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Unsplash | Cacti

49 Cactus Quotes to Bloom within the Midst of Hardship

Dayna Remus
Dec 07, 2022
05:00 P.M.

Green and full of prickly thorns, cacti aren't the first plants we think about when we want to buy a loved one a floral gift. However, the following 49 quotes may change your mind.


Riding through a desert may seem hot, boring, and downright miserable as sweat pours down one's face. The landscape, of course, will be filled with cactuses; a sight we are all used to seeing. However, these plants are much more interesting than many of us realize.

As many know, Cacti store their water in their stems and can grow their flowers amid barren land. While this is amazing in and of itself, it and many other characteristics of the plant have been used to symbolize beauty, strength, and so much more. Read the 49 quotes below to discover what meanings lurk behind this underrated plant.

 Uma Gokhale’s quote: "The desert works constantly to forbid it, and still the cactus blooms."  | Image: AmoDays

Uma Gokhale’s quote: "The desert works constantly to forbid it, and still the cactus blooms." | Image: AmoDays

Cactus Quotes about Strength

"The desert works constantly to forbid it, and still the cactus blooms." — Uma Gokhale


"When the going gets tough, just like golden barrel cactus, you bloom yellow, and poesy drips from you instead of tears." ― Neelam Saxena Chandra

"The thorns are worth bearing for a flower." ― Kalinin

"If a flower can flourish in the desert, you can flourish anywhere." ― Mashona Dhimaya

"The desert works constantly to forbid it, and still the cactus blooms." — Uma Gokhale

Cactus Quotes about Beauty

 Matshona Dhliwayo’s quote: "A cactus is a desert's rose."  | Image: AmoDays

Matshona Dhliwayo’s quote: "A cactus is a desert's rose." | Image: AmoDays

"She was elusive. She was today. She was tomorrow. She was the faintest scent of a cactus flower, the flitting shadow of an elf owl. We did not know what to make of her. In our minds, we tried to pin her to a corkboard like a butterfly, but the pin merely went through, and away she flew." — Jerry Spinelli


“If one can see beauty in the strength of how a cactus blooms in the desert. They would see beauty in the thorns it displays." — Reena Sharma

"The thorns are worth bearing for a flower." — Kalinin

"Every cactus blooms; some with little rooms; some give flowers that grow; others so small it won't show!" ― Ana Claudia Antunes

"A cactus is a desert's rose." — Matshona Dhliwayo

Cactus Quotes with Life Lessons

H. Jackson Brown, Jr.’s quote: "Hope is not a resting place but a starting point, a cactus, not a cushion."  | Image: AmoDays

H. Jackson Brown, Jr.’s quote: "Hope is not a resting place but a starting point, a cactus, not a cushion." | Image: AmoDays

"I hope that while so many people are out smelling the flowers, someone is taking the time to plant some." — Herbert Rappaport


"If seeds waited for perfect conditions to grow, there would be no plants in the desert." — Matshona Dhliwayo

"People are not cactuses; they need plenty of water and, when talking about friendship, the water is our time." ― Birutė Sol

"Hope is not a resting place but a starting point, a cactus, not a cushion." — H. Jackson Brown, Jr.

"People trample over flowers, yet only to embrace a cactus." — James Joyce

 Max De Pree’s quote: "A whale is as unique as a cactus. But don't ask a whale to survive Death Valley. We all have special gifts. Where we use them and how determines whether we actually complete something.” | Image: AmoDays

Max De Pree’s quote: "A whale is as unique as a cactus. But don't ask a whale to survive Death Valley. We all have special gifts. Where we use them and how determines whether we actually complete something.” | Image: AmoDays

"Being negative only makes a difficult journey more difficult. You may be given a cactus, but you don't have to sit on it." — Joyce Meyer

“The cactus thrives in the desert while the fern thrives in the wetland. The fool will try to plant them in the same flower box." ― Vera Nazarian


"A daisy blooming in a desert is worth more than a rose blossoming in a rainforest." — Matshona Dhliwayo

"Anger was simple, self-sustaining as a cactus. You couldn't look too closely at it, lest the spines get you in the eye." ― Rebecca Scherm

"Nothing's all bad. There are very beautiful flowers in the desert amidst the spikes and thorns. Just don't let them take over. In the garden of love, there is little room for prickly things." — Kate McGaha

Joyce Meyer’s quote: “Being negative only makes a difficult journey more difficult. You may be given a cactus, but you don't have to sit on it."  | Image: AmoDays

Joyce Meyer’s quote: “Being negative only makes a difficult journey more difficult. You may be given a cactus, but you don't have to sit on it." | Image: AmoDays

"Very often, people are obsessed with what others think of them. It's like if a flower wants to be a cactus or a palm, but it's not. A flower is a flower, and that's enough. That's all you have to do is be a flower." ― Stjepan Hauser


"In a world full of flowers, be a cactus." ― Kul Bhushan Negi

"Be sharp like a cactus people are afraid to touch and not a sort of rubbish." ― Sophia

"A whale is as unique as a cactus. But don't ask a whale to survive Death Valley. We all have special gifts. Where we use them and how determines whether we actually complete something." — Max De Pree

Humorous Cactus Quotes

"'I had forgotten that talking to you is like trying to pet a cactus.' Saiman said dryly. 'Thank you for reminding me.'" — Ilona Andrews

Jarod Kintz’ quote: "I read books so dry even a cactus couldn't grow on them.” | Image: AmoDays

Jarod Kintz’ quote: "I read books so dry even a cactus couldn't grow on them.” | Image: AmoDays

"I bought a cactus. A week later, it died. And I got depressed because I thought, Damn. I am less nurturing than a desert." — Demetri Martin


"Cactus classification is similar to fashion on women skirts: they first shorten improperly and then lengthen excessively." — R. Foster

"I remember very clearly someone saying, 'Don't shake hands with the cactus,' and I thought, 'Well, why not? What could possibly go wrong?' Shaking hands is a friendly gesture." — Benedict Cumberbatch

"I read books so dry even a cactus couldn't grow on them." — Jarod Kintz

"Gardening requires lots of water – most of it in the form of perspiration." — Lou Erickson

Gary Anarchic’s quote: "My dad is like a cactus—introverted and tough." | Image: AmoDays

Gary Anarchic’s quote: "My dad is like a cactus—introverted and tough." | Image: AmoDays

"Both a rose and a cactus have thorns, and while the rose may say, 'I love you,' the cactus says, '[expletive] off.' I think that's important to remember, and it's the ideal way to farm ducks." ― Jarod Kintz


"Adolescence is like cactus."― Anais Nin

"A cactus doesn't live in the desert because it likes the desert; it lives there because the desert hasn't killed it yet." ― Hope Jahren

"What a surprise. That boy doesn't have the sense God gave a cactus." ― Kathleen Peacock

Cactus Quotes about Love

"A cactus could've loved any other cactus, but love is such a crazy stuff that it only fell for a balloon, where their togetherness is impracticable."— Fathima Shamla

Jessica Anna Jones’ quote: "If you get struck by a cactus, consider it a cactus kiss. Because we all know love hurts." | Image: AmoDays

Jessica Anna Jones’ quote: "If you get struck by a cactus, consider it a cactus kiss. Because we all know love hurts." | Image: AmoDays

"Love speaks in flowers. Truth requires thorns." — Leigh Bard Ugo


"Loving you is like loving a cactus. You hurt me every time whenever I come close to you but still, I can't stop myself from loving you." — Esa

"If you get struck by a cactus, consider it a cactus kiss. Because we all know love hurts." — Jessica Anna Jones

"Loving you is like loving a cactus. Its leaves are so beautiful and amazing that I can't resist its beauty. Yet as soon as I touch it. I get pricked by its thorns." — Esa

Prickly Quotes for You to Enjoy

"What is the meaning of a cactus flower? It exists, that's all." — Marty Rubin

Amit Kalantri’s quote: "During your struggle, society is not a bunch of flowers; it is a bunch of cacti." | Image: AmoDays

Amit Kalantri’s quote: "During your struggle, society is not a bunch of flowers; it is a bunch of cacti." | Image: AmoDays

"My dad is like a cactus—introverted and tough." — Gary Anarchic


"My allergies completely disappeared after moving to Hawaii. I had suspected Tucson was causing them, as much of the pollen is coming from cactus, which I know I have no genetic adaptation to. Numerous people report the development of seasonal allergies when they start living in Tucson. It is a known aspect of living there for many." — Steven Magee

"Deserts never believe in cactus; seeds do." — Deepak Gupta

"During your struggle, society is not a bunch of flowers; it is a bunch of cacti." ― Amit Kalantri

Neelam Saxena Chandra’s quote: "When the going gets tough, just like golden barrel cactus, you bloom yellow, and poesy drips from you instead of tears." | Image: AmoDays

Neelam Saxena Chandra’s quote: "When the going gets tough, just like golden barrel cactus, you bloom yellow, and poesy drips from you instead of tears." | Image: AmoDays


"I'm like the trunk of a cactus… I take in a dose of culture and time with friends, then I retreat and go live on it for a while until I get thirsty again." — Nancy Horan

"The Big Cactus… because if you come too close, you're gonna get stuck." — Shaquille O'Neal

"In the Middle Ages, people took potions for their ailments. In the 19th century, they took snake oil. Citizens of today's shiny, technological age are too modern for that. They take antioxidants and extract of cactus instead." ― Charles Krauthammer

"Only cactuses had perennial appeal. And cactuses were of no interest to her." ― Milan Kundera

 Kalinin’s quote: “The thorns are worth bearing for a flower." | Image: AmoDays

Kalinin’s quote: “The thorns are worth bearing for a flower." | Image: AmoDays


From strength to beauty, love, humor, and general life lessons, it is clear that cacti are not simply a prickly plant hoarding water in a desert. Rather, they are an underrated succulent with so much allure and metaphorical potential. So next time you want to buy roses for a loved one, perhaps think twice.

Beyond cacti, nature is filled with hidden beauty if we can look and wait for it. More unseen magic within nature is mushrooms. Read these quotes to enter the fungi's hidden universe.



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