An eye. | Source: Pexels
An eye. | Source: Pexels

Aquarius Questions: Attempting to Get To Know This Eccentric Water-Bearer

Dayna Remus
Oct 12, 2023
05:00 P.M.
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Detached and lost on another plane of existence, Aquarius's enigmatic personality can leave us baffled, curious, and with a landslide of questions. Here are some answers to those dying to find out more about the water-bearers in their life.


Aquarius (January 20 – February 18) are so many things; they're kind, eccentric, free-spirited weirdos that we all love. They will not stop until they've made a significantly positive impact on the world. They are also highly intelligent to the point of being intimidating.

Most of all, however, is that that water-bearer is enigmatic. We need help to figure them out. Let's try to do so with the following questions.

A man | Source: Pexels

A man | Source: Pexels

Questions about Love Answered

How do I know if an Aquarius man or woman likes or loves me?

If an Aquarius man or woman likes or falls for you, they will engage with you by sharing content and media such as books, YouTube videos, and articles. The Aquarius will also want to engage with your content and genuinely go out of their way to engage with it. They will read all the books you lend them, listen to the Spotify playlist you sent them, and watch your favorite YouTubers in no time at all.


Beyond this, they will go out of their way to converse with you. They will be intensely interested in your thoughts and perspectives and enjoy a good debate. The water-bearer will respect you intellectually, which they struggle to do with most individuals.

Beyond this, they will try to share as much time with you as possible and will be open to compromise; this star sign will be emotionally vulnerable with you, which is extremely difficult for them to do.

Is my star sign compatible with an Aquarius man or woman?

Aries (March 21 – April 19)

Positive: Both independent and adventurous with a passion for their ambitions.

Negative: Aries is exceptionally passionate, while Aquarius is detached.

A woman reading. | Source: Pexels

A woman reading. | Source: Pexels


Taurus (April 20 – May 20)

Positive: They balance each other out, with Aquarius pushing the boundaries and Taurus having a more conservative approach.

Negative: Aquarius's free spirit could make Taurus anxious and feel neglected. Meanwhile, Taurus's propensity for a more traditional relationship with security and comfort at the center could make the water-bearer feel suffocated.

Gemini (May 21 – June 20)

Positive: These two are highly compatible, sharing intellectual stimulation, free-spirited demeanors, a lust for adventure, and a need for independence.

Negative: Their shared need for independence may cause the two to become detached and drift over time.

Cancer (June 21 – July 22)

Positive: Both have an empathetic leaning toward the suffering of others. Although Aquarius is on a broader scale and Cancer is focused on their loved ones, they will be drawn to each other for it.

A woman. | Source: Pexels

A woman. | Source: Pexels


Negative: Cancer is highly emotional and can be clingy, while Aquarius is cerebral and free-spirited. This clash may leave Cancer feeling unseen and Aquarius overwhelmed and anxious.

Leo (July 23 – August 22)

Positive: These two are both utopian and creative, and love meeting someone who can match that energy, as many individuals misunderstand them in this area.

Negative: Leo's passion may be too much for the Aquarius, while Leo may get bored with Aquarius's lack of fire.

Virgo (August 23 – September 22)

Positive: These two will connect intellectually and will be able to have conversations until the sun rises. They both understand that passion isn't the only factor in the relationship.

Negative: While Virgo has a conservative view on relationships, Aquarius is more open-minded. They may find that even if they like or love each other, they want entirely different things.

A man wearing an anonymous mask. | Source: Pexels

A man wearing an anonymous mask. | Source: Pexels


Libra (September 23 – October 22)

Positive: Aquarius and Libra are a great match. They are intellectual, talkative, kind, adventurous, social, and free-spirited.

Negative: Libra is a romantic and might get annoyed at Aquarius's detached nature. More than that, Aquarius may view Libra's love for beauty and obsession with looking after themselves as shallow and devoid of true value.

Scorpio (October 23 – November 21)

Positive: Aquarius and Scorpio are both eccentric, enigmatic, and misunderstood, although in entirely different ways. They will both feel connected over this and also intrigued by the other. No topic is off the charts as they can discuss any issue and, ultimately, be themselves.

Negative: Even if Aquarius is deeply in love with a Scorpio, they will run a thousand miles if the Scorpion can't control their jealousy and possessiveness. Meanwhile, the deeply emotional Scorpio will feel frustrated with the unemotional nature of the water-bearer.

Sagittarius (November 22 – December 21)

Positive: Sagittarius and Aquarius are a fantastic match. They love adventure, intellectual exchanges, and their independence is of utmost value.


A woman reading. | Source: Pexels

A woman reading. | Source: Pexels

Negative: Both of these signs are non-commital, so it may take some time for them to commit completely...if they even get there. The Aquarius is slightly better than Sagittarius, but they must loosen themselves from their emotional walls to ask for a committed relationship.

Capricorn (December 22 – January 19)

Positive: Aquarius and Capricorn are both idealistic in different ways and will admire each other's ambition. Capricorn will help Aquarius achieve their dreams by being more practical, and Aquarius will push Capricorn to think out of the box.

Negative: Capricorn may get irritated as he sees Aquarius's views as overly idealistic, while the water bearer will find Capricorn to be a defeatist and naysayer.


Aquarius (January 20 – February 18)

Positive: Of course, with their common traits, these two are likely to have a harmonious relationship. They will have long conversations, partner up to change the world, and have a mutually deep understanding of one another. These two water-bearers will have the perfect partner in crime.

Negative: If they haven't learned to balance themselves out, two idealists together can lead to a shared fall from grace. These two may get frustrated as their lives become messy and their projects are never finished.

An individual. | Source: Pexels

An individual. | Source: Pexels

Pisces (February 19 – March 20):

Positive: These two live in their own worlds, although Pisces is more dreamy while Aquarius is more intellectual. However, they will enjoy talking and exploring this shared space, finding each other strangely endearing.


Negative: Like the Aquarius couple, this pair can be too idealistic together. Beyond that, Pisce's emotional nature will clash with Aquarius's cerebral, and they won't be able to give each other what they need.

Questions about Life Answered

What are Aquarius' strengths and weaknesses?

Strengths: Aquarius's are brilliant. They are creative visionaries out to change the world and often end up doing just that. They are friendly and are great to explore with, whether going to a new bookshop around the corner or traveling to another country.

They are exciting and quirky individuals and always have something unique to say; in other words, the water-bearer doesn't do dull moments. Aquarius is also extraordinarily open-minded and accepting of any individual. While they may be detached, they genuinely love their friends and family and will always stand up for them if they face and injustice, big or small.

Many of these traits make the Aquarius brave. They don't care what society has to say about them. They don't think twice about speaking up for causes, even if it makes them unpopular.

A woman shouting in a microphone. | Source: Pexels

A woman shouting in a microphone. | Source: Pexels


Weaknesses: The water-bearer can be emotionally distant and arrogant, especially concerning intellect. While these individuals are extremely intelligent, their arrogance can cause them to become blocked off from new ideas, which is something they would usually love.

They can also be overly idealistic and simply be contrarian for the sake of being contrarian. This will lead them to create causes or engage in activism with no real plan or basis.

What careers suit the Aquarius?

Creating or Working for a Non-Profit Organisation (NPO): This is the perfect way for Aquarius to change the world. They will likely be an ambassador or work on research behind the scenes.

Journalist: Journalism is an excellent field for Aquarius. Investigative journalism may be particularly enjoyable as it satisfies Aquarius's curious nature and helps them better the world by uncovering the darker parts of humanity.

A woman writing. | Source: Pexels

A woman writing. | Source: Pexels


Politics: While Aquarius may disdain politicians, they might eventually resign themselves to trying to change the system from inside the system. Once there, they might be surprised at how much they enjoy it and will notice their actual impact on society, that is, at least in the long term.

Environmental scientist: This is the perfect way that Aquarius can combine their love for making the world better while getting the intellectual stimulation they need.

Professor: If anything will stimulate an Aquarius, it will be a job as a professor. Here, they can express this part of themselves unabashedly. They will likely teach a subject or subjects that make an impact on this world, such as environmental science, politics, or gender-based studies.

A woman laughing. | Source: Pexels

A woman laughing. | Source: Pexels


Aquarius may sometimes be difficult to connect with, they may live in a world far away from us, and sometimes, this star sign's arrogance can rub us the wrong way. However, their bravery, kindness, and pure vision of changing the world make them endearing.

Whether it's love, careers, or life in general, Aquarius will always bring that enigmatic, free-spirited energy to it, and we love them for it.

Explore the world of the water-bearer even more by reading: Signs an Aquarius Woman Is Falling For You: Catching the Free-Spirit’s Eye.



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