67 Alex Karev Quotes – ‘Grey’s Anatomy’s Lead Pediatrician
"Grey's Anatomy" lead pediatrician Alex Karev appears haughty to viewers initially, but he's the polar opposite. Alex is a strong-willed and highly practical man whose words often comfort those around him. Here are 67 Alex Karev quotes that'll make you fall in love with him.
"Grey's Anatomy" lead pediatrician Alex Karev, played by actor Justin Chambers, is one of the drama series' most engaging characters. Alex is introduced at the show's start as a character who appears to have an excessive feeling of one's own importance and ability.
But as the show progresses, we can see him for the true spirit that he is. Alex had grown up under challenging circumstances. His father was a junkie, and his mother had schizophrenia. So Alex had to fill in for his siblings, and he had spent virtually his entire adolescence in foster care.
But Alex does not let the hardships get in his way and becomes a brilliant surgeon. These 67 Alex Karev quotes demonstrate who Alex is and how his words may quickly comfort a soul.

Alex Karev’s quote from “Grey’s Anatomy”: “I don't want you to know that pain exists.” | Source: youtube.com/ABCNetwork
Alex Karev Quotes Full of Love and Support
"I know you're going to be fine, because I'm going to be right over there, waiting for you." — Alex Karev, "Grey's Anatomy"
"You just don't give up. It's lame. You're not a quitter. That's not who you are." — Alex Karev, "Grey's Anatomy"
"We're the only family we need, right? And we'll be together forever, right? You and me. And if we have kids, we'll be great. I'll be a great dad, and you'll be great, and we'll be just us. We won't need anybody else, right?" — Alex Karev, "Grey's Anatomy"
"I don't want you to know that pain exists." — Alex Karev, "Grey's Anatomy"
"It means I'm going to be there for her when she needs me, because she's the only one I can count on." — Alex Karev, "Grey's Anatomy"

Alex Karev’s quote from “Grey’s Anatomy”: “You can have the worst c**p in the world happen to you and you can get it over it. All you gotta do is survive.” | Source: youtube.com/ABCNetwork
"Together, no matter what happens, we'll be ready. For anything. For everything." — Alex Karev, "Grey's Anatomy"
"I love you... I don't ever want to live without you." — Alex Karev, "Grey's Anatomy"
"Doesn't matter how tough we are. Trauma always leaves a scar. It follows us home. It changes our lives. Trauma messes everybody up but maybe that's the point. All the pain and the fear.., maybe going through all that is what keeps us moving forward. It's what pushes us. Maybe we have to get a little messed up before we can step up." — Alex Karev, "Grey's Anatomy"
"You did it. You stepped up. All right, well, don't get too swelled up about it. But great work. Good job.
Amelia: Owen, what you're doing is beautiful. You're fostering him. You're… You're being there for him when nobody else is." — Alex Karev, "Grey's Anatomy"
"You can have the worst c**p in the world happen to you and you can get it over it. All you gotta do is survive." — Alex Karev, "Grey's Anatomy"

Alex Karev’s quote from “Grey’s Anatomy”: “Look at me. You got me. I’m not going anywhere except home with you.” | Source: youtube.com/ABCNetwork
"For a kiss to be really good, you want it to mean something. You want it to be with someone you can't get out of your head, so that when your lips finally touch you feel it everywhere. A kiss so hot and so deep you never want to come up for air." — Alex Karev, "Grey's Anatomy"
"Listen, you know what? With everything and everyone you lost in your life, you earned the right to pick and choose whoever you want to let in." — Alex Karev, "Grey's Anatomy"
"I can't lose you, I won't survive and that's your fault. You made me love you, you made me let you in.'" — Alex Karev, "Grey's Anatomy"
"Look at me. You got me. I'm not going anywhere except home with you." — Alex Karev, "Grey's Anatomy"
"Look. I'm just saying you can talk to me if you want, because, you know, even if I repeat every word you say, no one around here likes me. They'd just call me a liar and move on." — Alex Karev, "Grey's Anatomy"

Quote from “Grey’s Anatomy”: “Maggie: I can’t do this. Alex: I’ll be with you. Maggie: No, I can’t. They didn’t want me to operate, and I pushed them. I told them I was the best. Alex: You are. Maggie: I can’t do this.” | Source: youtube.com/ABCNetwork
"I know that I'm good enough not to deserve this; not to have to feel like this. Not to love you so much that I almost hate you. I deserve someone who will stay. I'm happy you're okay and I'm happy about your job. And I want you to go, and be happy, and not come back." — Alex Karev, "Grey's Anatomy"
"Maggie: I can't do this.
Alex: I'll be with you.
Maggie: No, I can't. They didn't want me to operate, and I pushed them. I told them I was the best.
Alex: You are.
Maggie: I can't do this." — Alex Karev, "Grey's Anatomy"
"Today's the day my life begins. All my life I've been just me. Just a smart mouth kid. Today I become a man. Today I become a husband. Today I become accountable to someone other than myself. Today I become accountable to you. To our future. To all the possibilities that a marriage has to offer. Together, no matter what happens, I'll be ready. For anything. For everything. To take on life, to take on love. To take on possibility and responsibility. Today Izzie Stevens, our life together begins. And I for one can't wait." — Alex Karev, "Grey's Anatomy"

Alex Karev’s quote from "Grey's Anatomy": “The expected is what keeps us steady. It’s the unexpected that changes our lives together.” | Source: youtube.com/ABCNetwork
"She stood by me for years when everybody else left." — Alex Karev, "Grey's Anatomy"
Alex Karev Quotes Filled With Revelations
"Pediatric surgery has nothing to do with liking kids. You go into peds because it's elite. The best of the best." — Alex Karev, "Grey's Anatomy"
"It's your life, nobody can make you do anything you don't want to do." — Alex Karev, "Grey's Anatomy"
"When people reach out a hand, you don't bite it. Trust me, I did it for years, and the only thing it accomplishes is that people stop reaching out." — Alex Karev, "Grey's Anatomy"
"The expected is what keeps us steady. It's the unexpected that changes our lives together." — Alex Karev, "Grey's Anatomy"

Alex Karev’s quote from “Grey’s Anatomy”: “There ought to be some rule, you know? People who have been in a plane crash can’t work on one.” | Source: youtube.com/ABCNetwork
"I'm not the kinda guy who… I don't rise, okay. I sink to the bottom. And now I'm getting all this… all this respect." — Alex Karev, "Grey's Anatomy"
"We lose people and then we find new ones. It's how it works." — Alex Karev, "Grey's Anatomy"
"Don't analyze everything. Just do it." — Alex Karev, "Grey's Anatomy"
"I'm not really a thinker. I'm a fixer, I'm not an innovator." — Alex Karev, "Grey's Anatomy"
"I made a mistake...I screwed up...I don't have anybody. You guys are all I have. You have to forgive me." — Alex Karev, "Grey's Anatomy"
"It's all supposed to be with you. I thought you got that. I didn't think I needed to say it. So when I say I can't say no to my friend, it doesn't mean I'm saying no to you." — Alex Karev, "Grey's Anatomy"

Quote from “Grey’s Anatomy”: “Jo: Seriously? You can’t pretend to be scared? Alex: Nothing is scarier than my own life.” | Source: youtube.com/ABCNetworkAlex Karev’s quote from “Grey’s Anatomy”: “” | Source: youtube.com/ABCNetwork
"Some of us have to overcome more than others." — Alex Karev, "Grey's Anatomy"
"It doesn't matter what the rest of us think. At the end of the day, all that matters is what you think." — Alex Karev, "Grey's Anatomy"
"You gotta eat more bacon..." — Alex Karev, "Grey's Anatomy"
"I'm damaged goods or something." — Alex Karev, "Grey's Anatomy"
"There ought to be some rule, you know? People who have been in a plane crash can't work on one." — Alex Karev, "Grey's Anatomy"
"Maybe I'm a pig, maybe I'm an a**, and maybe I'm a vermin like everybody says. But I tell them the truth. It's the only thing that I've got going for me. " — Alex Karev, "Grey's Anatomy"

Alex Karev’s quote from “Grey’s Anatomy”: “I had a chance to become better, and I screwed it up.” | Source: youtube.com/ABCNetwork
"You show up and you suit up and you play because it's your freaking team." — Alex Karev, "Grey's Anatomy"
"Jo: Seriously? You can't pretend to be scared?
Alex: Nothing is scarier than my own life." — Alex Karev, "Grey's Anatomy"
"Hell is behind me, it's in my rearview mirror, and I'm not going back. I'm done." — Alex Karev, "Grey's Anatomy"
Alex Karev Quotes and Lines from Dialogues with Richard, Jo, Meredith, and Other Characters
"Richard: You can't work on your family.
Alex: Everybody in this damn room is her family." — "Grey's Anatomy"
"Richard: I applied with a job last week with Pacific Northwest General. Did they call you? I put you down as one of my references.
Alex: I don't know.
Richard: You don't know?
Alex: I don't answer the phone if I don't recognize the number.
Richard: You don't check your messages? I hate your generation. I hate any generation other than my own.
Alex: Same." — "Grey's Anatomy"
"I had a chance to become better, and I screwed it up." — "Grey's Anatomy"
"You want to be a mess, be a mess. I don't care. I can take it." — "Grey's Anatomy"

Quote from “Grey’s Anatomy”: “Alex: So, what is it? You think she just sees you as my girlfriend? Jo: She doesn’t even see me as that. She would show up in our bedroom and kick me out whenever she wanted to.” | Source: youtube.com/ABCNetwork
"Jo: Why do you keep calling me princess?
Alex: Have you seen yourself?" — "Grey's Anatomy"
"Alex: How about we get take out chicken and eat in the car like we were raised to?
Jo: I think I love you.
Alex: Yeah, yeah… settle down." — "Grey's Anatomy"
"Alex: So, what is it? You think she just sees you as my girlfriend?
Jo: She doesn't even see me as that. She would show up in our bedroom and kick me out whenever she wanted to" — "Grey's Anatomy"
"Jo: I hate that I did this to you.
Alex: Did what?
Jo: Became another name on your list of crazy women." — "Grey's Anatomy"

Quote from “Grey’s Anatomy”: “Jo: Hey, thanks for marrying me. Alex: You’re welcome.” | Source: youtube.com/ABCNetwork
"Alex: I just… I-I didn't think you'd be so excited to… to consider leaving Seattle.
Jo: Because I can! Because for the first time, I can do exactly what I want to do. I have freedom now, I have opportunities that I didn't have before because I was afraid that Paul was gonna come find me. You know what, I can apply anywhere now. I don't have to hide in Seattle. I thought that you, of all people, would get that.
Alex: Look, I'm happy Paul's gone, and I'm happy you're free. I just didn't realize he was the only one keeping you here." — "Grey's Anatomy"
"Alex: Sorry me and my family is so depressing.
Jo: Shut up.
Alex: She had one really good year when I was a kid. She worked at that library, and I would hang out with her there. We'd play hide-and-seek in the stacks. My whole life, all I ever wanted was a mom who wasn't sick. I didn't care about toys or sports or any of that c**p. I just wanted a mom who was okay. And she is. She finally is. And she doesn't want me there.
Jo: You may never hear what you want to hear from your mom. You may never get an acknowledgment. You may never get an apology. But you have a shot at having a mom. And that… Alex, that's… That's something that's real." — "Grey's Anatomy"
"Jo: Hey, thanks for marrying me.
Alex: You're welcome." — "Grey's Anatomy"
"Alex: You are a good luck charm. Aren't you glad you came into work today?
Jo: Yeah, yeah, I really am." — "Grey's Anatomy"

Quote from “Grey’s Anatomy”: “Meredith: I hurt her feelings, and she’s mad at me. I forgot I’m supposed to be her sister. Alex: You’re a complete tool sometimes. Meredith: I’ve heard.” | Source: youtube.com/ABCNetwork
"Alex: (To Meredith) It's just us now." — "Grey's Anatomy"
"Alex: You know you were an intern balling an attending once.
Meredith: You kiss my kids with that mouth?" — "Grey's Anatomy"
"Meredith: So, are you going to give me an inspirational speech too?
Alex: No." — "Grey's Anatomy"
"Meredith: I hurt her feelings, and she's mad at me. I forgot I'm supposed to be her sister.
Alex: You're a complete tool sometimes.
Meredith: I've heard." — "Grey's Anatomy"
"Alex: If you're going to ditch the guy, you better do it soon.
Maggie: God, would you shut it?
Alex: You shut it.
Meredith: Both of you shut it. Balfour. And I have three children at home, so don't think for a second I don't know you two are making faces right now. Settle in." — "Grey's Anatomy"

Alex Karev’s quote from “Grey’s Anatomy”: “You’re a really good mom. You’ve been riding me all day, making sure I don’t screw up. C**p, you’ve been doing it all these years. It sucks. It’s annoying, but it’s nice.” | Source: youtube.com/ABCNetworkAlex
"Meredith: And Alex. I don't know what's wrong with Alex.
Alex: I'm good. I'm all good." — "Grey's Anatomy"
"Meredith: When did you become a grumpy old man who doesn't like people?
Alex: I love people. Just not Riggs." — "Grey's Anatomy"
"You're a really good mom. You've been riding me all day, making sure I don't screw up. C**p, you've been doing it all these years. It sucks. It's annoying, but it's nice." — Alex Karev, "Grey's Anatomy"
"I dunno… it's just… Meredith always makes me think screwed up people have a chance." — Alex Karev, "Grey's Anatomy"
"Once a month, a rescue group brings in a bunch of puppies for the kids. It's good for morale and healing and c**p." — Alex Karev, "Grey's Anatomy"

Alex Karev’s quote from “Grey’s Anatomy”: “Man, high school really does suck.” | Source: youtube.com/ABCNetworkAlex Karev’s quote from “Grey’s Anatomy”: “” | Source: youtube.com/ABCNetwork
"Did I get too close to Wilson? Did an alarm go off somewhere?" — Alex Karev, "Grey's Anatomy"
"Eddie: I'm not a doctor, but I think that's a skull. That's another one, and that's a lot more. You want us to keep working?
Alex: You know, I'm going to need a moment." — "Grey's Anatomy"
"Who do you think took care of her? Kept track of her? Got her committed so she wouldn't hurt herself? Who do you think took care of your kids? Your best was worthless. I was the dad. I was the kid, but I was the dad. You were nothing. You were gone. You're worthless." — Alex Karev, "Grey's Anatomy"
"Man, high school really does suck." — Alex Karev, "Grey's Anatomy"
"I hated Kepner at first. I hated her because I wished I was more like her." — Alex Karev, "Grey's Anatomy"

Quote from “Grey’s Anatomy”: “Alex: I’m going to need you to show me how you did that. Stephanie: Just a matter of leadership. Alex: Yeah, but, no, really.” | Source: youtube.com/ABCNetwork
"Alex: I'm going to need you to show me how you did that.
Stephanie: Just a matter of leadership.
Alex: Yeah, but, no, really." — "Grey's Anatomy"
"Alex: I'm a friend of Brooke's. Your wife Brooke Statler. The one who left you.
Paul: Yeah, how's she doing. Where is she now?
Alex: You don't need to know that. You don't need to think about her ever again, and if you come near her, I will find you...
Paul: Who are you?
Alex: It doesn't matter. I'm warning you. I know who you are and I'm watching you." — "Grey's Anatomy"

Alex Karev’s quote from “Grey’s Anatomy”: “It doesn’t matter what the rest of us think. At the end of the day, all that matters is what you think.” | Source: youtube.com/ABCNetwork
To be precise, Alex Karev's life was in shambles as a teen. Coming from a difficult upbringing and an abusive home is no small matter. Alex Karev, on the other hand, never allowed his difficulties to stand in the way of his success. He not only supported his family during difficult times, but he also encouraged those around him, which makes him a true jewel.
While some show viewers despised Alex for making the rash decision to leave Jo in the show for his previous partner and mother of his children, others praised him for believing in "the one true love." Alex Karev was an intrinsically nice man, despite being condescending and impulsive sometimes.
While his exit from the show left many heartbroken, Alex left an indelible mark that continues to make his followers adore him. Read about another compelling character through these Arizona Robbins' quotes. If you're a Meredith Grey fan, read about the life of Ellen Pompeo behind the cameras here.
And if you're someone who loves the genre of long-running procedural series, you can't miss the hit show "9-1-1," nor the charm of one of the leading men, Oliver Stark.