165 ‘Pinky and the Brain’ Quotes Loved by Fans Worldwide
“Pinky and the Brain” began as a recurring skit on another popular kids’ animated series, “Animaniacs.” It shot to global popularity so quickly that it was turned into a full-length animated series. If you were one of the millions of “Pinky and the Brain” fans, here are 165 quotes to look back to.
“Pinky and the Brain” was a beloved animated series enjoyed by children for its colorful and fast-paced antics. It was also enjoyed by adults for its puns and clever comedy.
The series ran for four seasons from 1995 to 1998 but remained one of the most-loved animated series of the decade.
If you don’t remember or were too young to enjoy “Pinky and the Brain” on your television, the series centered around a lab-enhanced rat, Brain, who tirelessly schemed to take over the world. But his sidekick, the feeble-minded but well-meaning Pinky, couldn’t keep up with Brain’s overcomplicated plans, and sometimes even unknowingly got in the way of Brain’s antics.
We’ve gathered 165 of the best quotes from this iconic series for a bit of nostalgia for you.

Pinky's quote: “But do I really need two tongues?” | Image: AmoDays
“Pinky, are you pondering what I’m pondering?” — Brain
“Brain, what are we gonna do tonight?” — Pinky
“But do I really need two tongues?” — Pinky
“Not even if you call them, ‘A whole new way of eating?’” — Pinky
“But how will we get the Spice Girls into the paella?” — Pinky

Brain's quote: “Pinky, are you pondering what I’m pondering?” I Image: AmoDays
“Russia! I’ve heard of that place! Isn’t it full of cheating, lying, and backstabbing intrigue?” — Pinky
“I think so, Brain, but where are we going to find an open tattoo parlor at this time of night?” — Pinky
“Brilliant plan, Pinky! Oh, no, wait. What if we want to use a plan that works?” — Pinky
“I think so Brain, but if you replace the P with an O, my name would be Oinky, wouldn’t it?” — Pinky
“Yes Brain. But if our knees bent the other way, how would we ride a bicycle?” — Pinky

Pinky's quote: “Brain, what are we gonna do tonight?” | Image: AmoDays
“I think so, Brain, but if the plural of mouse is mice, wouldn’t the plural of spouse be spice?” — Pinky
“I think so, Brain, but can the gummi worms really live in peace with the marshmallow chicks?” — Pinky
“I think so, Brain, but if we covered the world in salad dressing, wouldn’t the asparagus feel left out?” — Pinky
“Uh, I think so, Brain, but where will we find a duck and a hose at this hour?” — Pinky
“I think so Brain, but what would Pippi Longstocking look like with her hair straight?” — Pinky

Pinky's quote: “Not even if you call them, ‘A whole new way of eating?’” | Image: AmoDays
“I think so, Brain, but if Jimmy cracked corn, and no one cares, why does he keep doing it?” — Pinky
“It proved that radio was a powerful tool. And now, Pinky, the advance of technology has brought us an even more powerful tool. Do you know what that is?” — Brain
“I think so, Brain, but what if the chicken won’t wear the nylons?” — Pinky
“I think so, Poit, but where do you stick the feather and call it macaroni? “ — Pinky
“Has it ever occurred to you, Pinklet, that your scarf is constricting the blood flow to your head?” — Brain

Pinky's quote: “But how will we get the Spice Girls into the paella?” | Image: AmoDays
“Um, excuse me, Elmyra, but that’s not at all what The Great Pinky Adventure is about. And since it is my movie, I should make the sounds for it, y’see?” — Pinky
“Another preemption for brand spanking fresh and shiny new doug?” — Pinky
“Just one. If Fred Flintstone knew the giant order of ribs was going to tip over his car, why did he order them every week?” — Pinky
“Are you sure you’re not up there to visually illustrate that on weekends, we’re on first thing as well as our regular time?” — Pinky
“Just one, Brain. How do they get the snow to fall when you shake up those little souvenir globes?” — Pinky

Pinky's quote: “Russia! I’ve heard of that place! Isn’t it full of cheating, lying and backstabbing intrigue?” | Image: AmoDays
“Pinky, who would want to read about two lab mice trying to take over the world? Who would want to read about my failures?” — Brain
“Well, I think so, Brain, but first you’d have to take that whole bridge apart, wouldn’t you?” — Pinky
“Is it because you’re telling this story and you have a very pessimistic view of life?” — Pinky
“Brain, do you think we learned an important lesson about relations and being popular and peer pressure?” — Pinky
“Pinky, my laughing gas is designed to make humans laugh to the point of freezing, under certain conditions. Do you know what those conditions are, Pinky?” — Brain

Brain's quote: “Pinky, you give a whole new meaning to the phrase, ‘counter-intelligence.’ You have the I.Q. of plaster.” | Image: AmoDays
“I’m not really that stupid. I purposely sabotage Brain’s plans, because if he ever succeeded, the show would be over, wouldn’t it?” — Pinky
“This is the earth. And this is Pinky. You can tell the difference quite easily. One is a lump of inert matter hurtling blindly through the void. The other is the earth.” — Brain
“I’d say puberty was inordinately kind to you.” — Brain
“Pinky, you give a whole new meaning to the phrase, ‘counter-intelligence.’ You have the I.Q. of plaster.” — Brain
“I wish you were as smart as a tree stump, Pinky.” — Brain

Brain's quote: “This is the earth. And this is Pinky. You can tell the difference quite easily. One is a lump of inert matter hurtling blindly through the void. The other is the earth.” | Image: AmoDays
“Sometimes you make my head hurt, Pinky.” — Brain
“Do you practice being dim or is it a natural talent?” — Brain
“Pinky, there are times when I feel I’m bearing my soul to a tube of caulk.” — Brain
“The same thing we do every night, try to take over the world!” — Brain
“Yes, finally! The happy sappy children of many lands ride! Where cheering music will spread the message that a mouse should rule the world!” — Brain

Brain's quote: “I’d say puberty was inordinately kind to you.” | Image: AmoDays
“We shall open a boutique and sell ladies’ clothing and pollen.” — Brain
“Tomorrow night, Pinky, we will come up with a new plan. One that isn’t foiled by the atomic weight of gold.” — Brain
“We must catch the space shuttle back to our home planet of Acme and prepare for the next millennium.” — Brain
“Pinky, once I take over the world, remind me to publicly snub you.” — Brain
“The same thing we do every millennium, Pinky-o. Try to take over the galaxy!” — Brain

Brain's quote: “The same thing we do every night, try to take over the world!” | Image: AmoDays
“As you know, people in today’s body-conscious society are obsessed with losing weight. My plan is to secretly replace all the artificial sweeteners in the world with real ones, thus rendering the world’s population fat, slow-moving, and completely toothless.” — Brain
“The entire world will beg to bow before me, their charismatic despot.” — Pinky
“We must head to a place where overweight, middle-aged people go to a party and throw away money.” — Brain
“All I have to do is head past Norway, cross Finland, and get to the ride controls which are just behind Chad.” — Brain
“Remember, I’m not just the president of the Small Club for Men, I’m also a mouse planning world domination.” — Brain

Brain's quote: “Yes, finally! The happy sappy children of many lands ride! Where cheering music will spread the message that a mouse should rule the world!” | Image: AmoDays
“It is here that my cheap workforce of trained iguanas will work night and day to make our shoes to my exacting specifications!” — Brain
“I’ll chase ‘Snowball, ‘ ’round Cape Hope, and ’round the Horn, and ’round the Norway Maelstrom, and ’round Perdition’s Flames before I give up!” — Brain
“Be quiet. If we catch them all, we’ll be able to rule the world! Bring it on!” — Brain
“I use that money to take over the world! Say it with me, Tiny Toons.” — Brain

Brain's quote: “We shall open a boutique and sell ladies’ clothing and pollen.” | Image: AmoDays
“Rise and shine, people of Earth. I am your new sun.” — Brain
“I’d like to thank all the little people I stepped on to get where I am today.” — Brain
“We’re going to a place where the sun never sets, the size of your wallet matters, and actors and actresses slave all day.” — Brain
“I think so, Brain, but this time, you put the trousers on the chimp.” — Pinky
“I think so, Brain, but if they called them ‘sad meals,’ kids wouldn’t buy them!” — Pinky

Brain's quote: “Tomorrow night, Pinky, we will come up with a new plan. One that isn’t foiled by the atomic weight of gold.” | Image: AmoDays
“The Cold War is over, Pinky. Now Russia is a place of free-market capitalism.” — Brain
“I think so, Brain, but if we didn’t have ears, we’d look like weasels.” — Pinky
“Uh, I think so, Brain, but balancing a family and a career — oooh, it’s all too much for me.” — Pinky
“But Brain, why the toga? No one’s worn those in years. Except for that one really strange man in Lancaster-Shire.” — Pinky
“I think so, Brain. But pants with horizontal stripes make me look chubby.” — Pinky

Brain's quote: “We must catch the space shuttle back to our home planet of Acme and prepare for the next millennium.” | Image: AmoDays
“I think so, Brain, but Zero Mostel times anything will still give you Zero Mostel.” — Pinky
“I think so, Brain, but culottes have a tendency to ride up so.” — Pinky
"Oh no, Brain. Narf! You’re thinking of that other park in Orlando.” — Pinky
“I’d have to say the odds of that are terribly slim, Brain.” — Pinky
“I think so, Brain, but me and Pippi Longstocking. I mean, what would the children look like.” — Pinky

Brain's quote: “We’re going to a place where the sun never sets, the size of your wallet matters, and actors and actresses slave all day.” | Image: AmoDays
“I think so, Brain, but pantyhose are so uncomfortable in the summertime.” — Pinky
“Well, I think so, Brain, but I can’t memorize a whole opera in Yiddish.” — Pinky
“I think so, Brain, but how are we going to make pencils that taste like bacon? Or maybe we should make bacon that tastes like pencils. Narf.” — Pinky
“Uh, I think so, Brain, but we’ll never get a monkey to use dental floss.” — Pinky
“There’s only one ride that interests me, the incredible thrill ride of taking over the world!” — Brain

Pinky's quote: “I think so, Brain, but this time, you put the trousers on the chimp.” | Image: AmoDays
“You aren’t going to get rid of me, are you Brain? I mean, you, working as a single? Look what happened to Jerry Lewis after he broke up with Dean! All that stuff in your hair!” — Pinky
“I think so, Brain, but if we get ‘Sam spayed,’ we’ll never have any puppies.” — Pinky
“I think so, Brain, but then it’d be Snow White and the Seven Samurai.” — Pinky
“Honestly, Brain, if you’re going to make excuses for her unprofessional behavior, ‘stammers’ I just don’t care to listen!” — Pinky
“Fred Flintstone doesn’t order ribs every week. That was only animated once, then music and voice tracks were added. The footage is run at the end of the show in the same spot every time. It’s called an end title.” — Brain

Pinky's quote: “I think so, Brain, but if they called them ‘sad meals,’ kids wouldn’t buy them!” | Image: AmoDays
“Oh, you’re right, Brain, as long as they’re happy. We should get them something nice, a fondue set, maybe. I mean, after all, we are getting tight hats in the bargain.” — Pinky
“If I could reach you, I would hurt you!” — Brain
“Diets don’t work.” — Brain
“You mean she’s stupid?” — Pinky
“Pinky! He’s about to engage the machine!” — Brain

Brain's quote: “The Cold War is over Pinky. Now Russia is a place of free-market capitalism.” | Image: AmoDays
“We will disguise ourselves as a cow.” — Brain
“Egad! There’s a human version of you? Scary!” — Pinky
“Egad Brain! I wish I was as smart as you.” — Pinky
“Egad! You astound me, Brain.” — Pinky
“The workings of your mind are a mystery to me, Pinky.” — Brain

Pinky's quote: “I think so, Brain, but if we didn’t have ears, we’d look like weasels.” | Image: AmoDays
“Pinky, I am in considerable pain.” — Brain
“I am in intense pain, Pinky.” — Brain
And if you were tortured?” — Brain
“Don’t hurt yourself, Pinky.” — Brain
“Wheee! Oh, Brain, I love the teacup ride!” — Pinky

Pinky's quote: “Uh, I think so, Brain, but balancing a family and a career — oooh, it’s all too much for me.” | Image: AmoDays
“We can get everyone to go on a diet!” — Pinky
“That song was the most banal, self-serving ditty I’ve ever heard.” — Pinky
“I wouldn’t give two hoots for that walking cyst you call a ‘man.’” — Pinky
“Personally, I think ‘Dolt’ would be more appropriate. ” — Brain
“You know Brain, I’ve been thinking I don’t want to be an elf anymore.” — Pinky

Pinky's quote: “But Brain, why the toga? No one’s worn those in years. Except for that one really strange man in Lancaster-Shire.” | Image: AmoDays
“I can make bubbles with my spit.” — Pinky
“We must prepare for tomorrow night.” — Brain
“I will accept nothing less than mahogany.” — Brain
“A name consisting of no less than three words.” — Pinky
“I forced you to use the still frame on your VCR.” — Brain

Pinky's quote: “I think so, Brain. But pants with horizontal stripes make me look chubby.” | Image: AmoDays
“But the Rockettes, it’s mostly girls, isn’t it?” — Pinky
“Do you believe we were sent by your god?” — Brain
“I can’t tell you. If you were to be captured you might give it away.” — Brain
“Do not mock a love-smitten mouse.” — Brain
“I can steal your souls and put them in this glass.” — Brain

Brain's quote: “If I could reach you, I would hurt you!”| Image: AmoDays
“You just said, ‘Fetch me a big clown hat!’” — Brain
“I am the subject of this whole conference.” — Brain
“But why would anyone want a depressed tongue?” — Pinky
"We’re here to discuss the human brain.” — Hillary Clinton
“What’s free-market capitalism?” — Pinky

Brain's quote: “Diets don’t work.” | Image: AmoDays
“Now throw the switch and let us begin the battle for the planet.” — Brain
“Do sea lions eat sea zebras?” — Pinky
“How very descriptive.” — Brain
“A height of at least six feet.” — Pinky
“You are going to be a help this time. Say it!” — Brain

Pinky's quote: “You mean she’s stupid?” | Image: AmoDays
“Uh, I think so Brain, but this time, you wear the tutu.” — Pinky
“I thought elves made shoes.” — Pinky
“Stop being foolish, Pinky.” — Brain
“I think so, Brain, but I don’t think Kaye Ballard’s in the union.” — Pinky
“What a lovely name! Do you think it would suit me?” — Pinky

Brain's quote: “Pinky! He’s about to engage the machine!” | Image: AmoDays
“No! Pinky, you got chocolate on my Jack-o-Lantronix transmitter!” — Brain
“Elton John’s hair, I think it might be a weave.” — Brain
“I think so, Brain, but isn’t that why they invented tube socks?” — Pinky
“There’s no time for me to give you another fish!” — Brain
“We’ll reach Mars before I yell, ‘Poit!’ Pinky.” — Brain

Brain's quote: “We will disguise ourselves as a cow.” | Image: AmoDays
“Stop trying to cheer me up, Pinky. She’s got the tape.” — Brain
“Stop calling me Mr. Pixie! This isn’t funny, it’s sick!” — Brain
“You must get the army back at once.” — Brain
“Moo. We are a cow. Take us to China.” — Brain
“That ride’s even better now that Baloney’s singing.” — Pinky

Pinky's quote: “Egad! There’s a human version of you? Scary!” | Image: AmoDays
“An interesting title. Too bad Dumb and Dumber was already taken.” — Brain
“Elmyra might have a future in show business.” — Brain
“New secret word is ‘pain.’” — Brain
“Hey, and don’t forget. Saturday morning’s the big global Schmëerskāhøvênathon for world peace.” — Bill Clinton
“I’m your biggest fan, what do ya say to that?” — Dolly Parton

Pinky's quote: “Egad Brain! I wish I was as smart as you.” | Image: AmoDays
“No, Pinky. Never use two drops of the formula. It would cause a reaction on the molecular level that is completely unpredictable.” — Brain
“Pinky, get out of that woman’s teacup!” — Brain
“Hurry up, Pinky, If we don’t get to Carley Simon’s house, I’ll never know if that song was about me.” — Brain
“I command you to have a Merry Christmas, everyone! Have a merry, merry Christmas! Joy to the world! Yes!” — Brain

Big Jake's quote: “And they say them UFO things are just pie plates, well, they are pie plates. Alien pie plates.” | Image: AmoDays
“Oh, don’t be silly, Brain. It would take all the fun out of life. I derive my greatest pleasure from making you squirm.” — Snowball
“Hear me now, and listen later. You are making me very angry. I don’t need any fancy weapons. I will destroy you with my bare hands.” — Verminator
“And they say them UFO things are just pie plates, well, they are pie plates. Alien pie plates.” — Big Jake
“The second, khaki kicky sack sock plucker I’ve sacked since the sixth sitting sheet slitter got sick.” — Mr. Sackett
“The irony of it all, Pinky. Years of trying to take over the world, and all I had to do was say ‘moo.’” — Brain

Brain's quote: “And I am the iconoclast, an unconventional eccentric who marches to a different drummer ‘whacked on the head’ but you may call me noodle noggin.” | Image: AmoDays
“Feel strange, my body, growing. Argh! I’m becoming the Incredible Hu–oh, wait, no, I’m just becoming normal Pinky again. Zort!” — Pinky
“The game does not conclude until the woman with the eating disorder ululates.” — Brain
“This is fantastic! Do you see?! You’ve already saved us an entire evening! Tremendous! Forget that plan. Take a look at this one, colleague.” — Brain
“For the last time, Pinky, there is no such word as ‘Chramecirum!’” — Brain
“And I am the iconoclast, an unconventional eccentric who marches to a different drummer ‘whacked on the head’ but you may call me noodle noggin.” — Brain

Mr. Sackett's quote: “The second, khaki kicky sack sock plucker I’ve sacked since the sixth sitting sheet slitter got sick.” | Image; AmoDays
“He is honest and very hardworking, and only wants what’s best for the world. But he gets no reward, he’s only greeted with defeat. He never gives up, but I know it must be very hard. So please, take anything you have for me and give it to my best friend in the whole world, The Brain.” — Pinky
“Isn’t life wonderful, Brain? Just think, we started out as lab mice forced to spend the whole day working our way through frustrating mazes that went absolutely nowhere. Now we get to do what humans do!” — Pinky
“Unfortunately, it came out more like, ‘I’m a big billy goat, so you’d better beat it, sister.’” — Brain
“Kathie Lee Gifford hired them all, so I settled for second best.” — Brain
“Enough. If this is what passes for conduct becoming of world leaders, I don’t want any part of it.” — Brain

Pinky's quote: “Feel strange, my body, growing. Argh! I’m becoming the Incredible Hu–oh, wait, no, I’m just becoming normal Pinky again. Zort!” | Image: AmoDays
“Don’t you be all smarty-clown-nosey with me! You just came here to make time with my man!” — Elmyra
“Well! I shall tell all my celebrity friends not to be on your program, and to go to a nice party instead!” — Pinky
“I didn’t even know they were going steady. We really ought to bring a gift, Brain.” — Pinky
“Even the world isn’t worth that. Nothing is going to get me to come back to this, to this Hieronymus bosch-inspired nightmare world!” — Brain
“Particles of a white material with a slightly negative buoyancy relative to the water in which they are suspended.” — Brain

Brain's quote: “The game does not conclude until the woman with the eating disorder ululates.” | Image: AmoDays
“What a landfill! There are probably germs in here the size of a nickel.” — Brain
“A Turkish bath is nothing more than a personal hygiene method using steam. Steam is released into a small room inducing perspiration that cleans the pores, it has nothing to do with hats.” — Brain
Although Brain always viewed himself as the eternal genius, his overcomplicated plans landed them exactly where they started more often than not.

Brain's quote: “This is fantastic! Do you see?! You’ve already saved us an entire evening! Tremendous! Forger that plan. Take a look at this one, colleague.” | Image: AmoDays
And although Pinky was meant to be the babbling, stupid sidekick, his admiration for Brain and well-meaning attitude led him to the rare nugget of wisdom.
So, for their individual flaws, this duo complemented each other perfectly. Thankfully, their endless plans for world-domination didn’t work because as much as people loved Brain and his sidekick, Pinky, they would make for terrible world leaders!
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