A red rose. | Source: Unsplash
A red rose. | Source: Unsplash

Signs a Libra Man Is Falling For You: Roses, Romance and Pure Commitment

Dayna Remus
Oct 07, 2023
01:00 A.M.
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If you don't know how your Libra man feels, the best thing to do is to ask him because he will be honest. However, if you're too anxious to take that big step, you can dive into the following signs indicating he has strong feelings toward you.


Libra men are romantic and straightforward individuals, and you will usually know how they are feeling or where you stand with them because they tend to be honest. They don't want to waste their time as well as the other potential partners.

That being said, if you are struggling to know what's going on, there are some signs you can look for from the Libra man that can convey strong feelings.

A red rose. | Source: Unsplash

A red rose. | Source: Unsplash

He Makes Sure to Spend Time With You, No Matter What

Libra men are independent, social individuals who like to spend their time as they want without being tethered down. However, when he falls in love, this goes out the window.


He will make time to see you, no matter what. This could range from canceling social events or joining you on your daily errands if you are busy. Whatever the case, the Libra man will ensure that you two spend quality time together.

You Are Part of His Future Plans

Libra men tend to think of the person they love and how they fit into the future. This may not be explicit or obvious in the beginning phases of the relationship or when you begin seeing one another. Instead, he will make passing comments that you could almost miss if you weren't paying attention. This is the Libra letting it slip that he sees you in his future.

One example would be that he is talking about moving into a new apartment in a few months and says that you would probably like staying there or that you would definitely be able to decorate the place nicely due to your keen eye.

Red rose petals. | Source: Unsplash

Red rose petals. | Source: Unsplash


However, try to read only a little into it and wait to see if he gets more upfront the more you see one another.

He Wants to Solve Your Problems

Libra men will be intent on helping you solve your problems, from actively helping you to giving you advice. The great thing about this is that it indicates that he has strong feelings for them and is also great at providing advice and problem-solving so that the assistance will be worthwhile.

Of course, there are moments when we don't want individuals to give us advice but rather listen to us. Luckily, the Libra man is quite socially intelligent and will pick up on this quickly. The cherry on top of the cake is that he is an excellent listener

A red rose. | Source: Unsplash

A red rose. | Source: Unsplash


The Finer Things in Life

All Libras love the finer things in life, from delicious food to art to general luxurious living. He will try to woo you then, with expensive dinners or holidays, going to art shows, or buying you jewelry.

This may come across as shallow, but the Libra wants to live life to the full in the way he understands it and wants to share and spoil you in that way.

He Is Romantic

Libra men are incredibly romantic individuals. There will be no shortage of surprises and red roses, and it will constantly wax poetic. Don't be surprised to find love notes on your office desk or contestant date nights. While many men tend to waver on romance, they will never stop wooing you the longer the relationship goes on.

Red roses. | Source: Unsplash

Red roses. | Source: Unsplash


He Speaks about Commitment

Unfortunately, a lot of individuals love to play games these days. However, Libras are different from this. They will be pretty upfront about where they are in terms of your dating or relationship.

When they have decided to commit to you, you can be sure they've given it more than enough thought. You will also be the first one to know.

At the end of the day, if you're looking for signs with a Libra, you may be in trouble because they are generally very straightforward about how they feel and where they see the two of you going. If he hasn't said anything, you should ask him. He will tell you the truth, even if it's difficult to hear.

A red rose. | Source: Unsplash

A red rose. | Source: Unsplash


Overall, it is better to be open and honest about how you're feeling and what you're expecting from other individuals. It's good to ask them where they are at, and if you think they are messing you around, not being honest, or are confused about their feelings, it's probably best to think twice about whether they are the right person for you.

Opening up can be daunting, but it prevents you from more severe heartbreak and saves you time to meet and be with the person who is entirely sure about you.

If anyone can beat the Libra in the romance race, it's the idealist Pisces. Find out about their feelings by reading: Signs a Pisces Man Is Falling For You: Romance and the Risk of Pedestals.



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