A man staring out a window. | Source: Pexels
A man staring out a window. | Source: Pexels

Aquarius Compatibility: The One to Catch This Water-Bearer’s Distant Eyes

Dayna Remus
Aug 05, 2023
05:00 A.M.
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Aquarians are distant individuals. It may seem impossible to find, no less pull on their heartstrings. That being said, never stop counting your lucky stars because one of them might possess that magic touch.


Aquarius (January 20 - February 18) is the humanitarian of the Zodiac. They strive to better society and will spend hours thinking about how to make that happen. Some may see them as idealistic, but they don't care; they are here to make a change.

The water-bearer is so laser-focused on their love for humanity that they overlook their possible personal affections. However, if you're lucky, you'll catch their glance, and it will be game over for this Aquarian, who, despite themselves, will have fallen head over heels.

A woman staring into the distance. | Source: Unsplash

A woman staring into the distance. | Source: Unsplash

Aries: Stimulated but Disconnected

Positive: Aquarius and Aries will never be bored. With the water bearer's never-ending curiosity and the Aries's (March 21 – April 19) undefinable passion, these two will experience constant adventure. They will challenge each other, finally finding someone they can go head-to-head with.


Negative: These two may feel disconnected because Aquarius connects more intellectually, while Aries is a specifically passionate sign. The ram may also become bossy and chase their freedom-loving Aquarius away.

Taurus: Going Head-to-Head

Positive: Although the bull is more conservative and the water bearer more progressive, Taurus and Aquarius will respect one another's commitment to their principles. The Taurus (April 20 – May 20) can help ground the Aquarius, while the Aquarius will help them get off their cozy couch and explore.

Two woman in conflict with one another. | Source: Pexels

Two woman in conflict with one another. | Source: Pexels

Negative: While they maintain respect for one another's commitment to their outlook, at the end of the day, these two clash in their perceptions of life and society. They both feel passionate about their stances and will dig their heels in, clashing around every ideological corner. The Taurus is also more drawn to spending time with their partner constantly, while the Aquarius needs time alone.


Gemini: A Possible Soulmate

Positive: The twins and the water-bearer are highly compatible. Their minds are whipsmart with Gemini (May 21 - June 20) drawn to Aquarius's innovative thinking and Gemini's witty banter drawing in Aquarius. Gemini and Aquarius can spend hours in their own little world talking and debating. Their values are entirely aligned, especially regarding freedom and independence. Both will enjoy each other's inquisitive demeanors and friendly natures as well.

Negative: These two may need more passion; they can become stuck in the dry, cerebral world of concepts and abstractions. They must be careful that their need for independence doesn't allow them to drift apart over time. The Aquarius may also struggle with Gemini's many moods.

Two woman laughing. | Source: Pexels

Two woman laughing. | Source: Pexels


Cancer: Warm but Sometimes Scolding

Positive: Cancer (June 21 – July 22) can bring a sense of warmth into Aquarius's intellectual existence and help them shake off the frost a bit, taking a break from their busy minds. Meanwhile, Aquarius can beckon Cancer into a new world, allowing them to see that there is beauty outside of their shell.

Negative: Cancer can be extremely sensitive, and Aquarius is the opposite. This can leave the water-bearer overwhelmed and the Cancer feeling neglected. The Aquarius may also feel suffocated by the Cancers' constant need for attention.

Leo: Enchanting Yet Overwhelming

Positive: The Leo and Aquarius relationship is what happens when opposites attract. The Lion's shining light draws in Aquarius. Meanwhile, the enigmatic water-bearer, Leo (July 23 – August 22) enamors Leo. They are both kind and generous, which will increase the two's affection for one another.

A couple dancing. | Source: Pexels

A couple dancing. | Source: Pexels


Negative: Leo's ego will irritate the Aquarius. Leo's fiery energy could also be too much for the Aquarius. The air signs' detached demeanor will simultaneously hurt Leo's big heart and ego as they constantly vie for their enigma's attention.

Virgo: Comfortable but Controlling

Positive: Both Virgo and Aquarius are intelligent. The Virgo will enjoy sharing facts and information, while the Aquarius will be excited to share their ideas. Both will love discussing the world of literature. They will both be satisfied by a lack of fire and relax in comfortable companionship.

Negative: The nutty professors that are the Aquarius might be flighty and messy. This will infuriate the particular Virgo (August 23 – September 22), while the Aquarius feel strangled by their nagging and need for control.

A couple reading together. | Source: Pexels

A couple reading together. | Source: Pexels


Libra: Almost Perfect

Positive: Libra and Aquarius are highly compatible. These two air signs will enjoy intellectual conversation and appreciate each other's need for freedom and independence. They will enjoy attending events together, and the Aquarius will admire the Libra's ability to harmonize and act as a diplomat in social circles.

Negative: Libra (September 23 – October 22) is more romantic and far away from Aquarius's cerebral world. If the Aquarius does not put effort into compensating for this, the Libra will slowly begin to move on.

Scorpio: Intriguing but Jealous

Positive: With Scorpio's (October 23 – November 21) investigative personality and Aquarius's curious mind, these two will be enchanted by one another. The inquisitive water bearer will not be able to resist the mysterious Scorpio. At the same time, the Scorpion will be intrigued by the Aquarian's perplexing persona. Not one for stuffy tradition, the Scorpio and Aquarius will enjoy stimulating conversations about taboo and odd subjects.

A couple giving the camera a serious look.  | Source: Pexels

A couple giving the camera a serious look. | Source: Pexels


Negative: Scorpio's intense emotions, jealousy, and sometimes controlling nature will deter the Aquarius. Meanwhile, Aquarius's independent nature will bump against Scorpio's need for more quality time. In turn, the Scorpio may become more controlling, the Aquarius more detached. After a few cycles, the relationship will come to a rocky end.

Sagittarius: Rebels without Complete Compatibility

Positive: Sagittarius and Aquarius are social and curious. They can go on great adventures and talk until the sun rises. Aquarius will lead explorations into the mind and Sagittarius (November 22 – December 21) into the mountains. They are lovers of freedom, independence and unafraid to rebel against societal conventions.

Negative: Sometimes, Aquarius may become exhausted by the physically adventurous nature of Sagittarius. This may annoy the Sagittarius, who is more than willing always to explore life intellectually.

Two couples kissing in the middle of a protest. | Source: Unsplash

Two couples kissing in the middle of a protest. | Source: Unsplash


Capricorn: Powerful Yet Polar Opposites

Positive: Although opposites in many ways, Capricorn and Aquarius will be taken aback by their effective collaboration. They can empower and stimulate one another with their different ways of thinking. Aquarius's ideas, complete with Capricorn's strategic mindset, can make them an unlikely power couple.

Negative: Aquarius may detest Capricorn's (December 22 – January 19) traditional approach to life and find their need for building wealth materialistic. Meanwhile, Capricorn might find Aquarius too idealistic. They will feel irked by their constant focus on causes instead of building their professional lives and maintaining a secure future.

An elderly couple planning together.  | Source: Pexels

An elderly couple planning together. | Source: Pexels


Aquarius: Great Minds Think Too Much Alike

Positive: Of course, these two will get along quite quickly due to their many similarities. They are fantastic conversationalists, open-minded, free spirits, and humanitarian. They may improve society by collaborating on projects, such as co-founding an NGO (Non-Governmental Organization) or becoming active local council members. Together, they will feel they are fulfilling their purpose.

Negative: Aquarius likes an intellectual challenge, so their similar values and worldviews can bore them in conversation. Neither are emotional or physical, so they may lack passion, making their partnership even more dull.

A couple protesting. | Source: Pexels

A couple protesting. | Source: Pexels


Pisces: Wonderland versus a Harsh Reality

Positive: Pisces and Aquarius connect in dreamland. Aquarius's visions of a utopian future float alongside Pisces's imaginative worlds (February 19 – March 20). With intellectual and creativity, they can create something beautiful and spend hours together in wonderland. On top of that, both will admire each other's empathy.

Negative: Pisces may be too emotional for the water-bearer, while Aquarius may be too distant for the fish, leaving them feeling as though there are parts of them that can't connect. Pisces' constant need for time from the Aquarius will leave the water-bearer feeling overwhelmed and stuck.

A couple gazing into each others eyes. | Source: Pexels

A couple gazing into each others eyes. | Source: Pexels


Aquarius may be far away in a utopian land, but that does not mean they do not care for those around them. When someone has caught their heart, they will do their best to show them love in their own unique way.

Although they are not particularly passionate, this sign will share ideas and include you in plans for the future, and if they're falling, they may even open up to you and show you their heart and not just their mind.

Dig deeper into another mysterious sun sign by reading: Scorpio Personality: Investigating the Zodiac's Most Misunderstood Enigma.



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