92 Insightful Wolf Quotes
Wolves are powerful and enigmatic animals. People have revered and feared them for centuries, and some have even tried to emulate their way of life. But you don't have to go that far. These 91 quotes will help you harness the power of the wolf.
Wolves have been the source of human fascination for a very long time. Their social structures, muscular prowess, and endurance are wondrous. Many of the quotes about wolves mention their imposing beauty, leadership qualities, warrior strength, and the many other qualities ascribed to them.
Wolves share traits that are present in a few other animals. The Living with Wolves website explains, “Just like elephants, gorillas, and dolphins, wolves educate their young, take care of their injured and live in family groups.”
If you feel that you haven't been taking complete charge of your life, this may be the perfect time to gain insights from these 91 quotes about wolves to unleash your wolf instincts.

Barry Lopez's quote: “The wolf exerts a powerful influence on the human imagination. It takes your stare and turns it back on you.” | Image: AmoDays
“An intelligent wolf is better than a foolish lion.” — Matshona Dhliwayo
“The wolf may fight the bear but the rabbit always loses.” — Robert Jordan
"The wolf on the hill is not as hungry as the wolf climbing the hill." — Arnold Schwarzenegger
"The wolves in the uniform with the license to do that." — Ehsan Sehgal
"Throw me to the wolves and I will return, leading the pack." — Seneca

Bela Lugosi's quote: “I guess I’m pretty much of a lone wolf. I don’t say I don’t like people at all, but, to tell you the truth, I only like it then if I have a chance to look deep into their hearts and their minds.” | Image: AmoDays
“The gaze of the wolf reaches into our soul.” — Barry Lopez
“Hunger drives the wolf out of the wood.” — German Proverb
“‘Tis a silly sheep that makes the wolf her confessor.” — French Proverb
"As the wolves ran, drawing nearer to their prey, the young sheep looked up and saw them to his dismay." — James E. Hyler II.
“Lefty Grove could throw a lamb chop past a wolf.” — Arthur Baer

Rob Halford's quote: “I think I’m still a lone wolf, internally. And I always will be.” | Image: AmoDays
“The wolf always charges the lamb with muddying the stream.” — Elihu Roo
“We are all wolves, howling to the same moon.” — Atticus Poetry
"A gentleman is simply a patient wolf." — Lana Turner
"Wolves were everywhere. In politics, on thrones, in beds. They cut their teeth on history and grew fat on war." — Roshani Chokshi
“The wolf that one hears is worse than the orc that one fears.” — J. R. R. Tolkien

Anthony Marra's quote: “We wear clothes, and speak, and create civilizations, and believe we are more than wolves. But inside us, there is a word we cannot pronounce and that is who we are.” | Image: AmoDays
“As wolves love lambs so lovers love their loves.” — Plato
"The wolves in the woods have sharp teeth and long claws, but it's the wolf inside who will tear you apart." — Jennifer Donnelly
"Those are the voices of my brothers, darling; I love the company of wolves." — Angela Carter
"Wolves and people were not natural enemies. The humans’ relationship with other animals established their rivalry with wolves." — Jon T. Coleman
"Throw me to the wolves. I learn faster when I'm around wolves and sharks." — Baron Davis

Plato's quote" “As wolves love lambs so lovers love their loves.” | Image: AmoDays
“Man is to man either a god or a wolf.” — Desiderius Erasmus
"Majority rule only works if you're also considering individual rights. Because you can't have five wolves and one sheep voting on what to have for supper." — Larry Flynt
"We both fell asleep wrapped up together with the wolves still lullaby-ing us in the background.” — April Genevieve Tucholke
“The Canis Lupus, both wolf, and man were meant to be a family with one another. We gain strength through our bond with each other.” — Quinn Loftis
“We wear clothes, and speak, and create civilizations, and believe we are more than wolves. But inside us, there is a word we cannot pronounce and that is who we are.” — Anthony Marra

Larry Flynt's quote: "Majority rule only works if you're also considering individual rights. Because you can't have five wolves and one sheep voting on what to have for supper." | Image: AmoDays
“I think I’m still a lone wolf, internally. And I always will be.” — Rob Halford
“I guess I’m pretty much of a lone wolf. I don’t say I don’t like people at all, but, to tell you the truth, I only like it then if I have a chance to look deep into their hearts and their minds.” — Bela Lugosi
“The wolf exerts a powerful influence on the human imagination. It takes your stare and turns it back on you.” — Barry Lopez
“A man might befriend a wolf, even break a wolf, but no man could truly tame a wolf.” — George R. R. Martin
"The wolf is the arch-type of ravin, the beast of waste and desolation." — Theodore Roosevelt

Quinn Loftis's quote: “The Canis Lupus, both wolf, and man were meant to be a family with one another. We gain strength through our bond with each other.” | Image: AmoDays
"Everyone knew there were wolves in the mountains, but they seldom came near the village — the modern wolves were the offspring of ancestors that had survived because they had learned that human meat had sharp edges." —Terry Pratchett
“Let me tell you something about wolves, child. When the snows fall and the white winds blow, the lone wolf dies, but the pack survives. In winter, we must protect one another, keep each other warm, share our strengths.” — George R. R. Martin
“If the wolf had stayed in the wood there would have been no hue and cry after him.” — German Proverb
“The wolves knew when it was time to stop looking for what they'd lost, to focus instead on what was yet to come.” — Jodi Picoult
"There are nights when the wolves are silent and only the moon howls." — George Carlin

April Genevieve Tucholke's quote: "We both fell asleep wrapped up together with the wolves still lullaby-ing us in the background.” | Image: AmoDays
“Wolves go after a wounded deer, it is the nature of the beast.” — Barbara Delinsky
“The wolves knew when it was time to stop looking for what they’d lost, to focus instead on what was yet to come.” — Jodi Picoult
"I woke up one morning thinking about wolves and realized that wolf packs function as families. Everyone has a role, and if you act within the parameters of your role, the whole pack succeeds, and when that falls apart, so does the pack." — Jodi Picoult
“Report makes the wolf bigger than he is.” — German Proverb
“That night the wind was howling almost like a wolf and there were some real wolves off to the west giving it lessons.” — George R.R. Martin

Desiderius Erasmus's quote: “Man is to man either a god or a wolf.” | Image: AmoDays
“They say the wolf bestows its happy spirit to help people. Women who obtain this spirit become skilled in creative endeavors and experience a strengthening of the senses. I would like to think there is some truth to this in my own life.” — Judi Rideout
“You know, I’m cursed with morals. I was raised a certain way. I wish I wasn’t. I wish I was raised by wolves.” — Carson Daly
“The wolves prey upon the lambs in the darkness of the night, but the blood stains remain upon the stones in the valley until the dawn comes, and the sun reveals the crime to all.” — Khalil Gibran
“I believe that the wolf can change everything if he just wants to change.” — Deyth Banger
“Wolves don’t perform in a circus, and people with a mind of their own, don’t perform in a circus either.” — Avijeet Das

Baron Davis's quote: "Throw me to the wolves. I learn faster when I'm around wolves and sharks." | Image: AmoDays
“Wolves are the witches of the animal world.” — Katherine Rundell
“Seeing Wolf Eyes for the first time, I was fifteen. I had this crazy feeling that this was my generation’s Stooges. I got infected by that energy.” — Weyes Blood
"Love will find a way through paths where wolves fear to prey." — Lord Byron
"Democracy must be something more than two wolves and a sheep voting on what to have for dinner." — James Bovard
"She slept with wolves without fear, for the wolves knew a lion was among them." — R.M. Drake

Jon T. Coleman's quote: "Wolves and people were not natural enemies. The humans’ relationship with other animals established their rivalry with wolves." | Image: AmoDays
“The black wolf’s curse awakes every time that a full moon points in the middle of the sky.” — Pet Torres
“Some girls are full of heartache and poetry and those are the kind of girls who try to save wolves instead of running away from them.” — Nikita Gill
“Bone by bone, hair by hair, Wild Woman comes back. Through night dreams, through events, half understood and half remembered...” — Clarissa Pinkola Estes
Wolf Hall' attempts to duplicate not the historian's chronology but the way memory works: in leaps, loops, flashes." — Hilary Mantel
“Everybody needs his memories. They keep the wolf of insignificance from the door.” — Saul Bello

Jennifer Donnelly's quote: "The wolves in the woods have sharp teeth and long claws, but it's the wolf inside who will tear you apart." | Image: AmoDays
“Though her soul requires seeing, the culture around her requires sightlessness. Though her soul wishes to speak its truth, she is pressured to be silent.” — Clarissa Pinkola Estes
“There is no one a wildish woman loves better than a mate who can be her equal.” — Clarissa Pinkola Estes
“In the calm, deep waters of the mind, the wolf waits.” — F.T. McKinstry
“When shepherds quarrel, the wolf has a winning game.” — German proverb
“Sometimes a wolf has to stand alone to find out what he’s made of.” — Dannika Dark
“Wolves, like children, are not born to lead calm lives.” — Katherine Rundell

J R R Tolkien's quote: “The wolf that one hears is worse than the orc that one fears.” | AmoDays
"Like crying wolf, if you keep looking for sympathy as a justification for your actions, you will someday be left standing alone when you really need help." — Criss Jami
"If you live among wolves you have to act like a wolf." — Nikita Khrushchev
"Don’t waste your time hating a failure. Failure is a greater teacher than success. Listen, learn, go on.” — Clarissa Pinkola Estes
"Leave the pain behind and let your life be your own again. There is a place where all time is now, and the choices are simple and always your own. Wolves have no kings." — Robin Hobb
"At its root, creativity is not about success and not about failure. It's not about knowing why, or what, or even who. It's a mystery. And it's a spiritual place to live." — Clarissa Pinkola Estes

Roshani Chokshi's quote: "Wolves were everywhere. In politics, on thrones, in beds. They cut their teeth on history and grew fat on war." | Image: AmolDays
"Go out in the woods, go out. If you don’t go out in the woods nothing will ever happen and your life will never begin.” — Clarissa Pinkola Estes
"If you have yet to be called an incorrigible, defiant woman, don’t worry, there is still time.” — Clarissa Pinkola Estes
“Careless shepherd make excellent dinner for a wolf.” — Earl Derr Biggers
“When one runs with the wolves, one must howl with the pack.” — Leon Trotsky
“Growing up, I was taught that a man has to defend his family. When the wolf is trying to get in, you gotta stand in the doorway.” — B. B. King

Lana Turner's quote: "A gentleman is simply a patient wolf." | Image: AmoDays
“A wolf eats sheep but now and then; Ten thousand are devour’d by men. An open foe may prove a curse, but a pretend friend is worse.” — John Gay
“What's that supposed to mean? A wolf's head on a stick. Big wolf barbecue tonight? Bring your own wolf?” — Eoin Colfer
"A fox is a wolf who sends flowers." — Ruth Brown
"I am not a wolf in sheep's clothing, I’m a wolf in wolf’s clothing." — Ricky Gervais

Atticus Poetry's quote: “We are all wolves, howling to the same moon.” | Image: AmoDays
"There is no better way to know us than as two wolves, come separately to a wood." — Ted Hughes
“The wolf will never lose sleep, worrying about the feelings of sheep. But no one ever told the sheep, that they outnumber the wolves.” — Bray Wyatt
“Wolves fail to hide their integrity just like the way men fail to hide their own animality.” — Munia Khan
“If you run from a wolf, you may run into a bear.” — Lithuanian Proverb

Elihu Roo's quote: “The wolf always charges the lamb with muddying the stream.” | Image: AmoDays
“The black wolf’s curse awakes every time that a full moon points in the middle of the sky.” — Pet Torres
"It never troubles the wolf how many the sheep may be.” — Virgil
"A wolf is no less a wolf because he's dressed in sheepskin and the devil is no less the devil because he's dressed as an angel." — Lecrae
“It is madness for a sheep to talk of peace with a wolf.” — French Proverb
“Where there are sheep, the wolves are never very far away.” — Plautus

Arthur Baer's quote: “Lefty Grove could throw a lamb chop past a wolf.” | Image: AmoDays
“When a wolf doesn’t want to do something, they look really cute.” — Michelle Paver
“Make yourself a sheep and the wolf will eat you.” — German Proverb
“If the wolf would cease his running, the people would cease their shouting.” — German Proverb
"The wolf will never lose sleep, worrying about the feelings of sheep. But no one ever told the sheep, that they outnumber the wolves." — Bray Wyatt

Matshona Dhliwayo's quote: “An intelligent wolf is better than a foolish lion.” | Image: AmoDays
"It is useless for the sheep to pass resolutions in favor of vegetarianism, while the wolf remains of a different opinion." — William Inge
"It was just like Howlin' Wolf. Once you arrive at the point that you understand it, the emotional factor is darker than some of the saddest blues stuff." — Robert Quine
"Be yourself. If you're not yourself, who are you? But take advice; listen to people. If you're not listening, you're lost. You're a sheep among wolves." — Craig David
"In our society leaving the baby with Daddy is just one step above leaving the kids to be raised by wolves or apes." — Al Roker

Ehsan Sehgal's quote: "The wolves in the uniform with the license to do that." | Image: AmoDays
The wolf is one of the most exemplary predators in the animal kingdom. It can teach us a lot of traits that will help improve our lives. It is patient, loyal to its pack, and willing to take down animals larger than it.
We also have the capacity to unleash our most powerful instincts for as long as we're alive. It's never too late to tap into our biggest potential and use our talents to be the best we can be.
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