A picture of Brittany Pierce from “Glee” graduating with a quote by Sue Sylester: “I will no longer be carrying around a photo I.D. You know why? People should know who I am.” | Source: facebook.com/Glee
A picture of Brittany Pierce from “Glee” graduating with a quote by Sue Sylester: “I will no longer be carrying around a photo I.D. You know why? People should know who I am.” | Source: facebook.com/Glee

Sue Sylvester Quotes from ‘Glee’s’ Tough, No-Nonsense Coach

Dayna Remus
Mar 25, 2023
07:00 P.M.

Sue Sylvester is a pick-yourself-up-by-the-bootstraps type who disdains the arts in the schooling environment. By reading these quotes, learn more about her and her role in the series "Glee."


Sue Sylvester is one of the main characters on the hit show "Glee." She is the head of the cheer-leading squad and displays almost an army-like teaching method, with a massive need for the cheerleaders to succeed.

She also has a penchant for bullying students and loathes the Glee club, constantly butting heads with Will Schuster, the Spanish teacher, and head of the Glee club.

Despite all her flaws, Sylvester's ability to turn every mean-spirited jab into a hilarious line causes the audience to like her, despite knowing better. Read some of her funniest quotes below.

A picture of Sue Sylester with a quote by her : “I’m going to ask you to smell your armpits. That’s the smell of failure.” | Source: facebook.com/Glee

A picture of Sue Sylester with a quote by her : “I’m going to ask you to smell your armpits. That’s the smell of failure.” | Source: facebook.com/Glee

Funny and Mean Sue Sylvester Quotes

"Well, according to my doomsday watch, it's precisely one minute to midnight. The final chapter of World War Glee." — Sue Sylvester


'How do people just burst into song? How does everybody just magically know the lyrics?" — Sue Sylvester

"So, what do you say, fellas? Will you give America what at least 52% of it will legally tolerate?" — Sue Sylvester

"I don't trust a man with curly hair. I can't help but picturing birds laying sulfurous eggs in there, and I find it disgusting." — Sue Sylvester

"Oh, it's just a flare-up of my chronic hate disorder." Sue Sylvester

A picture of Sue Sylester with a quote by her : “The only thing I can see you giving birth to is a bushel of russet potatoes.” | Source: facebook.com/Glee

A picture of Sue Sylester with a quote by her : “The only thing I can see you giving birth to is a bushel of russet potatoes.” | Source: facebook.com/Glee

"Hot Cheetos have been proven to raise endorphins and make kids happy, and I can't have that." — Sue Sylvester

"Shut up, Dreidel. This is between Butt Chin and me!" — Sue Sylvester


"What's that smell? It's coffee. It's usually marked by the smell of fear." — Sue Sylvester

"How do you two not have a show on Bravo?"— Sue Sylvester

"In the past, I've fantasized about waking up with Will's head on my pillow, except now I pictured it attached to the rest of his body." — Sue Sylvester

A picture of Sue Sylester with a quote by her : “You are about to board the Sue Sylvester Express. Destination? Horror!!” | Source: facebook.com/Glee

A picture of Sue Sylester with a quote by her : “You are about to board the Sue Sylvester Express. Destination? Horror!!” | Source: facebook.com/Glee

''I'm gonna make it a habit not to stop and talk to students because this has been a colossal waste of my time.'' — Sue Sylvester

"I may buy a small diaper for your chin because it looks like a baby's [expletive]" — Sue Sylvester

“I’m going to ask you to smell your armpits. That’s the smell of failure.” — Sue Sylvester


“The only thing I can see you giving birth to is a bushel of russet potatoes.” — Sue Sylvester

A picture of Sue Sylester with a quote by her : “I hereby pronounce you Sue and Sue. You may kiss yourself.” | Source: facebook.com/Glee

A picture of Sue Sylester with a quote by her : “I hereby pronounce you Sue and Sue. You may kiss yourself.” | Source: facebook.com/Glee

"I smell failure...Oh hey Will." — Sue Sylvester

"So you like show tunes. It doesn't mean you're gay. It means you're awful." — Sue Sylvester

''I'm gonna make it a habit not to stop and talk to students because this has been a colossal waste of my time.'' — Sue Sylvester

“You are about to board the Sue Sylvester Express. Destination? Horror!!” — Sue Sylvester

Egotistical Sue Sylvester Quotes

“I will no longer be carrying around a photo I.D. You know why? People should know who I am.” — Sue Sylvester


A picture of Sue Sylester with a quote by her : “More than anyone I've ever met, I was born to be in charge.” | Source: facebook.com/Glee

A picture of Sue Sylester with a quote by her : “More than anyone I've ever met, I was born to be in charge.” | Source: facebook.com/Glee

“I hereby pronounce you Sue and Sue. You may kiss yourself.” — Sue Sylvester

“More than anyone I've ever met, I was born to be in charge.” —Sue Sylvester

Surprisingly Kind and Inspiring Sue Sylvester Quotes

“Never let anything distract you from winning. Ever.” — Sue Sylvester

"Geraldo, the very foundations of my life have been destroyed. All I ever wanted was to be a champion and to inspire others to be champions. That's why I chose a career in cheerleading. I wanted to succeed by watching my girls succeed." — Sue Sylvester


A picture of Sue Sylester with a quote by her : “Never let anything distract you from winning. Ever.” | Source: facebook.com/Glee

A picture of Sue Sylester with a quote by her : “Never let anything distract you from winning. Ever.” | Source: facebook.com/Glee

"Porcelain, the first moment I laid eyes on you, I truly didn't understand what I was looking at. With your hippo broaches and your knee-length sweaters, standing there all sassy with your arms crossed and your hips cocked out, and your eyes rolled back as if to say, 'oh, how droll...' But then I got to know you, and even though you still constantly annoyed me, I got to watch you go through what you went through. The whole coming out thing with your dad, the death threats from the bully whom Blaine later dated. I never knew I had thoughts and feelings about those things until I watched you go through them. You expanded my mind. You taught me things about myself that I would have never discovered on my own. And for that, I thank you." — Sue Sylvester

More Sue Sylvester Quotes


"I'm sorry, what did you say?" — Sue Sylvester

"The only kind I know, Bryan." — Sue Sylvester

"You have crossed me for the last time William Schuester!" — Sue Sylvester

A picture of Sue Sylester with a quote by her :“Your resentment is delicious.” | Source: facebook.com/Glee

A picture of Sue Sylester with a quote by her :“Your resentment is delicious.” | Source: facebook.com/Glee

While Sylvester does not transform into the epitome of goodness via her character arc, the audience begins to sympathize slightly with her as they discover that her character is more complex than meets the eye.


Out of the many rare but good-hearted gestures, she performed during the series. One stand-out moment was when she convinced a family member of one of her students to attend the student's wedding, despite her reservations toward same-sex marriage.

Overall, "Glee" tackled many issues, such as same-sex attraction, women and transgender issues - and so much more. To learn more about this series, read these quotes from the show.



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