40 Jo Wilson Quotes for 'Grey’s Anatomy' Fans
From overcoming adversity to climbing to the top, Jo is an inspiring character. While others may perceive her differently initially, she shines with her personality as the show progresses. Here are 40 Jo Wilson quotes to help you appreciate her even more.
Jo Wilson of "Grey's Anatomy," played by actress Camilla Luddington, shines through her humor, beautiful personality, hard work, and strong attitude. Jo was abandoned by her birth mother at two weeks and eventually tossed around in foster homes.
As a teen, she begins living out of her car and has no network or support, so she forges her own path. Overcoming her challenges, she tops her class at Princeton University and then at Harvard Medical School. Since Jo never had anyone to rely on and consistently achieved everything herself, she has trust issues and she's very open about it.
She aspires to become a great surgeon and tries to find love at the hospital where she works as an intern. For the show's viewers, it's interesting to see how things unfold for Jo, who is an independent woman and a dedicated worker. Here are 40 Jo Wilson quotes to help you know her better and appreciate her more.

Jo Wilson’s quote from “Grey’s Anatomy”: "I always thought there was something wrong with me, and I always wanted to run. Until I met you." | Source: youtube.com/ABCNetwork
Heartwarming Jo Wilson Quotes
"I want the world to be good for once. I want to see Sun and be happy." — Jo Wilson, "Grey's Anatomy"
"I always thought there was something wrong with me, and I always wanted to run. Until I met you." — Jo Wilson, "Grey's Anatomy"
"So there's light and darkness and they both coexist. And sometimes it's really beautiful." — Jo Wilson, "Grey's Anatomy"
"You're a survivor. You survived." — Jo Wilson, "Grey's Anatomy"
"Jo (to Alex): I want to have kids with you. I love how much you care for Kimmie, and it really makes me want to have kids with you. And if it's okay with you, I would really like to take your last name. Because I've never had the last name of anyone who's loved me." — Jo Wilson, "Grey's Anatomy"

Jo Wilson’s quote from “Grey’s Anatomy”: “You may never hear what you want to hear from your mom. But you have a shot at having a mom.” | Source: youtube.com/ABCNetwork
"I want a great, big, giant career, but I never want to go anywhere without you. You are my home. You are my heart." — Jo Wilson, "Grey's Anatomy"
"I'm just gonna feel bad that I made it so you can never love again." — Jo Wilson, "Grey's Anatomy"
"Alex Karev, will you marry me?" — Jo Wilson, "Grey's Anatomy"
"I'll rise so high that I'll make him a fool for ever having left me, and I'll do it because of how well you loved me. I am changed because of him. He helped me feel worthy of love and even though it's over, that is mine to keep." — Jo Wilson, "Grey's Anatomy"
"Alex Karev: Sorry me and my family is so depressing.
Jo Wilson: Shut up.
Alex Karev: She had one really good year when I was a kid. She worked at that library, and I would hang out with her there. We'd play hide-and-seek in the stacks. My whole life, all I ever wanted was a mom who wasn't sick. I didn't care about toys or sports or any of that crap. I just wanted a mom who was okay. And she is. She finally is. And she doesn't want me there.
Jo Wilson: You may never hear what you want to hear from your mom. You may never get an acknowledgment. You may never get an apology. But you have a shot at having a mom. And that... Alex, that's... That's something that's real." — "Grey's Anatomy"

Jo Wilson’s quote from “Grey’s Anatomy”: “You’re a survivor. You survived.” | Source: youtube.com/ABCNetwork
Humorous Jo Wilson Quotes
"You're so screwed up that you make me make sense. You and me, we just fit. " — Jo Wilson, "Grey's Anatomy"
"Tears, baby, the number one tool of the street kid—turn on the waterworks, you can get out of anything." — Jo Wilson, "Grey's Anatomy"
"You've a nice smile… and, uh, just beautiful…eyes. You wanna drab – grab a drink later?" Jo Wilson, "Grey's Anatomy"
"Right? I mean, it might be too fancy for me to go to." — Jo Wilson, "Grey's Anatomy"
"I need an ultrasound." — Jo Wilson, Grey's Anatomy

Jo Wilson’s quote from “Grey’s Anatomy”: “Paul was awful in this life, but now, in death, he gets to do all this good.” | Source: youtube.com/ABCNetwork
"Meredith Grey: Listen, I don't think you're a victim. You were in a bad situation and you got yourself out. You're a survivor. And I was nice to you because Alex asked me to be.
Jo Wilson: What?
Meredith Grey: That's the kind of dumb stuff he does when he loves someone. But I didn't put you on my service because of Alex. I put you on my service because you earned the right to be there. And it doesn't matter if your name gets put on papers or not, Wilson. The only thing that matters is what happens in there. All that smiling make me seem like a serial killer?
Jo Wilson: Yeah. Or a preschool teacher with a drug habit." — "Grey's Anatomy"
"I super do." — Jo Wilson, "Grey's Anatomy"
"Olivia Jankovic: This Harper Avery stuff...
Jo Wilson: Ugh, nightmare.
Olivia Jankovic: I can't say I'm surprised. When I was here, you wouldn't believe the pig doctors we had to put up with.
Alex Karev: So... what are we looking at?
Olivia Jankovic: Alex Karev. Perfect.
Alex Karev: Olivia.
Jo Wilson: You two know each other?
Olivia Jankovic: Is he still giving nurses syphilis, or has he moved on to gonorrhea?" — "Grey's Anatomy"
"It might be too fancy for me. Oh yeah, put us down for a 'maybe.'" — Jo Wilson, "Grey's Anatomy"

Jo Wilson’s quote from “Grey’s Anatomy”: “You don't deserve anything good. You're a monster.” | Source: youtube.com/ABCNetwork
Jo Wilson Quotes Showing Her Personality & Conversation with Other Characters
"I am your chief. Your boss, your commander, your overlord, your Queen. It means when I speak, you listen." — Jo Wilson, "Grey's Anatomy"
"Alex Karev: Don't go anywhere, no matter what happens, okay?
Jo Wilson: I don't want him to find me. He can't find me.
Alex Karev: This is your life. You're Jo Wilson. You belong here." — "Grey's Anatomy"
"I'm a freaking warrior queen." — Jo Wilson, "Grey's Anatomy"
"Alex Karev: Oh! Hey, I thought we weren't supposed to see each other today.
Arizona Robbins: You aren't. You're not. What are you doing?
Jo Wilson: I got it... Mass Gen. I got the fellowship at Mass Gen.
Alex Karev: What?
Meredith Grey: You are not supposed to see each other today.
Alex Karev: Ah, you got married on a post-it." — "Grey's Anatomy"

Jo Wilson’s quote from “Grey’s Anatomy”: “I need an ultrasound.” | Source: youtube.com/ABCNetwork
"Amelia Shepherd: Here's his jacket and bag, and I packed him snacks for the road.
Jo Wilson: Thanks.
Alex Karev: You look happy.
Jo Wilson: I had a really, really good day." — "Grey's Anatomy"
"Meredith Grey: Dr. Bailey had a cookie.
Jo Wilson: Oh, crap.
Miranda Bailey: Why are you laughing? This is not funny. This is very not funny. I'm the chief.
Jo Wilson: It's very serious.
Meredith Grey: Will you take the chief up to the lecture hall, please?
Jo Wilson: Yes. Yes.
Meredith Grey: I have this, Dr. Bailey, okay?
Miranda Bailey: You'll do a good job? 'Cause he's very sweet, and his kids are very scared.
Meredith Grey: Dr. Bailey. I have this.
Miranda Bailey: I love you." — "Grey's Anatomy"

Jo Wilson’s quote from “Grey’s Anatomy”: “Alex Karev, will you marry me?” | Source: youtube.com/ABCNetwork
"Amelia Shepherd: Her brain scan is clear. And it's a sexy brain. She's 66?
Jo Wilson: Oh, well, if you believe her, then she's 166 'cause she's a time-traveler.
Maggie Pierce: Time travel? Like wormholes?
Miranda Bailey: Exactly!
Alex Karev: What are we looking at here?
Jo Wilson: Oh, wait. "Wormhole"... that's a great name for your device! Bailey is looking for names for her... colon thingy.
Miranda Bailey: No, I'm not.
Alex Karev: "Ass Gasket"... that's a good one.
Amelia Shepherd: God, if I could go back in time.
Miranda Bailey: No, you can't. Time doesn't go backwards." — "Grey's Anatomy"
"Alex Karev: I just... I-I didn't think you'd be so excited to... to consider leaving Seattle.
Jo Wilson: Because I can! Because for the first time, I can do exactly what I want to do. I have freedom now, I have opportunities that I didn't have before because I was afraid that Paul was gonna come find me. You know what, I can apply anywhere now. I don't have to hide in Seattle. I thought that you, of all people, would get that.
Alex Karev: Look, I'm happy Paul's gone, and I'm happy you're free. I just didn't realize he was the only one keeping you here." — "Grey's Anatomy"

Jo Wilson’s quote from “Grey’s Anatomy”: “I want a great, big, giant career, but I never want to go anywhere without you. You are my home. You are my heart.” | Source: youtube.com/ABCNetwork
"Jo Wilson (to a patient): Charlie, you have to vow that you're going to survive. Because you have to fight for Henry.True love survives arguments. Sometimes it even survives break-ups, so you have to live, and then you have to fight for him." — Jo Wilson, "Grey's Anatomy"
"Jenny: Do you think he's evil? I mean, I'm a scientist, and I think I'm an atheist. But there's a little part of me that's worried that the girl in Billings is getting an evil kidney.
Jo Wilson: Hmm. I don't believe that anyone is just evil. If people were just one thing, life would be so much simpler. Paul was awful in this life, but now, in death, he gets to do all this good." — "Grey's Anatomy"
"Jenny: I really thought I was better than you. I believed everything he told me about you. God. I'm smart. I'm a scientist. I'm a feminist. I never thought that I would end up in something like this. It happened so slow. I stopped talking to... to co-workers, friends he didn't like. Then my family didn't understand. They got worried. So I just brushed them off and then stopped talking to them, too, and then my circle got smaller and smaller and smaller until all I had left was him. And then I stopped believing myself, things I had seen and heard, things I knew, because he told me I was crazy and I just believed him. He knows me so well. He can zero in on an insecurity and... and make a whole argument turn on a dime, and now it's my fault... it's my fault again. I'm always the one that's wrong. When he started hitting me, it was just barely a surprise. And he told me it was my fault, and I actually believed him. Until you talked to me yesterday, I really believed him. How did I believe him?
Jo Wilson: Because he was good to you in the beginning. And on the good days. Jenny, we're not stupid. We didn't fall for someone who beat us. We fell for someone who made us laugh and feel wanted and loved and seen. Paul is brilliant and charming and persuasive, and the good outweighed the bad until it didn't." — "Grey's Anatomy"

Jo Wilson’s quote from “Grey’s Anatomy”: “Tears, baby, the number one tool of the street kid—turn on the waterworks, you can get out of anything.” | Source: youtube.com/ABCNetwork
"Jenny: I just want you to know you don't have to worry. I didn't tell the police anything.
Jo Wilson: What do you mean?
Jenny: I didn't tell them it was you. But thank you. Thank you so much. (few second later...) Wait. I-I was in the hotel. He got mad and went for a walk and told me to stay p... It wasn't you?
Jo Wilson: I swear to God it wasn't.
Jenny: Who do you think did it?
Jo Wilson: An avenging angel?" — "Grey's Anatomy"
"Paul Stadler: I'm really happy for you, Jo. I hope this brings you... some real peace. You deserve it. We both do.
Jo Wilson: You don't deserve anything good. You're a monster." — "Grey's Anatomy"

Jo Wilson’s quote from “Grey’s Anatomy”: “I want the world to be good for once. I want to see sun and be happy.” | Source: youtube.com/ABCNetwork
"Jo Wilson (about Stadler): It's not true. It's not true. He takes the truth, but he... he twists it and changes it to fit his own story. It's not... it's not true.
Meredith Grey: You are Jo Wilson. I know exactly who you are. It's okay. It's okay." — "Grey's Anatomy"
"Jo Wilson: The Sub-I with the glasses... he found the donor. Sorry.
Meredith Grey: If you want to be a shark, be a shark. Don't apologize for it." — "Grey's Anatomy"
"Who am I gonna talk to now? Who am I gonna compete against? W-Who's gonna tell me when I'm being ridiculous or... or when I stink and need a shower?" — Jo Wilson, "Grey's Anatomy"
"Arizona, I'm okay." — Jo Wilson, "Grey's Anatomy"
"You called it a rush!" — Jo Wilson, "Grey's Anatomy"

Jo Wilson’s quote from “Grey’s Anatomy”: “Jo (to Alex): I want to have kids with you.” | Source: youtube.com/ABCNetwork
"Kepner sent out our wedding invitations." — Jo Wilson, "Grey's Anatomy"
"It's paranoid. I get that. I don't always trust people who are trying to help me." — Jo Wilson, "Grey's Anatomy"
"Jenny, it's okay if you don't want to talk to me. You don't have to say a word. Just please listen. There was a dinner party with his colleagues. I talked too much to the man sitting next to me. Paul said that I made a fool out of him. I laughed because it seemed so… I laughed. And his eyes went dark, and that's the last thing that I remember before waking up the next morning with my eye swollen shut. I thought it would be the only time. I'm sure that you did the first time, too. But he just got smarter after that. He made sure that no one could see the bruises. He would apologize and then tell me it was my fault all in one breath, and he was so persuasive. He told me I was wrong so many times that I believed I was wrong. He told me I was crazy so many times that I believed that I actually was crazy. The last time, I woke up to him kicking me in the back because he'd read my e-mail and saw the name of a man that he didn't recognize. He kicked me so hard, he broke my ribs and almost ruptured my kidney. If I hadn't have escaped that night… Say the word, and I will help you. I will get you out of this right now." — Jo Wilson, "Grey's Anatomy"

Jo Wilson’s quote from “Grey’s Anatomy”: “I am your chief. Your boss, your commander, your overlord, your Queen. It means when I speak, you listen.” | Source: youtube.com/ABCNetwork
Jo has undoubtedly brought many touching and amusing moments to the show. With her tragic past and strong will, she is someone inspiring to look up to. Not to mention, her transformation from a distrusting woman to a woman in love sometimes makes you go aww!
But while Joe is mostly about determination, hard work, and sometimes humor, she also struggles to keep her emotions in check. She has a tendency to lash out when she is frustrated. But then, who doesn't?
Jo's traits only make her more relatable, and she is one of the most interesting characters in the show. Read about another compelling character through these Arizona Robbins' quotes. If you're a Meredith Grey fan, read about the life of Ellen Pompeo behind the cameras here.
And if you're someone who loves the genre of long-running procedural series, you can't miss the hit show "9-1-1," nor the charm of one of the leading men, Oliver Stark.