55 Karma Disrespect Parents Quotes for You to Reflect On
The connection between parents and children is one of the most complicated relationships one can experience. It can lead to either a fruitful or a strained bond. But disrespecting parents has consequences, as karma teaches us. Below are 55 quotes about karma and disrespect towards parents.
Parents often find themselves in a state of dread when dealing with their stubborn and unyielding children. These tough-minded youngsters are notorious for their lack of reverence, often voicing their discontent.
Additionally, strong-willed children may express their frustration in many different ways. This could include complaining, spreading negative news, and ignoring people in charge, like their mothers and fathers.
However, it's important to remember that treating one's parents with disrespect can have long-term consequences, as actions have a way of coming back around through the mysterious workings of karma. Here are 55 quotes about karma and disrespect towards parents to ponder on.

Keanu Reeves' quote: “When you truly understand karma, then you realize you are responsible for everything in your life.” | Image: AmoDays
"A child who is allowed to be disrespectful to his parents will not have true respect for anyone." — Billy Graham
"The children now love luxury; they have bad manners, contempt for authority; they show disrespect for elders and love chatter in place of exercise. Children are now tyrants, not the servants of their households. They no longer rise when elders enter the room. They contradict their parents, chatter before company, gobble up dainties at the table, cross their legs, and tyrannize their teachers." — Aristophanes
"I would never disrespect any man, woman, chick or child out there. We're all the same. What goes around comes around, and karma kicks us all in the butt in the end of the day." — Angie Stone

Paramahansa Yogananda's quote: "Before you act, you have freedom, but after you act, the effect of that action will follow you whether you want it to or not. That is the law of karma." | Image: AmoDays
"Disrespect is the weapon of the weak." — Alice Miller
"People disrespect you for two reasons; to gain your respect towards them and to bargain your trust towards them." — J. Ruby
The Impact of Karma and Disrespect on One's Character
"If you disrespect everybody that you run into, how in the world do you think everybody's supposed to respect you?" — Aretha Franklin
"No matter what the reason, if you start to scream and shout, you look like a fool, and you feel a fool, and you earn the disrespect of everyone." — Michael Caine
"If Somebody disrespects me they will pay for it. I promise." — Anderson Silva

Mary T. Brown's quote: "Karma is justice. It does not reward or punish, because we have to earn all that we receive." | Image: AmoDays
"A little rudeness and disrespect can elevate a meaningless interaction to a battle of wills and add drama to an otherwise dull day." —Bill Watterson
"Being tolerant does not mean acquiescing to the intolerable; it does not mean covering up disrespect; it does not mean coddling the aggressor or disguising aggression. Tolerance is the virtue that teaches us to live with the difference. It teaches us to learn from and respect the difference." — Paulo Freire

Stephen Richards' quote: “Karma, simply put, is an action for an action, good or bad.” | Image: AmoDays
"True irreverence is disrespect for another man's God." — Mark Twain
"Don't let people disrespect you. My mom says don't open the door to the devil. Surround yourself with positive people." — Cuba Gooding, Jr.
"Being brilliant is no great feat if you respect nothing." — Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
"If they disrespect you to your face, imagine what they're doing behind your back." — Sonya Parker
"I was taught you never, ever disrespect your opponent or your teammates or your organization or your manager, and never, ever your uniform." — Ryne Sandberg
Reflections on Karma and Actions
"You cannot do harm to someone because someone has done harm to you. You will pay just like they will." — Ericka Williams
"How people treat you is their karma; how you react is yours." — Wayne Dyer
"I try to live with the idea that karma is a very real thing. So I put out what I want to get back." — Megan Fox
"Men are not punished for their sins, but by them." — Elbert Hubbard
"There's a natural law of karma that vindictive people, who go out of their way to hurt others, will end up broke and alone." —Sylvester Stallone

Sri Guru Granth Sahib's quote: “As she has planted, so does she harvest; such is the field of karma.” | Image: AmoDays
"When karma lands, it lands hard." — Tom Fitton
"Dear Karma, I really hate you right now, you made your point." — Ottilie Weber
"Karma bides its time. You will always have to watch out. Karma is unforgiving and always gets payback." — Benjamin Bayani
"Karma is justice. It does not reward or punish, because we have to earn all that we receive." — Mary T. Brown
"If you give a good thing to the world, then over time your karma will be good, and you'll receive good." — Russell Simmons

Missy Elliott's quote: “I try not to be cruel to people. I know there's a karma, and I'm constantly thinking of my blessings. I live and die by being a Baptist. If I can't go to church on a Sunday, I'll get a tape by the Clark Sisters and slide it in for the day.” | Image: AmoDays
"I believe in Karma. If the good is sown, the good is collected. When positive things are made, that returns well." — Yannick Noah
"When you truly understand karma, then you realize you are responsible for everything in your life." — Keanu Reeves
"I believe in karma, and I believe if you put out positive vibes to everybody, that's all you're going to get back." — Kesha
"Before you act, you have freedom, but after you act, the effect of that action will follow you whether you want it to or not. That is the law of karma." — Paramahansa Yogananda
"The results of karma, whether good or bad, may not manifest right away. In may happen in the same lifetime or in a future life. We may even receive both positive and negative reactions at the same time." — Benjawan Poomsan

Russell Simmons' quote: "If you give a good thing to the world, then over time your karma will be good, and you’ll receive good." | Image: AmoDays
"Karma, simply put, is an action for an action, good or bad." — Stephen Richards
"My mother believed in curses, karma, good luck, bad luck, feng shui. Her amorphous set of beliefs showed me you can pick and choose the qualities of your philosophy, based on what works for you." — Amy Tan
"Parents are one's companions in life but not partakers of one's karma." — Munshi Premchand
"I believe that the Laws of Karma do not apply to show business, where good things happen to bad people on a fairly regular basis." — Chuck Lorre
"I try not to be cruel to people. I know there's a karma, and I'm constantly thinking of my blessings. I live and die by being a Baptist. If I can't go to church on a Sunday, I'll get a tape by the Clark Sisters and slide it in for the day." — Missy Elliott

Benjawan Poomsan's quote: “The results of karma, whether good or bad, may not manifest right away. In may happen in the same lifetime or in a future life. We may even receive both positive and negative reactions at the same time.” | Image: AmoDays
"Those who pray for your downfall are concentrating negative thoughts towards you." — Michael Bassey Johnson
"Problems or successes, they all are the results of our own actions. Karma. The philosophy of action is that no one else is the giver of peace or happiness. One's own karma, one's own actions are responsible to come to bring either happiness or success or whatever." — Maharishi Mahesh Yogi
"I have a lot of other stuff to accomplish before I get to kids. Whenever the time is right, I'll just know. If I had a girl, she'd probably be really rebellious. She would be like a bundle of karma. I would love to bring them up in Barbados." — Rihanna
"Karma moves in two directions. If we act virtuously, the seed we plant will result in happiness. If we act non-virtuously, suffering results." ― Sakyong Mipham
"Once you know the nature of anger and joy is empty and you let them go, you free yourself from karma." ― Gautama Buddha
"Can you be compassionate even to those who have no compassion? If so, there is no finer karma that you can create." ― Gary Zukav

Tom Fitton's quote: "When karma lands, it lands hard." | Image: AmoDays
"By each crime and every kindness, we birth our future." — David Mitchell
"Karma means that through your thoughts and feelings and actions, you are generating a state of mind. That state of mind has a view. That view will cause things to happen to you or not happen to you." ― Frederick Lenz
"Regardless of what we do, our karma has no hold on us." ― Bodhidharma
"I always wear my evil eye necklace to ward off bad karma. I always wear one to protect me." — Gracie Gold
"As long as karma exists, the world changes. There will always be karma to be taken care of." — Nina Hagen
"As she has planted, so does she harvest; such is the field of karma." — Sri Guru Granth Sahib

Sonya Parker's quote: "If they disrespect you to your face, imagine what they’re doing behind your back." | Image: AmoDays
"People pay for what they do, and, still more, for what they have allowed themselves to become. And they pay for it simply: by the lives they lead." — James Baldwin
"Every action has the equal and opposite reaction. This is the law of the universe and spares none. Wrong done and injustice inflicted is paid back in the same coin. No one has escaped the justice of the universe. It is only a matter of time." — Anil Sinha
"Karma comes after everyone eventually. You can't get away with screwing people over your whole life, I don't care who you are. What goes around comes around. That's how it works. Sooner or later the universe will serve you the revenge that you deserve." — Jessica Brody
"Don't waste time on revenge. The people who hurt you will eventually face their own karma." — Author Unknown

Alice Miller's quote: "Disrespect is the weapon of the weak." | Image: AmoDays
"Contrary to popular misconception, karma has nothing to do with punishment and reward. It exists as part of our holographic universe's binary or dualistic operating system only to teach us responsibility for our creations – and all things we experience are our creations." — Sol Luckman
"Is Fate getting what you deserve, or deserving what you get?" — Jodi Picoult
"Learn to see. Realize that everything connects to everything else." — Leonardo da Vinci
"A boomerang returns back to the person that throws it." — Vera Nazarian

Billy Graham's quote: "A child who is allowed to be disrespectful to his parents will not have true respect for anyone." | Image: AmoDays
Keep in mind that every action has a consequence, and karma moves in unpredictable ways. The complex nature of parent-child relationships can lead to either positive or negative results.
However, failing to show parents the respect they deserve can trigger far-reaching repercussions. Acknowledging these consequences and following the age-old adage of treating others how you want to be treated is essential.
By following this principle, you will receive positive vibes in return, and the law of karma will work in your favor. To gain more insights on showing respect, here are 51 quotes to help you think before you speak.