40 Hard-Core Faye Valentine Quotes
The widely beloved series "Cowboy Bebop" would not be the same without skilled seductress and bounty hunter Faye Valentine. Read 40 of her bold one-liners below.
Faye Valentine, one of the main characters in the anime series and the movie adaptation of "Cowboy Bebop," is an iconic femme fatale filled with an unstable disposition. She travels around the cosmos with her fellow bounty hunters and catches criminals for the right price.
Behind Valentine's seductive and harsh persona lies a woman with a tragic past. Born in 1994, she was frozen in suspended animation, only to wake up in 2068 with no memories of her life before she was frozen.
She then falls deeply in love with a man who faked his death with the proposed purpose of leaving her his assets. Instead, he left her with a pile of debt.
Read the following 40 quotes to understand Valentine on a deeper level.

Faye Valentine's quote: "Survival of the fittest is the law of nature. We deceive, or we are deceived. Thus, we flourish or perish." | Image: AmoDays
Faye Valentine Hard-Core and No-Nonsense Quotes
"When choosing between two evils. I always like to try the one I never tried before." — Faye Valentine
"What? Most of them are dead. Next." — Faye Valentine
"And you can't tell what a woman will DO by looking, so you'll have to be very careful." — Faye Valentine
"How would a dog know? Look, he died two years ago in the Titan Wars. I've had enough. Clean it up. I really hate this." — Faye Valentine
"Why do I have to waste my youth alongside these jerks?" — Faye Valentine

Faye Valentine’s quote: "A girl with no memory's got nothing to lose." | Image: AmoDays
"You know the first rule of combat? Shoot them before they shoot you." — Faye Valentine
A girl with no memory's got nothing to lose." — Faye Valentine"Get over it and move on." — Faye Valentine
"They're totally useless." — Faye Valentine
"I got caught up in that explosion." — Faye Valentine

Faye Valentine’s quote: “Shoot them before they shoot you." | Image: AmoDays
"Survival of the fittest is the law of nature."— Faye Valentine
"You know what they say, cowboy, easy come, easy go." — Faye Valentine
"The bounty's worth squat if you put a bullet in them!" — Faye Valentine
"Alright, I'm wasting my time here! I'll get him by myself." — Faye Valentine
Emotional Faye Valentine Quotes
"I'm not contaminated!" — Faye Valentine

Faye Valentine’s quote: "I don't even know when my birthday is.” | Image: AmoDays
"Why do you have to go? Where are you going? What are [you] going to do, just throw your life away like it was nothing?" — Faye Valentine
"Men are such idiots." — Faye Valentine
"You don't know where to turn, who to trust; You have no frame of reference the first time you touched a hot kettle or skinned your knee because you're already a grown-up. No one to lean on. No one to be loved by." — Faye Valentine
"I don't even know when my birthday is." — Faye Valentine
"Hey! Even the dog's avoiding me!" — Faye Valentine

Faye Valentine’s quote: "Men are such idiots." | Image: AmoDays
Reflective Faye Valentine Quotes
"We deceive, or we are deceived. Thus, we flourish or perish." — Faye Valentine
"The past is the past, and the future is the future. A man is a man, and a woman is a woman. The present is the present. I am who I am, and you are who you are. That's all there is to it. Does it really matter? Or do we just think it does?" — Faye Valentine
"They say humans are social animals; they can't live alone. But you can live pretty well by yourself." — Faye Valentine
"Nothing good ever happened to me when I trusted others. That is the lesson." — Faye Valentine
"Instead of feeling alone in a group, it's better to be alone in your solitude." — Faye Valentine

Faye Valentine’s quote: "Instead of feeling alone in a group, it's better to be alone in your solitude." | Image: AmoDays
Faye Valentine Bounty-Hunting Quotes
"He used the card to rent a car that was blown up. But Lee wasn't in it, probably an accomplice." — Faye Valentine
"Lee Samson, a computer hacker. A bounty of 5 million. We traced his card with false ID on it." — Faye Valentine
"Yes, that's the guy." — Faye Valentine
"Unit 7. Mars Special Forces Attack Team. Special Forces? So they're military?" — Faye Valentine
A Blend of Faye Valentine Musings
"Baths are great. But gross. I mean, who wants to be in a tub full of hot water stewing in their own filth?" — Faye Valentine

Faye Valentine's quote: "Like an angel from the underworld. Or a devil from paradise.” | Image: AmoDays
"Huh... Virus, I see. On no! A chemical weapon?" — Faye Valentine
"Well, it was quite an accident." — Faye Valentine
"I'm alone. I don't want comrades… and it's not worth having any. I end up worrying about things I don't have to… because you know I'm such a good woman..." — Faye Valentine
"Like an angel from the underworld. Or a devil from paradise." — Faye Valentine
"Beautiful skin can only be maintained by tireless efforts which are ultimately totally futile, understand?" — Faye Valentine

Faye Valentine's quote: "Baths are great. But gross. I mean, who wants to be in a tub full of hot water stewing in their own filth?" | Image: AmoDays
"Terrible. You want to hear?" — Faye Valentine
"Ordinary. The kind of beautiful, dangerous ordinary that you just can't leave alone." — Faye Valentine
"I'll take one. Plus, I lost big at the races." — Faye Valentine.
"It's very valuable." — Faye Valentine
"I can't let anyone see me like this." — Faye Valentine

Faye Valentine's quote: "You know what they say, cowboy, easy come, easy go." | Image: AmoDays
The original "Cowboy Bebop" anime series was released in 1998, developing a cult-like following. Netflix then released a live-action series in 2021, to mixed reception and one Primetime Emmy Nomination.
The streaming service ultimately decided not to renew it for a second season. Mustafa Shakir, who played Jet Black in the live-action, suggested it was due to steep production costs.
Netflix also has the animated version available for the futuristic show's faithful fans. Take an even deeper dive into "Cowboy Bebop" by reading quotes from the main protagonist, Spike Spiegel.