
78 'Major Payne' Quotes That Are Hard to Forget

Oyin Balogun
Jul 29, 2022
07:00 P.M.

Twenty-seven years ago, "Major Payne" graced the big screens with its theme of hope as Major Benson Payne, the lead character, struggled to instill confidence in young minds. To date, it remains a classic and bedrock of several unforgettable quotes. Check them out!


The 1995 film "Major Payne," directed by Nick Castle, is an adaptation of "The Private War of Major Benson," a 1955 rom-com. However, "Major Payne" focuses on crucial life lessons for building a strong society.

Major Payne's military experience in the US Marine Corps made him well-equipped in discipline and confidence. Although his discharge from service was a setback, the former army officer's comeback was rather fulfilling — he worked with young Cadets.

The striking themes in the movie are loyalty, the essence of teamwork, persistence in hope, wearing a cheerful demeanor even in the most challenging times, having self-confidence, striving for personal improvement, and being prepared to make lemonade out of the lemons handed out by life.

But the big question remains: how ready are you? Our collection of 78 "Major Payne" quotes will be hard to read through without getting hooked on life's essential lessons. So sit back, relax, and be ready to unlearn and learn new ways to gain your confidence, and self-discipline while you roar in laughter and light up in faith that you can do it!

Emily Walburn's quote: "He's a little upset about this morning. Apparently, he had a little accident." | Source: Amodays

Emily Walburn's quote: "He's a little upset about this morning. Apparently, he had a little accident." | Source: Amodays



"He's a little upset about this morning. Apparently, he had a little accident." — Emily Walburn

"Be advised, ladies. We are going to win the Virginia Military Games this year! You will note my emphasis on the word WIN: Whisky! India! November! Get used to the sound of that word!" — Major Payne

"He's trying to show you some affection." — Emily Walburn

"A bullet. It's somethin' special. It's from my heart." — Major Payne

"From my heart, left ventricle; took it out myself with a field knife." — Major Payne

Emily Walburn's quote: "Do you really think this is the best way to gain the respect and admiration of these young men?" | Source: Amodays

Emily Walburn's quote: "Do you really think this is the best way to gain the respect and admiration of these young men?" | Source: Amodays


"I don't call it babying, I call it nurturing." — Emily Walburn

"Well, thank you, Benson. How about you? Was there ever a Ms. Payne?" — Emily Walburn

"It's civilian life, Sir. I had a minor setback."— Major Payne

"Do you really think this is the best way to gain the respect and admiration of these young men?" — Emily Walburn

"He in there? If he's still in there, he ain't happy!"— Major Payne

Major Payne's quote: "Be advised, ladies. We are going to win the Virginia Military Games this year! You will note my emphasis on the word WIN: Whisky! India! November! Get used to the sound of that word!" | Source: Amodays

Major Payne's quote: "Be advised, ladies. We are going to win the Virginia Military Games this year! You will note my emphasis on the word WIN: Whisky! India! November! Get used to the sound of that word!" | Source: Amodays

"Maybe I like you a lot." — Major Payne

"I thought we had a little talk about this kind of negative reinforcement." — Emily Walburn


"At ease, Payne. Relax. Do you know why you're here?"— General Decker

"Major Payne, can you please help me to understand why you shaved the children bald?"— Emily Walburn


"Fighting is no longer being done out on the battlefields. Now, all the blood is shed in the halls of Congress, boys like us are becoming dinosaurs." — Major Payne

Major Payne's quote: "From my heart, left ventricle; took it out myself with a field knife." | Source: Amodays

Major Payne's quote: "From my heart, left ventricle; took it out myself with a field knife." | Source: Amodays

"They may not like me, but they will respect me." — Major Payne

"You hit that boy again, I'm gonna do more than salute you."— Major Payne


"Lieutenant, I can only disqualify the cadet who started the disturbance." — Colonel Braggart

"Because he's six? Woman, when I was six years old, I had a full-time job." — Major Payne

"What happened to knocking first, Dotson?" — Cadet Alex Stone

Major Payne's quote: "Fighting is no longer being done out on the battlefields. Now, all the blood is shed in the halls of Congress, boys like us are becoming dinosaurs." | Source: Amodays

Major Payne's quote: "Fighting is no longer being done out on the battlefields. Now, all the blood is shed in the halls of Congress, boys like us are becoming dinosaurs." | Source: Amodays

"Oh, thank you. Now drop down and give me 25 more for speaking out of line!" — Major Payne

"Ain't no need for name-calling!" — Major Payne


"Major Payne reporting for duty, Sir!" — Major Payne


"Got no worries, got no care." — Major Payne

"Works every time."— Major Payne

Major Payne's quote: "My name is Major Benson Winifred Payne! As of 0800, I am replacing Major Frankfurt as your commanding officer!"  | Source: Amodays

Major Payne's quote: "My name is Major Benson Winifred Payne! As of 0800, I am replacing Major Frankfurt as your commanding officer!" | Source: Amodays

"My name is Major Benson Winifred Payne! As of 0800, I am replacing Major Frankfurt as your commanding officer!" — Major Payne

"Got to earn my right to be called a man." — Major Payne

"What could be more important than having my boys winning this here competition? I suggest we get this party started. Is that okay with you Colonel?"— Major Payne

"Aw, phooey! Don't you ever read any of those stories about little people who do big things? Little Red Riding Hood! The Three Little Pigs! Spike Lee! The Little Rascals! How about the Little Engine That Could!" — Major Payne



"You look like the Pillsbury Dough-boy. If I poke your stomach, will it make you laugh? We're gonna have to make some room for your lunch, Bacon-boy. Get down there and give me 25 crunches, and count them out." — Major Payne

Major Payne's quote: "Oh, thank you. Now drop down and give me 25 more for speaking out of line!"  | Source: Amodays

Major Payne's quote: "Oh, thank you. Now drop down and give me 25 more for speaking out of line!" | Source: Amodays

"You hold it, or else I'll break it off and kick it around on the ground!"— Major Payne

"I ain't frigid." — Major Payne

"One, two, three, four—I love the Marine Corps."— Major Payne

"Now you might feel a little pressure." — Major Payne


"I see what we have here is a failure to communicate. Do not attempt to validate my authority! I have eight weeks to turn you gaggling maggots into a well-disciplined unit."— Major Payne

Major Payne's quote: "Aw, phooey! Don't you ever read any of those stories about little people who do big things? Little Red Riding Hood! The Three Little Pigs! Spike Lee! The Little Rascals! How about the Little Engine That Could!"  | Source: Amodays

Major Payne's quote: "Aw, phooey! Don't you ever read any of those stories about little people who do big things? Little Red Riding Hood! The Three Little Pigs! Spike Lee! The Little Rascals! How about the Little Engine That Could!" | Source: Amodays

"Oh, that's my little incentive program. These boys have to earn their do—their hair-do that is." — Major Payne

"They won't let me go on a 'Black Op,' because I'm too little, and nobody ever lets you do anything when you're little." — Cadet Kevin Dunn

"What are you laughing at, pig-boy? You find a piece of candy in your pocket? What's your name, son?" — Major Payne

"That's not enough. Look at them, these animals are so pathetic that even their own commander didn't even show up." — Lieutenant


"What the hell was that, you little freckle face cartoon? Did I give you permission to sneeze, Opie?"— Major Payne

Major Payne's quote: "I see what we have here is a failure to communicate. Do not attempt to valid my authority! I have eight weeks to turn you gaggling maggots into a well-disciplined unit."  | Source: Amodays

Major Payne's quote: "I see what we have here is a failure to communicate. Do not attempt to valid my authority! I have eight weeks to turn you gaggling maggots into a well-disciplined unit." | Source: Amodays


"Any man that'd leave you outta be monkey-stomped and have his brains mailed back to his mother." — Major Payne

"Actually, Sir, he is deaf." — Cadet Wuliger

"A squad that lives together, wins together! Unity, turds—that is the key word in 'UNIT,' without the 'Y!'"— Major Payne

"Come on, he can't do this, leave him alone. I can barely do it. It's slippery out here." — Cadet Alex Stone


"I guess I just had that one a coming. Well, you know what y'all got a comin'? 723-hour days of fun and adventure. I'm gonna make you boys strong!" — Major Payne


"General, are you telling me that nowhere in the military is there any longer a job for trained human weapons of destruction such as myself? Surely there must be somebody left who needs some killing, or some killing done for them."— Major Payne

Major Payne's quote: "Any man that'd leave you outta be monkey-stomped and have his brains mailed back to his mother."  | Source: Amodays

Major Payne's quote: "Any man that'd leave you outta be monkey-stomped and have his brains mailed back to his mother." | Source: Amodays

"Sorry, Major. There's nobody left. You've killed them all."— General Decker

"I don't like it. It makes me feel all funny."— Major Payne


"Let me be more direct—they hate you." — Emily Walburn

"Negative. I figure if the Marines wanted me to have a wife, they would've issued me one."— Major Payne

"Come on, guys. Relax, it's just a dummy grenade."— Cadet Alex Stone

"Hello, cue balls! Welcome to the house of Payne!" — Major Payne

Cadet Kevin Dunn's quote: "They won't let me go on a 'Black Op,' because I'm too little, and nobody ever lets you do anything when you're little." | Source: Amodays

Cadet Kevin Dunn's quote: "They won't let me go on a 'Black Op,' because I'm too little, and nobody ever lets you do anything when you're little." | Source: Amodays

"He makes us squat when we piss."— Major Payne

"Because we feel good in a dress."— Major Payne


"What do you want, Mr. Pee-Body?" — Major Payne

"Don't push the 'maybes,' baby." — Major Payne

"I never said family don't break up. Don't you watch Oprah?"— Major Payne

"Chooga chooga chooga chooga, chooga chooga chooga chooga, toot toot!"— Major Payne

Major Payne's quote: "Negative. I figure if the Marines wanted me to have a wife, they would've issued me one." | Source: Amodays

Major Payne's quote: "Negative. I figure if the Marines wanted me to have a wife, they would've issued me one." | Source: Amodays

"I'm surprised, you ain't dropped 'bout 12 puppies by now. Ain't you never been married?"— Major Payne

"Used to be Samson, now I'm Ann." — Major Payne



"Ahhhh! My arm, my arm!" —Marine Private

"You like to rhyme, boy?"— Major Payne

"Major Payne! I have to go to the bathroom."— Cadet Kevin Dunn

"What, boy? What? What? What?" — Major Payne

Cadet Alex Stone's quote: "Come on, guys. Relax, it's just a dummy grenade." | Source: Amodays

Cadet Alex Stone's quote: "Come on, guys. Relax, it's just a dummy grenade." | Source: Amodays

"My finger, my finger!" — Marine Private

"Who's the person that got me this blood on this lip? Who's responsible? Don't all run at once. Maybe no one's responsible. I just had it comin'!"— Major Payne


"Why do I have to wear the dress?"— Cadet Heathcoat

Major! What are the boys doing in those dresses?" — Emily Walburn

"Let's go, let's go, giddyup, let's ride!"— Cadet Dotson

Major Payne's quote: "Who's the person that got me this blood on this lip? Who's responsible? Don't all run at once. Maybe no one's responsible. I just had it comin'!" | Source: Amodays

Major Payne's quote: "Who's the person that got me this blood on this lip? Who's responsible? Don't all run at once. Maybe no one's responsible. I just had it comin'!" | Source: Amodays

"What happened? You terminate his command?"— Major Payne

"Excuse me, what did you say?"— Emily Walburn

"One, tubby, tubby! Two, tubby, tubby!" — Major Payne

"Major Payne, what are you doing here? I was told you were away on an important assignment." — Colonel Braggart


"Fe-Fi-Fo-Fum. What beanstalk you fall from?"— Major Payne

"Break it on down! Break it on down!"— Cadet Williams

"The ABC's of being a positive male role model?"— Major Payne

Major Payne's quote: "Major Payne, what are you doing here? I was told you were away on an important assignment." | Source: Amodays

Major Payne's quote: "Major Payne, what are you doing here? I was told you were away on an important assignment." | Source: Amodays


"Cadets, I'm pleased to announce the top two rated squads that will compete for first and second place in the Parade Drill Competition—Wellington Academy and Madison Academy." — Colonel Braggart

"Major Payne just terminated that bad man with extreme prejudice!" — Cadet Kevin Dunn

Sometimes, life happens, and it may be difficult to reckon with hope. It could be a setback in work, love life, or family, but when there is life, there is hope.


Major Payne's setback was enough to cripple him, but it did not. He found an opportunity to write another story, despite the tremendous change associated with settling into a civilian lifestyle.

These eighty quotes have all you need to regain your confidence and shake off your doubts. Remember, the moment you stop learning or improving is when you die.

Finally, If you enjoyed these quotes, you might like this compilation that seeks to unleash your wolf instincts.



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