
Woman Helps Biker Who Falls off Motorcycle, Next Day a Whole Gang Shows up for Her Daughter — Story of the Day

Rita Kumar
Jun 19, 2022
06:40 P.M.
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A mother saved a severely injured biker's life on a remote highway. But the next day, she was stunned when he returned with a massive gang and approached her teenage daughter, holding something in his hand.


"Hey, mom! I'll be there in another 30 minutes...Yeah...yeah! Don't worry. I won't overtake," 21-year-old Brody Hayes told his mom on the phone.

But Brody's mom had her fears, particularly after he became a member of a famous motorcycle club in Denver. A weird kind of fear always prevailed in her mind whenever he went on a bike ride. But Brody wasn't frightened of anything. He often bragged about how he overtook speeding vehicles ahead of him.

Sometimes, the gang raced on the busy highway and called it "fun." On that fateful Saturday evening on November 20, 2021, Brody was on Interstate 25 to Fort Collins. He raced the wind on his new bike to meet his mom, unaware of how that one mistake would soon almost cost his life...

Brody was riding his bike on Interstate 25 to Fort Collins to meet his mother. Source: Unsplash

Brody was riding his bike on Interstate 25 to Fort Collins to meet his mother. Source: Unsplash


Meanwhile, 38-year-old Agatha Evans was on Interstate 25 too. She was driving from Fort Collins to meet her daughter, Casey, 15. The pleasant weather and few vehicles on that morning made Agatha's day warmer.

"MOM, LOOK!" she shrieked. A gang of bikers lined up before Casey's lemonade stand, and then one of them approached her with something in his hand.

"I don't know which way to go...." she hummed along to Elvis Presley's "Burning Love" playing in her car. Just then, her phone rang. "Mom! It's getting late, and I hope you make it in an hour," Casey said. "Please don't disappoint me again...."

Agatha was driving on the same highway to meet her daughter. | Source: Pexels

Agatha was driving on the same highway to meet her daughter. | Source: Pexels

Agatha didn't want to let down her daughter, so she sped up a bit. Barely a few vehicles, mostly trucks, passed her. Assured of low traffic, she increased the speed a little more and drove as fast as she could.


Around 20 minutes later, the mom reached the heart of the road. It was breezy and empty as far as her eyes could see. She had fixed her mind to get home in less than half an hour when a speeding truck approached her from the opposite side.

A truck sped past Agatha from the opposite side. | Source: Unsplash

A truck sped past Agatha from the opposite side. | Source: Unsplash

"Oh, no, no, no...." Agatha shrieked. She quickly hit the brakes and sat on her seat, her eyes balling out in fear and shock at what she had just seen.

A little further away, approximately 10 feet from where she had parked, lay Brody Hayes. He was slowly blacking out.

Few vehicles that sped past the Interstate 25 failed to notice him lying on the roadside. "WHAT JUST HAPPENED???" Agatha shouted in tears, her hands on her mouth...


Brody blacked out after he fell from his bike. | Source: Pexels

Brody blacked out after he fell from his bike. | Source: Pexels

A few seconds ago, Brody avoided colliding with the truck ahead of him. He had tried to overtake the vehicle, but when the truck driver cut him off to take a curve, Brody lost his control.

He was merely a few feet away from a major collision, so he had jumped off to the roadside to avoid an accident. Agatha was appalled at the disturbing sight.

The truck driver feared the worse and sped away without stopping even to look or help the poor biker. With time running out to keep her promise to meet her only daughter, who was battling cancer, Agatha was left to make a choice.

Agatha was shocked & she was stuck between saving the biker's life and meeting her daughter. | Source: Pexels

Agatha was shocked & she was stuck between saving the biker's life and meeting her daughter. | Source: Pexels


Without further thought, the mom hopped out of her car and rushed to Brody. "Hey, are you alright? Get up!" she shouted. Agatha looked around for help, but nothing. A few trucks passed by, but nobody bothered to stop.

Agatha ran to her car and returned with a bottle of mineral water. "Get up...please, are you alright?" she cried, splashing the cold water on Brody's face.

She hurried to her car and drove it near Brody. Her phone was endlessly ringing on the seat. But Agatha wasn't bothered about those 26 missed call notifications from Casey. After a brief struggle, she helped Brody get into the backseat.

On her way, she called 911 and told the officers about the accident. On the other end, Casey was almost on the verge of bursting into tears, still waiting for her mom to arrive. "Why hasn't she come yet?" she sobbed.

Casey kept calling her mom but Agatha never answered. | Source: Unsplash

Casey kept calling her mom but Agatha never answered. | Source: Unsplash


Ten minutes later, Agatha arrived at the hospital. Seeing her crimson-stained dress, the hospital staff ran to help her. "No, no, he's in the car... please, hurry up!" she shouted.

Brody was rushed to the emergency ward. "Ma'am, can you please fill up this form?" the receptionist called out to Agatha. She looked at her watch and exclaimed, "Oh my! I'm sorry, darling, I couldn't make it on time."

A few minutes later, Agatha was called in to meet Brody. "I'm glad you're out of danger, Mr...." she said.

"Brody...Brody Hayes!" he introduced himself. "Thank you so much...I'm really out of words for what you did."

Although Agatha was happy she saved the biker's life, she was visibly upset. "I'm sorry, but I have to go immediately...My daughter needs my help with her lemonade stand for charity... I'm glad you're alright, Mr. Hayes," she said.

As Agatha hurried out of the ward, Brody called her, asking for her contact details. "I would love to meet you again!" he said. But Agatha had already left.

Her name was the only identity he had of the woman who saved his life. But Brody decided to find her and reciprocate her kindness in the most unthinkable way.


Agatha had promised Casey to help her put up a lemonade stand for charity. | Source: Pixabay

Agatha had promised Casey to help her put up a lemonade stand for charity. | Source: Pixabay

That evening, his friends and mom met him at the hospital. They were glad he was alright. But it took his mom a lot of convincing to calm down. "Hey, her name is Agatha, and she's from Pueblo...I know this address," one of Brody's friends told him after checking the hospital register.

The next day, Agatha and Casey were busy with a group of other teenagers near their lemonade stand. "FIGHT CANCER" read the banners near it.

The spot was barely crowded. "Mom, we need more money for the charity, and I hope some miracle happens, and people just swarm to our stand," Casey cried. A few seconds later, the girl's prayers were seemingly answered.

Casey & her friends were raising funds for a social cause. | Source: Pexels

Casey & her friends were raising funds for a social cause. | Source: Pexels


Agatha was stunned when she saw Brody. "Hey, Mrs. Evans! I was just looking for a way to thank you!" he told her. He handed her a bouquet and gave Casey a check signed for $5,000!

As it turned out, Brody had gathered his gang of bikers to help raise funds for Casey's charity as a token of gratitude. "I don't believe this...thank you, Brody!" Agatha exclaimed in joy.

The minor accident on Interstate 25 changed Brody and Agatha's outlook on life. While Brody decided not to overtake vehicles again, Agatha realized how an act of goodness comes back in unexpected ways!

Brody & his gang of bikers helped Casey raise funds for the charity. | Source: Pexels

Brody & his gang of bikers helped Casey raise funds for the charity. | Source: Pexels


What can we learn from this story?

  • Do not hesitate to help someone in need. It might return to you bigger. When Agatha witnessed Brody's accident, she rushed to help him despite being committed to her daughter's charity program. But the next day, Brody returned to reciprocate her kindness by helping raise funds for the charity.
  • Do not just watch; do something when you see someone in danger. Agatha saw Brody lying on the road injured, but she did not flee from the spot. Instead, she forgot about meeting her daughter and drove Brody to the hospital to save his life.

Click here to read about how a gang of high schoolers stepped up for a bullied boy who was heartbroken as no one signed his yearbook.

This account is inspired by our reader's story and written by a professional writer. Any resemblance to actual names or locations is purely coincidental. All images are for illustration purposes only. Please share your story with us; maybe it will change someone's life. If you want to share your story, please send it to info@amomama.com.



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