A woman with a hat covering her eyes. | Source: Pexels
A woman with a hat covering her eyes. | Source: Pexels

Scorpio Questions to Take a Quick Dip into This Mystifying Sun Sign’s Waters

Dayna Remus
Oct 28, 2023
11:00 A.M.
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Scorpios can be frustratingly enigmatic. They tend to keep their cards close to their chest, but there are ways to get to know what lurks behind those tightly locked doors.


Scorpios (October 23 - November 21) are incredibly mysterious and have a reputation for being quite a dark sign. Therefore, the interest in these signs is always booming.

To get to know a Scorpio, you would have to talk to them one-on-one and hope they open up to you a little, but there are general traits and information that can help you find out at least some particulars.

A woman with a hat and glasses. | Source: Pexels

A woman with a hat and glasses. | Source: Pexels

What Scorpio’s no.1 Strength and no.1 Weakness?

Biggest strength: Determination

Scorpios are incredibly powerful and potent sun signs. Their strength is not loud but sizzles underneath, pushing them forward through all life's strenuous obstacles. While they have many strengths, their most formidable one is determination. Pure force of will keeps these Scorpios pushing for the life and love they want. It's not even that they don't want to give up; they simply can't.


You should never go head to head with a Scorpio in a test of resolution because if you're not a Scorpion yourself or have no stinger in your chart, you have zero chance of winning.

A man with a hat covering his eyes. | Source: Pexels

A man with a hat covering his eyes. | Source: Pexels

Biggest weakness: Jealous and Controlling

Scorpios, like everyone, can improve on their weaknesses but tend to be naturally controlling and jealous. This isn't just extended to their romantic partners, friends, and family members. As Zodiac Talks expressed:

"Scorpios rigid black and white mentality means that they'll often jump to the wrong conclusions, which in turn transforms them into jealous individuals that see cheating everywhere they go."


Of course, most occasionally express slight forms of jealousy, and you get some Scorpions who take it to a highly toxic level. They can lose so many people in their lives this way and then get depressed and feel sorry for themselves.

A woman with a hat covering her eyes. | Source: Pexels

A woman with a hat covering her eyes. | Source: Pexels

Scorpios need to learn how to relax. Otherwise, they will end up alone. Luckily, the other side of this coin is that they are incredibly loyal. So, if they can manage their dark traits and remain their faithful selves, they will be sure to build beautiful relationships for life, and if there is anything a Scorpio would treasure, it would be these connections.

Are Scorpios the ‘Evil’ Star Sign?

Scorpios have a bad rap for being the darkest or, in some cases, the most "evil" star sign in the Zodiac.


But, just like any sign or person, they have a dark and a light side; the only difference is that they can be extreme because they're so intense. That said, the same goes for the light side.

A woman looking backward. | Source: Pexels

A woman looking backward. | Source: Pexels

People are mainly wary of Scorpios because they can be jealous, controlling, possessive, vengeful, vindictive, manipulative, and sometimes even cruel.

However, all you have to do is find the healthy individuals born under this aligning star, and you will find some of the most loyal and interesting people out there.

What Do Scorpios Like to Think and Talk About?

Scorpios tend to enjoy taboo and spiritual topics; They may be interested in tarot or witchcraft - the good kind, generally, and nothing is out of bounds when in conversation.


A woman with a hat covering her eyes. | Source: Unsplash

A woman with a hat covering her eyes. | Source: Unsplash

Scorpios like to live on the fringes of society, not just physically through motorbikes and adrenaline, but the subjects they choose to think and talk about. If you prefer to avoid controversy, different ideas of how society should be set up, or spiritual mysteries, they may become bored with you.

The lightest options you can delve into with them are murder mysteries, crime dramas, horror or gore films, and series.

Think dark. Think different.

A woman with a hat covering her eyes. | Source: Pexels

A woman with a hat covering her eyes. | Source: Pexels


What Is the Number One Sign That a Scorpio Likes or Loves You?

The most significant sign that this mysterious Zodiac likes you is that they will open up to you. While Scorpios like mysterious and secretive subjects, they are enigmatic and don't reveal their own secrets too quickly. This is because they find it difficult to trust.

Beyond that, they will feel it very heavily if they get hurt because of their intense nature. The Scorpio knows this and likely has experienced this pain before, so they attempt to protect themselves at all costs.

A woman with a hat covering her eyes. | Source: Pexels

A woman with a hat covering her eyes. | Source: Pexels


Scorpios are mysterious individuals if it hasn't been made evident enough. They keep to themselves and don't reveal much about what's happening inside. This is why getting to know our Scorpio friends and family can sometimes be challenging. Beyond that, many of us tend to stay away from them because of their bad reputation.

This can leave these Scorpions feeling lonely and isolated. Let's remember that, like everyone, these signs have their dark parts, but like everyone, only those who take it to extreme levels become toxic.

Most Scorpios are loving, loyal friends whose determination is inspiring and whose ability not to care what others think is admirable.

Take a deeper peek into the depths of this fierce soul by reading: Scorpio Soulmate: The Signs That Can Tame The Scorpion's Soul.



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