46 ‘Drop Dead Fred’ Quotes to Broaden Your Imagination
Many of us had imaginary friends as children, which is a normal part of growing up. However, what if your dreamland companion made an appearance in adulthood? This is exactly what happened to Elizabeth Cronin. Read these 46 quotes below to discover more.
"Drop Dead Fred" may seem like a straightforward child's fantasy film, but it is filled with dark comedy and adult themes. The film follows Elizabeth Cronin, who moves back to the home she grew up in when she loses her husband, car, and job. This trauma leads to the reemergence of her chaotic imaginary friend, Drop Dead Fred.
This imaginary friend of hers first came about when she was a young girl, suffering at the hands of an emotionally abusive mother. Fred, however, as when she was young, causes chaos in Cronin's life while she takes the blame for the consequences. Ultimately, Fred's comeback is to help her regain her power through this challenging time.
Read 46 quotes from the characters in this cult classic.

Elizabeth Cronin’s quote: "Not Fred. He always stood up for me." | Image: AmoDays
Quotes from the Dark and Wacky Drop Dead Fred
"She squashed my head! The evil one reigns supreme!" — Drop Dead Fred
"Wow! Cobwebs." — Drop Dead Fred
"Why not? How many times have you tried it?" — Drop Dead Fred
"Hello, Snotface. Yuck, what happened to you? You're all older; you're even uglier!" — Drop Dead Fred
"No panties! No panties!" — Drop Dead Fred

Drop Dead Fred's quote: "Drown the fishes." | Image: AmoDays
"Yeah, well, we're not scared of you, fatso!" — Drop Dead Fred
"Oh, great. Now I'm stuck between two complete utter girls." — Drop Dead Fred
"Well, why don't we harpoon Charles straight through the head, drag him back to the apartment, and hit him with a hammer until he agrees to come back?" — Drop Dead Fred
"Drown the fishes." — Drop Dead Fred
"Go away? Why do you want me to go away? Fine! Say the magic words..." — Drop Dead Fred

Drop Dead Fred's quote: "Snotface, he's the wrong man for you." | Image: AmoDays
"Just kiss me, and say Drop Dead Fred…now." — Drop Dead Fred
"Ha! Gotcha. Those weren't the magic words." — Drop Dead Fred
"Look, I'm sorry, but I'm going to have to be sick all over you immediately. Lie down." — Drop Dead Fred
"You see when something's not working right, the best thing to do is tear it apart to make it better." — Drop Dead Fred
"Snotface, he's the wrong man for you." — Drop Dead Fred

Drop Dead Fred's quote:"I don't love you because love is for girls, and girls are disgusting." | Image: AmoDays
"You just put a piece of broccoli in your mouth and said, 'Mm, what a lovely piece of broccoli.'" — Drop Dead Fred
"I wrote the note. Hahahahaha! Haven't got a husband! Haven't got a husband! Got a stupid haircut." — Drop Dead Fred
"I am a loner, a crazy wide-eyed loner on a doomed mission to Venus to battle with the three-headed mega beast, but on the way, I caught cornflakes disease." — Drop Dead Fred
"Playtime! Wheee!" — Drop Dead Fred
"I don't love you because love is for girls, and girls are disgusting." — Drop Dead Fred

Drop Dead Fred's quote: "Hello, Snotface. Yuck, what happened to you? You're all older; you're even uglier!" | Image: AmoDays
"No, I don't remember what happened with her [Cinderella]. I deliberately forgot all about her... I remember the ugly stepsisters; they were great." — Drop Dead Fred
"Look, you've got you now. You don't need me" — Drop Dead Fred
Quotes from the Chaotic Elizabeth Cronin
"Maybe mommy's right. I never do anything right." — Young Elizabeth Cronin
"Go away!" — Elizabeth Cronin
"I got upset." — Elizabeth Cronin
![Elizabeth Cronin’s quote: "[Whispers] I must be dreaming." | Image: AmoDays](https://cdn.amodays.com/63436ba91c9517fdcf0b752b49b30c30.jpg)
Elizabeth Cronin’s quote: "[Whispers] I must be dreaming." | Image: AmoDays
"Harpoon him through the head. That won't work, Fred." — Young Elizabeth Cronin
"Daddy, why don't we throw mommy out the window? It won't hurt her. She'll land in the gladiolas." — Young Elizabeth Cronin
"Drop Dead Fred is going to teach me how to cook today. I'm going to need flour and sugar and honey...and a pair of your pants. We're making pants pie. Ow!" — Elizabeth Cronin
"Mother, do you remember when I was little, I had a friend, he was make-believe?" — Elizabeth Cronin
"[Whispers] I must be dreaming." — Elizabeth Cronin

Elizabeth Cronin’s quote: "Well, what about Cinderella? Remember what happened with her?" | Image: AmoDays
"What a pile of [expletive]." — Young Elizabeth Cronin
"Don't you remember? Only I could see him?" — Elizabeth Cronin
"Only with me." — Elizabeth Cronin
"Where are we going?" — Elizabeth Cronin
"Did they live happily ever after?" — Young Elizabeth Cronin

Young Elizabeth Cronin’s quote: "Maybe mommy's right. I never do anything right." | Image: AmoDays
"I'm not afraid of you!" — Elizabeth Cronin
"Well, what about Cinderella? Remember what happened with her?" — Elizabeth Cronin
"Not Fred. He always stood up for me." — Elizabeth Cronin
The Unimagined Characters' Quotes
"Well, that's what friends are for, even imaginary ones." — Michael Bunce

Polly Cronin’s quote: "What did you just say to me?" | Image: AmoDays
"No, I don't remember Drop Dead Fred at all." — Polly Cronin
"You shouldn't say things like that about your mother... She might cut your head off." — Nigel
"Because she was a good little girl, if she would have been naughty, the prince would have run away." — Polly Cronin
"Does this Fred play rough?" — Charles Gretterson

Michael Bunce’s quote: "Well, that's what friends are for, even imaginary ones." | Image: AmoDays
"Pain is your friend; it's your humanity. Pain makes you interesting." — Janie
"What did you just say to me?" — Polly Cronin
"We were all a little afraid of your mother." — Michael Bunce

Charles Gretterson’s quote: "Does this Fred play rough?" | Image: AmoDays
This movie has been met with significant and harsh criticism since its release in 1991. However, it appears that the film has also become a cult classic and is surrounded by many nostalgic admirers. If anything, "Drop Dead Fred" has elicited deep curiosity.
One big inquiry is whether Fred is real, a strong hallucination borne out of trauma, or if Cronin has a mental illness like schizophrenia. Overall, individuals who watched the film as children should be surprised at the adult themes that went unnoticed—divorce, emotional abuse, trauma, and possible mental illness, to name a few.
If you're going through a difficult period but can't conjure up a magical friend to help you, try reading these 36 Golden Kintsugi quotes to help mend the pieces of your heart.