'Life Would Be Better Without You!' Teen Yells at Mom, Next Day She Disappears — Story of the Day
When a teenager felt annoyed by his single mother's love and affection, he lashed out at her, saying hurtful things that no mother would want to hear. The following day, he woke up to learn that his mother had suddenly disappeared. Where did she go?
When Sarah married the love of her life in her early twenties, she couldn't believe her wish had finally come true. She always wanted to live with the man of her dreams but had no idea that her happiness would be short-lived.
She welcomed her first baby, Joe, a year after tying the knot and pictured herself raising him with her husband. The couple loved their son dearly, prayed for his future, and worked hard to provide him with the best of everything.

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She was living her best life with her husband and son until one day, she received a call from the hospital and was shocked to learn that the love of her life had gotten into a deadly accident.
"We're so sorry, but we couldn't save your husband," the doctors told her a few hours later. "The impact was so severe there was not much we could do."
Sarah felt a lump in her throat while tears trickled down her cheeks. She could feel her entire body shake with fear because she had never imagined living without her husband. At that moment, her whole world came crashing down, and there was nothing she could do to save herself from breaking down.
Her husband's sudden death instilled a newfound fear of losing Joe in her heart, which made her care for him even more. She pampered him, cooked meals for him, and showered him with a lot of love, assuming that it would make him feel good.
As years passed, Sarah's love for Joe increased. Besides cooking fresh meals for him four times a day, doing all his chores, and driving him to school and back home, Sarah also put many restrictions on her teenage son. Despite knowing how children become rebellious after puberty, Sarah never realized that her overprotectiveness made her son drift apart.

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Joe would play outside with his friends every day after school, but Sarah would always force him to return before sunset. She felt it wasn't safe to stay outdoors after dark, but the teenager never understood his mother's concerns. He always argued with her, trying to convince her to let him play more, but he never succeeded.
"I AM SICK OF YOUR LOVE, MOM!" Joe yelled without any remorse.
With time, Joe began resenting his mother. He would lie to her and spend time with boys older than him at school. He watched them bully others, pass demeaning comments, and violate rules. Soon, he was part of their gang, while Sarah was unaware of his evil company.
Whenever Joe would invite his mother to a school event, he feared she might do something embarrassing. She came to watch him play football once, and Joe could never forget that day because his mother's actions made him feel so uncomfortable.
During half-time, Joe was sitting with his teammates discussing the team strategy when he saw his mother running towards him with a pie in her hand.
"Oh no!" he said while feeling his cheeks heat up.
"Is that your mother?" a teammate asked.
"That's so adorable!" another boy said.
At that point, Joe wished the earth would split apart and swallow him because watching his mother running towards him in the middle of the field was nothing short of a nightmare for him. He felt extremely embarrassed and wanted to rush home immediately.

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A few weeks later, another incident occurred, and Joe felt ashamed in front of his friends. Instead of talking to his mother to make her understand his feelings, he yelled at her in front of everybody.
"I don't want all this, Mom!" he shouted at her while his friends looked at him. "Why do you always embarrass me in front of my friends?"
Sarah silently watched her son yell at her. She couldn't believe he would disrespect her in front of everyone, let alone scream at her. His behavior shattered her confidence, and she slowly walked back towards her car, waiting for her son to come so they could return home.
During the car ride, Sarah didn't speak a word. Meanwhile, Joe was busy texting his friends, smiling at his phone as he sent them funny messages. He didn't realize how hurt his mother felt, nor did he apologize to her.
"You have no right to disrespect me like that, Joe!" Sarah broke her silence once they reached home. She yelled at him, hoping he would feel ashamed and apologize, but what he did next was something she never expected.
"I AM SICK OF YOUR LOVE, MOM!" Joe yelled without any remorse. He argued with her, trying to tell her how she was wrong. Toward the end of their fight, Joe yelled:
"My life would be better without you!"

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Sarah felt her son's words pierce through her heart. She felt hurt because she had dedicated her life to caring for Joe while he wanted her to leave. Later that night, the single mother decided to fulfill his wish, and the following morning, Joe was clueless about his mother's whereabouts.
After checking the entire house, Joe realized Sarah had disappeared. He called her multiple times, but she did not respond or read his messages.
"I think I know where she is!" he exclaimed before dialing his grandmother's number. He knew Sarah often visited her mother-in-law.
"Hey, Grandma!" he said. "Do you know where Mom is? Is she there with you?"
"No, sweetheart," Joe's grandmother replied. "She's not here."
I guess she would return soon, he thought and went into his room to play video games. It was a Sunday morning, and Joe had the entire house to himself. He used this as an opportunity to enjoy his freedom. He went out with his friends, returned late, ordered fast food, and slept.

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The following day, Joe woke up thinking his mother must have returned. However, his heart skipped a beat when he couldn't find her anywhere.
Since he had to prepare for school, not having Sarah around made things difficult. She always served him freshly-prepared pancakes, eggs, and sandwiches, but she wasn't there anymore. Feeling sad, Joe opened the fridge, but it was empty. Instead of food, he found a piece of paper lying there.
You have to cook food for yourself when your mother isn't around, Joe. Good luck!" Joe read the note aloud and realized his mother had left it there for him. Despite wanting to eat a lavish breakfast, Joe poured milk into his bowl of cereal, thinking about how his mother always cooked fresh food for him.
"WHAT?" Joe stomped his feet on the floor. "I can't believe this!"
After finishing his breakfast, Joe went to get ready for school. He rummaged through his closet to find a clean shirt but realized all of them were in the laundry.

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"What should I wear now?" he asked angrily and stomped into the laundry room. He found another note sitting on top of the pile of his dirty shirts.
Now you have to clean your clothes with your hands, Joe," he read aloud and shook his head in disappointment.
Since the teenager did not know how to use the washing machine or wash his clothes with his hands, he wore a dirty shirt to school after spraying lots of perfume.
Out of habit, Joe went into the garage after getting ready because Sarah always took him to school in her car. However, he realized his mother wasn't there when he approached the vehicle. He saw another note stuck to the car's windshield. It read:
"You have to take the bus today, Joe."

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Joe went to school on the bus, met his friends, but didn't tell them anything about his mother. After having a miserable day, he returned home and found a video message on his phone from his mother.
"Hi, Joe!" she said while sitting inside a resort. "I decided to take a few days off from my motherly duties since you didn't want me to interfere in everything you do."
Joe gasped as he watched her video. He couldn't believe she was having fun in a resort.
"If you want a life without your Mom, you're going to get it," she continued. "I ensured your wish came true, honey. Have fun!"
"WHAT?" Joe stomped his feet on the floor. "I can't believe this!"
Instead of responding to Sarah's message, Joe rushed to his grandmother's house to tell her everything. He hoped she would help him, but he was wrong.

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"Grandma, I am so hungry!" he complained. "Look at my clothes! I wore a dirty shirt today because Mom decided to chill in a resort. That's not fair!"
"Oh, I'm so sorry, Joe," she replied. "I can't help you because I'm not feeling well."
"What happened, Grandma?" Joe asked worriedly.
"You know Sarah visits me every weekend to give me a massage, but she didn't come here this week," Joe's grandmother replied. "Can you do that on her behalf? I'll wash your clothes and feed you once I feel better."
"Oh, God!" Joe screamed with his hands on his head. "I can't! I can't!"
He quickly stood and rushed outside his grandmother's house. "I'm leaving!" he screamed and ran towards his house. Meanwhile, his grandmother laughed and picked up her phone to call Sarah.
"Lesson is learned!" she chuckled. "That boy really misses you, Sarah."
It turned out that Sarah had planned everything with her mother-in-law to teach Joe a lesson. Sarah shared it with his grandmother when he misbehaved with her in front of his friends. The next day, Sarah visited the elderly lady as she did every Sunday and then went to a resort to film a video message for Joe.
Not receiving his calls, leaving notes, and telling Joe's grandmother not to help him were all part of Sarah's plans. She wanted to teach him a lesson and believed her plan was a success.

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Later that evening, Joe was returning home with his friends after playing football when they told him they wanted to visit his place. They expected Sarah to treat him with a freshly-baked pie, but they frowned upon learning she wasn't home.
"We love your mother, Joe!" the leader of his group said. "I don't have a mother, but if I had one, I'd want her to be like your Mom. She's so kind. She cares for you so much."
"I agree!" another friend added. "Your mother does so many things for you. She makes you feel so special."
After listening to what his friends said, Joe couldn't help but feel bad. His eyes welled up after realizing how rude he was to his mother. He regretted shouting at her in public and at home. I'm so sorry, Mom. Please come back, he thought.

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Once his friends left, Joe went inside his house and began cleaning the mess he had created in his room and the kitchen. He watched a few tutorials on YouTube and washed his clothes in the washing machine. Meanwhile, he went to the kitchen and cooked pasta for himself by following a recipe he found on the internet.
While cooking, he heard the door unlock and saw Sarah enter. "Mom!! You're back!" Joe exclaimed and rushed to hug her. "I'm so sorry for everything I said."
Sarah wrapped her arms around him and smiled. "It's okay, Joe. It's okay," she patted his back.
"Mom, I love you!" he exclaimed.
"You complete me. I can't even spend a day without you."
Sarah felt emotional watching her son apologize. She forgave him and made him promise not to repeat his mistakes. "I promise, Mom! I will never mistreat you," he said.

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What can we learn from this story?
- Always respect your parents. Many children like Joe don't respect their parents but later regret it. Joe was lucky his mother was still alive when the realization hit him, but some children start respecting their parents when it's too late.
- Sometimes, it's okay to be selfish. Sarah had to leave her house to teach her son a lesson. As a mother, it was difficult for her to leave Joe at home, knowing he couldn't even cook a meal for himself. However, she took a selfish step for his betterment and ultimately felt at peace when he apologized.
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Click here to read another story about a daughter who yelled at her weak mother at a restaurant but showed her respect after a waitress stepped in.
This piece is inspired by stories from the everyday lives of our readers and written by a professional writer. Any resemblance to actual names or locations is purely coincidental. All images are for illustration purposes only. Share your story with us; maybe it will change someone's life. If you would like to share your story, please send it to info@amomama.com.