
Little Girl Sells Favorite Dolls to Fix Mom’s Broken Car, Family Gets New One Next Day – Story of the Day

Rita Kumar
Aug 02, 2022
12:00 A.M.
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When 8-year-old Mila sacrificed all her treasured dolls to fix her poor mom's broken car, she knew little about to whom she was selling her toys. The next day, a brand new car stood outside their house, and the family froze in shock after seeing the owner.


The world is filled with many kinds of people. There are compassionate people and those who would do anything to ruin someone else's happiness. There are also selfless hearts who would kick their parents out to fulfill their worldly desires.

Little Mila was different. The only person who defined her life was her mom, Olivia, who was widowed eight years ago, just after Mila was born.

The single mom worked very hard to raise her beloved daughter, but their little nest did not do without unsuspecting trouble and agony. Perhaps, the worst to happen was when Olivia met with an accident while driving home in her old Mustang...

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For illustration purposes only | Source: Pexels

"Mama, are you not going to work today?" asked the 8-year-old girl a week after her mom was discharged from the hospital. Thankfully, Olivia was not severely injured, but her heart broke after seeing her heavily damaged car. It was her only means to get to the restaurant where she waitressed 20 miles away.


"I need no doll, and my daughter only plays with imported toys. Take your rags and go away!" shouted the unkind woman, slamming the door on the poor little girl's face.

"Honey, mama's car is broken. I'm going to work but by bus. I want you to be a good girl and listen to your granny, alright?"

Olivia worked very hard, and her mother, Agnes, supported her emotionally during her tough race. But day by day, the poor mother's struggles saw no end. She often returned home exhausted and had no time to spend with Mila.

Even worse, the bit of savings she had in her closet were slowly utilized for her bus fare, which she could not avoid. Soon, the struggling family's condition had gone from bad to worse, and they were on the edge of a cliff.

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For illustration purposes only | Source: Unsplash


"Grandma, why doesn't mama play with me in the evenings anymore?" an upset Mila asked her granny one day. "I only see her sleeping every night, and she goes to work before I wake up."

"Sweetheart, mom will play with you, I promise," Agnes assured. "But before that, she needs to get her car fixed. Bus journeys are too hectic nowadays."

The Mustang Olivia drove belonged to her late husband, Jacob's father. It was old but functional, but after she rammed it onto a tree trying to avoid a collision with a speeding truck, the bonnet and engine were severely damaged. She needed at least $1,500 to fix it and could not afford so much.

The restaurant where Olivia waitressed was far, and she badly needed to get her car back on track. Unfortunately, that was not happening soon, and her misery started gnawing away at her peace of mind. That's when little Mila decided to help sort things out.

The girl gathered all her favorite dolls in a box and labeled them, "Dolls for Sale," hoping to collect enough money from the sale to fix the car. But little did naïve Mila know that it would be a challenge and a disappointing visit to every doorstep in her not-so-friendly neighborhood.

For illustration purposes only | Source: Pixabay

For illustration purposes only | Source: Pixabay


"What is it?" an angry neighbor asked little Mila on her first day selling her dolls. "Why are you banging on my door, child? You disturbed me from my yoga workout!" the woman fumed.

"Mrs. Logan, can you please buy one of these dolls? I need money to fix my mom's car."

"What? I need no doll, and my daughter only plays with imported toys. Take your rags and go away!" shouted the unkind woman, slamming the door on the poor little girl's face.

But little Mila did not lose hope. There were over 20 houses in the neighborhood, and she was always taught that if God shuts one door, He always opens another.

Confident and hopeful, the little girl walked to the next few houses with the heavy box. "Mr. Charlie, can you buy a doll? It's brand new, and I haven't taken it out from its box yet," Mila begged another neighbor.

"A doll? Well, I am not a doll collector. Sorry, honey!" the man grinned, ignoring the innocent girl's pleas for help.

Heartbroken, Mila looked into her box and cried, her tears soaking her dolls. Then she approached the last house to sell a doll, still hoping to make a sale.


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For illustration purposes only | Source: Pexels

"Who is it?" she heard a raspy voice behind the door. "Gimme a second. I'll light the candle on the altar."

Moments later, the door opened, and Mila met one of her oldest neighbors, Alex Higgs, a retired Hollywood stuntman. Children were frightened of his gigantic stature and scruffy beard and never messed around his yard, so seeing the brave little girl at his doorstep intrigued the older man.

"What is it, sweetheart?" he asked. "Dolls for sale? What have you got there? And why are you selling your dolls?"

"My mom is always tired whenever she returns home. Granny told me that mama has no money to fix our car, and she can only play with me and be happy when our car gets fixed. So I'm helping her get money to fix our car."


The little girl's innocence struck old Alex's heart. He curled his mustache and asked her how much one doll cost.

"$2," said the girl. "I have 20 dolls."

"That's $40!" Alex exclaimed in astonishment and told her to wait. A few minutes later, he returned with a wad of cash and offered to buy the entire box with dolls.

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For illustration purposes only | Source: Pexels

"Sir, please take care of my dolls. And I bathe them every Saturday. Please wash them and change their clothes," Mila said before hopping away with the money.

That evening, the little girl was overly excited to see her mom. She ran up to her and hugged her, telling her she didn't need to worry anymore or travel by bus.


"Mama! Here, take this $40 I made by selling my dolls. Fix our car tomorrow," she offered.

Olivia was moved to tears. She hugged her little one in joy but did not dare to tell her that $40 would not be enough to fix their car.

"Oh, honey! I'm so proud of you! I promise you that I'll fix our car soon," she said, comforting Mila, who still thought her mom could effortlessly fix the car with that money.

While Mila spent a peaceful night dreaming of her mom driving their car again, Olivia was crushed to have made a promise to her daughter that she knew she couldn't keep.

However, she had no idea then that the Almighty did open a new door after shutting the rest. The following morning, she witnessed a miracle outside her house.

For illustration purposes only | Source: Pexels

For illustration purposes only | Source: Pexels


Olivia had just come out of her house to leave for work when she was startled by her daughter shouting for her. "Mom, come here! Whose car is this, and what is it doing outside our house?"

Agnes and Olivia were confused. But moments later, they gasped in shock when Hollywood's most famous stuntman approached them with the keys to the car.

"Dear, this car is mine," Alex said, extending the keys to Olivia. "Now it belongs to you!"

"Belongs to me?" Olivia exclaimed in shock. "But Mr. Higgs. I cannot accept it. I have a car. It's just under repair."

But old Alex was determined to give his car to the poor woman.

"I know...I know...Your little daughter told me everything. Please accept this old man's gift. I wanted to gift this new car to my daughter, but she died in a car crash on her way to her fiancé's house last month," Alex said. "I've only ignited the engine a few times but haven't driven it yet. Don't say no to your father. You are no less than my daughter!"


Olivia was moved to tears at the kind man's gesture. Although she did not want the car, she couldn't say no to Alex.

"I have no family after my daughter died. So I am giving this memory of her to someone who could be my daughter," Alex added in tears.

Touched by his words, Olivia took the keys and inspected the car. When she opened the trunk, she gasped in surprise. Mila's dolls were all there, along with several gift-wrapped boxes. Alex had bought more dolls for the sweet little girl to reward her compassion and love for her mother.

That day, Olivia started to believe in miracles again and never lost hope no matter the obstacles she faced. While kids draw inspiration from their parents, this mother's role model was her compassionate daughter, Mila!

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For illustration purposes only | Source: Unsplash


What can we learn from this story?

  • You will get something much better when you sacrifice something dear to your heart for a good cause. Little Mila sold her favorite dolls to collect money to help her mom fix their broken car. Ultimately, her compassionate and selfless heart fetched her more than what she wanted.
  • You may never know who can be your savior. Respect and be kind to everyone. When all the neighbors drove little Mila away, she found her last resort in old Alex. The man not only bought all her dolls but also gifted his car to Mila's mom to help her out.

A widow who struggled to feed her five children went out of her way to help an older man in her neighborhood. One day, a van appeared on her doorstep and surprised her. Click here to read the full story.

This piece is inspired by stories from the everyday lives of our readers and written by a professional writer. Any resemblance to actual names or locations is purely coincidental. All images are for illustration purposes only. Share your story with us; maybe it will change someone's life. If you would like to share your story, please send it to info@amomama.com.



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