58 '1883' Quotes: Join the Spiritual Journey to the West
"1883" is imbued with a free-spirited country ambiance as it follows the narrator, Elsa Dutton, in love with the wild journey she and her family are traveling on. Read the 58 quotes below to find out more.
"1883" is the prequel to the "Yellowstone" series. It follows the Dutton family as they travel from Texas to Montana to build a better life for themselves in the West.
They face many trials and tribulations as the reality of embarking on a journey into this wild part of the country sets in. To find out more about the Duttons and their fellow travel partners, read the 58 quotes below.

Elsa Dutton’s quote: “I have no home. Which is to say, my home is everywhere.” | Source: AmoDays
Elsa Dutton Quotes
“One trait all animals share, people included: no matter where we are or where we wish to be, if we’re there longer than a day, we try to make a home of it.” — Elsa Dutton
"I wasn't lookin' for nothin' and it still found me." — Elsa Dutton
"My heaven is filled with good horses, open plains, wild cattle, and a man who loves me. It is always sunrise in my world. And there are no storms. I am the only lightning. I know death now. I’ve seen it. It had no fangs. It smiled at me. And it was beautiful.” — Elsa Dutton
“The world doesn’t care if you die. It won’t listen to your screams. If you bleed on the ground, the ground will drink it. It doesn’t care that you’re cut.” — Elsa Dutton
“I have no home. Which is to say, my home is everywhere.” — Elsa Dutton

Elsa Dutton’s quote: “I have no home. Which is to say, my home is everywhere.” | Source: AmoDays | Source: AmoDays
“There is no Heaven to go to, because we’re in it already. We’re in hell, too. They coexist. Right beside each other. And God is the land.” — Elsa Dutton
“The road West is filled with failures. But failure isn’t what drove him. It was a dream. And the dream was coming true.” — Elsa Dutton
"I was gonna use it." — Elsa Dutton
“If everything is what you need, gold can buy it.” — Elsa Dutton

Elsa Dutton’s quote: "I knew nothing of the horror that hides in freedom's shadow." | Source: AmoDays
“To import the traditions of the place you fled, the place that failed you, is to condemn the place you seek with the same failures.” — Elsa Dutton
“There is a moment where your dreams and your memories merge together and form a perfect world. That is heaven. And each heaven is unique. It is the world of you. The land is filled with all you hold dear. And the sky is your imagination." — Elsa Dutton
“It seems the farther we get from civilization, the more of its rules we leave behind. Its traditions. Its inhibitions. The farther west we travel, the more those rules and customs become a burden.” — Elsa Dutton
"I knew nothing of the horror that hides in freedom's shadow." — Elsa Dutton
“I think cities have weakened us as a species. There are no consequences there. Step into the streets without looking and the carriage merely stops or swerves; the only consequence an angry driver. But here? There can be no mistakes. Because here doesn’t care. The river doesn’t care if you can swim. The snake doesn’t care how much you love your children. And the wolf has no interest in your dreams. If you fail to beat the current, you will drown; if you get too close, you will be bitten. If you are too weak, you will be eaten.” — Elsa Dutton

Elsa Dutton’s quote: “I’m a woman. I pick myself up.” | Source: AmoDays
"You're too pretty for me. I prefer to be the pretty one. Bet you prefer it, too." — Elsa Dutton
“Freedom is riding wild over untamed land with no notion any moment exists…" — Elsa Dutton
“I’m a woman. I pick myself up.” — Elsa Dutton
James Dutton Quotes
“I look at you for what you are: the most important thing to me on this planet. That comes with a lot of worry. Cause I can’t replace you.” — James Dutton
"You don't forgive me? I don't forgive me!" — James Dutton

James Dutton’s quote: “If she loves somethin', she'll hold its hand in front of the whole world.” | Source: AmoDays
"Don't let those traders swindle you." — James Dutton
"I know what it feels like to hate the world. You don't want to feel it, honey. Be sad, miss him, cry yourself blind. Leave the hatin' to me." —James Dutton
“You go looking for trouble, you gonna find it every time.” — James Dutton
“If she loves somethin', she'll hold its hand in front of the whole world.” — James Dutton
“They can cauterize the outside of you, but time is the only thing that can stitch the inside.” — James Dutton

James Dutton’s quote: “You go looking for trouble, you gonna find it every time.” | Source: AmoDays
"You don't point this at anyone unless you plan to use it." — James Dutton
“I believe in you and I believe in that boy and I believe in our daughter. That’s all. Justice don’t factor into it.” — James Dutton
"When you kill a thing, it makes you a little less man, a little more animal.” — James Dutton
“How am I supposed to hunt with a 5-year-old?” — James Dutton
“I can’t treat you like an adult when it suits me and a child when I’m worried. You’re one or the other.” —James Dutton

James Dutton’s quote: "When you kill a thing, it makes you a little less man, a little more animal.” | Source: AmoDays
"We ain't tradin' nothin'." —James Dutton
“The meanest thing you can do to yourself is hate somebody else.” — James Dutton
Margaret Dutton Quotes
“This trail, this is as free as you’ll ever be. The only rules you need to follow are the ones in your heart.” — Margaret Dutton
“A woman’s goal is to never ride a train again because she has a home she never wants to leave.” — Margaret Dutton
"She killed a man!! And she was about to kill another. I look in her eyes and the person starin' back at me, I don't recognize. I'll never forgive you for this!" — Margaret Dutton

Margaret Dutton’s quote: “This trail, this is as free as you’ll ever be. The only rules you need to follow are the ones in your heart.” | Source: AmoDays
"Wherever we're going, it better be paradise 'cause it's costing us a daughter. And if you ask me, it's a [expletive] trade." — Margaret Dutton
"We may find someplace where we can hold the world off for a while, but they'll find us there too.” — Margaret Dutton
"I plan on doin' the swindlin'." — Margaret Dutton
“Someday, if you’re lucky to find a man or simply find a man who is extremely unlucky, you will learn coffee is a welcome treat after a hard ride.” — Margaret Dutton
”I envy you… Becoming a woman out here. No rules, no worries or whispers about what you should be. There’s no such thing as freedom, Elsa. Don’t let anyone tell you there is. There’s laws, there’s rules, there’s customs, responsibilities everywhere. And the more people you cram together, the more rules they’ll be. I don’t know what life is like in Oregon. But there’ll be rules there, too." — Margaret Dutton

Margaret Dutton’s quote: "We may find someplace where we can hold the world off for a while, but they'll find us there too.” | Source: AmoDays
“You’d better be careful. You’re a woman now, ain’t yah? And woman to woman you better be careful. It takes years to make something of your life. And one decision can change the course of it forever. And we don’t know if that decision is the one that’s going sink us until we make it. So you better be very, very careful what you choose. Freedom is anything but, Elsa. And every choice has fangs, do you understand me?” — Margaret Dutton
Shea Brennan Quotes
"An Apache scout told me once, that when you love someone you trade souls with them. They get a piece of yours, and you get a piece of theirs. But when your love dies, a little piece of them dies with you. That’s why it hurts so bad. But that little piece of him is still inside you. And he can use your eyes to see the world." — Shea Brennan
“The most terrifying thing on this planet is the unknown.” — Shea Brennan
“During the war, we fought a battle at this place called ‘The Wilderness,’ because there was nothin’ around but the wilderness. I fired my rifle so many times it melted. Just drooped like rotten fruit. So I killed with my pistol. And when I ran out of bullets I killed with my sword. And when my sword broke I killed with my boots and bare hands. When the battle was over and I looked behind me, the wilderness was gone. Not a tree left standing; chopped down chest high by bullets. We killed five-thousand men that day. When I say killing you means nothing to me, I mean it. Killing you means nothing.” — Shea Brennan
“You know what I’m doin’ here? Lookin’ for a reason. You wanna be my reason?” — Shea Brennan

Margaret Dutton’s quote: There’s no such thing as freedom, Elsa. Don’t let anyone tell you there is.” | Source: AmoDays
“You got lucky in the field. You got lucky on the street. Hope you got enough luck left.” — Shea Brennan
“World ain’t getting better. No matter how many kids are in it.” — Shea Brennan
“It takes a lot to surprise me, Thomas. These people…They’ve never been allowed to think for themselves. Hell, they can hardly think at all. The fact that they ain’t headed for Galveston begging their way onto a boat for home…Shocks me. It shocked me, Thomas. That they haven’t quit yet.” — Shea Brennan
“He’s not a musician! And you’re not a carpenter, and he’s not a [expletive] blacksmith. You are pioneers, and that’s all you are until you get there. You have no home, no job, no farm. You have the journey, that’s it.” — Shea Brennan
"Spring back in your step, I see." — Shea Brennan
Quotes from the Travel Companions
"You're sad and scared. You have every right to be. If I can give ya somethin' that will make you happy and protect you, I don't see the harm in it." —Thomas

Neomi’s quote: “That's love. Me letting you take care of me is not fear. It's loving you back.” | Source: AmoDays
"She is a widow." — Colton
“When there’s two leaders, there ain’t no leader. Know what I mean?” — Thomas
“It was a helluva thing ridin' with you.” — Wade
“That's love. Me letting you take care of me is not fear. It's loving you back.” — Neomi
"You won't marry me. You won't love me. But you'll buy me gifts? " — Neomi

Shea Brennan’s quote: “When you love someone you trade souls with them.” | Source: AmoDays
"They was more than paired up. She's in mourning like a damn widow." — Colton
“I figure maybe, that one of they kids has a kid. And that kid does somethin’. Somethin’ that…The world’s better because their kid’s in it. Know what I mean?” — Thomas
"Well, if I looked like you, I figure I'd stare at myself every chance I got." — Thomas

Wade’s quote: “It was a helluva thing ridin' with you.” | Source: AmoDays
"1883" has scooped up 21 nominations and taken home two wins. These included a Screen Actor Guild Award for Sam Elliot, who played the character Shea Brennan in the show, and a Western Heritage Award.
Its associated series "Yellowstone" is raking in awards and nominations, earning 33 nominations and six awards. Dive deeper into this series by reading these Beth Dutton quotes.