, they have a silent strength many do not know about: their incredible intuition. Pisces is the most intuitive sign in the Zodiac and will feel if something is amiss.

Once they are in the relationship, they can keep it strong with empathy and intution. They know how to be there for their partner through thick and thin and how to comfort them.

A woman standing in water.  | Source: Pexels

A woman standing in water. | Source: Pexels

Pisces can sometimes be seen as a weak star sign because of their sensitivity. But, it is in their sensitive nature that their ability to love unconditionally, a massive strength that keeps relationships alive, continues to grow.

If we can learn anything from Pisces and how they find and sustain their relationship with their soulmate, it is to open up, with discernment of course, take leaps of faith, use your intution, and learn how to love unconditionally; no easy tasks but required for a lifetime of true love.


Taurus: The Wise-Old Bull

Strangely enough, Taurus finds their soulmate by doing the opposite of Pisces. Instead of using their heart, they use their head to navigate the sharp waters of romance, love, and heartbreak.

A man holding a laptop. | Source: Pexels

A man holding a laptop. | Source: Pexels

Taurus is not slightly interested in casual relations. When the Taurus looks to the future, the star sign sees only one person to dedicate his life to and has no time to waste solely following his feelings.

This star sign may take a long time before they decide whether an individual is worth dating seriously. They want to get to know them deeply before they can see them truly working together in the long term.


Some individuals may not be cut out for this. But, those who are and pass these tests will enter into a beautiful partnership where the Taurean will go out of their way to make them feel loved, secure, and safe. Once they are in, they are all in, and they will not hesitate to give their lover every ounce of love and adoration available.

A man holding a coffee mug while looking at his phone. | Source: Pexels

A man holding a coffee mug while looking at his phone. | Source: Pexels

Their commitment is steadfast, and the bull, having taken so much time to choose their soulmate, will hold onto them like a rare jewel. They will never give up on anything, anyone, or any issue that may arise. In this case, their stubbornness becomes a strength.

Aries: The All or Nothing

Aries are individuals who fall head over heels quickly and waste no time pursuing the individual who has become the center of their universe.


If this individual does not initially reciprocate their feelings, Aries will, in a respectful manner, try to catch their attention. They love a challenge, and this one has high stakes: the Aries blazing yet fragile heart.

A woman sitting in front of a fan. | Source: Pexels

A woman sitting in front of a fan. | Source: Pexels

Sooner or later, their possible suitor will not be able to resist this fire sign's intense charisma and magnetic charm, and from thereon, Aries will have their lover all to themselves. This lover will begin swooning over this individual that they couldn't believe they had never noticed before.

Aries's persistence and championing behavior continue within the relationship. The fire sign will not allow big or small issues to come in the way of what they have with their partner.


A woman holding fairy lights. | Source: Pexels

A woman holding fairy lights. | Source: Pexels

While these three star signs are in luck in that their natural attributes are conducive to finding true love, they still put those in action before and during relationships. We can all look at what we have and how we can positively use that to help us find love.

We can take advice from these signs: We should open our hearts but keep our intuition's ears pricked up and our minds firing on all cylinders. Make sure that the person doesn't only meet our hearts but our standards, and, without crossing boundaries, be ready to play the long game. Once we get into these relationships, we can practice unconditional love, ensure that our partners feel safe and secure, and make a commitment to ourselves that we will not give up easily.

Relationships can be complex, but true love with a true soulmate is not one from a storybook but one from a real-life story where two people stick it out through the messy parts... that's the actual definition of true love.

Allow the bull to take you even deeper into their love life by reading: Taurus Woman and Gemini Man: The Rooted, the Restless, and Their Road Ahead.



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