An image of "Grey's Anatomy" character April Kepner with the quote, "People don't like me." | Source: youtube.com/ABCNetwork
An image of "Grey's Anatomy" character April Kepner with the quote, "People don't like me." | Source: youtube.com/ABCNetwork

39 April Kepner Quotes: One of ‘Grey’s Anatomy’ Brightest Characters

Christell Fatima M. Tudtud
May 11, 2023
08:00 A.M.

April Kepner is one of the most fascinating characters in the acclaimed medical drama "Grey's Anatomy." We have compiled a list of 39 April Kepner quotes that will motivate you.


Dr. April Kepner, a beloved character from the famous "Grey's Anatomy" series, inspires many. In the show, she firmly believes that a single day can change someone's life, from sickness to health or from despair to renewed hope.

April's compassionate and kind nature shines through in her interactions with patients. Her natural ability to comfort them during their most difficult moments is a testament to her caring and empathetic spirit.

The physician's faith is essential to her life and guides her during tough times. Her struggles have only strengthened her, and she continues to inspire others with her resilient nature. Take a moment to read and ponder on her 39 quotes below.

A quote from April Kepner to Richard Webber "All right, everyone. Back to the Stone Age." | Source: AmoDays

A quote from April Kepner to Richard Webber "All right, everyone. Back to the Stone Age." | Source: AmoDays


April Kepner Quotes Filled with Positive Mood

"It may not open doors, but Kepner means something." — April Kepner

"April Kepner: 24 hours. 1,440 minutes. 86,400 seconds. That's all it takes for a patient to go from sick to healthy, from hopeful to dire.

Owen Hunt: One day can you bring back from the brink, change your entire life in one heartbeat, one single breath.

Meredith Grey: It's why doctors watch you like a hawk, hold you for observation. It's why we behave as if your every move, every sound, every input and output, is life or death. Because it is.

Owen Hunt: 24 hours. 1,440 minutes. 86,400 seconds. That's all it takes to save your life. To change your life.

April Kepner: One single day can pull us from the depths of despair.

Meredith Grey: And one single day can fill us with more possibilities than we could imagine." — "Grey's Anatomy"

April Kepner's quote: "David, when God created the world, he also created metaphors." | Source: AmoDays

April Kepner's quote: "David, when God created the world, he also created metaphors." | Source: AmoDays


"Well, this didn't go according to plan." — April Kepner

Matthew Taylor: I wasn't talking about them. April, I love you. All day, I've watched you plan an entire wedding for other people, and I love that you're the only one who cares that it all went to crap. I love... I love how much you trust God. I love how you sing to Harriet... and how you hold her little hands when you pray with her. And I love the way you talk to Ruby. You saved her. You saved me. And I know that this is fast and crazy, but I... I don't care... because I love... I loved who you were five years ago, and I love you even more today. I don't ever want to be without you again, and I almost had to be. So I don't want to waste any more time. April, will you marry me?

April Kepner: Yes. Yes." — "Grey's Anatomy"

A quote from April Kepner to Owen Hunt: "Webber just gave me the Grey Sloan Medical Innovation contest. The whole thing. Kind of freaking out." | Source: AmoDays

A quote from April Kepner to Owen Hunt: "Webber just gave me the Grey Sloan Medical Innovation contest. The whole thing. Kind of freaking out." | Source: AmoDays


"April Kepner: You gonna stay?

Jackson Avery: You want me to stay?

April Kepner: Yes. Yes, you're my... Of course, I want you to stay.

Jackson Avery: Then of course I'm staying." — "Grey's Anatomy"

"April Kepner: I kissed you, remember?

Jackson Avery: But I kissed you back." — "Grey's Anatomy"

A dialogue from "Grey's Anatomy" series: "April: I'm hunting bridesmaids. Jackson: Now, is that a farm tradition?" | Source: AmoDays

A dialogue from "Grey's Anatomy" series: "April: I'm hunting bridesmaids. Jackson: Now, is that a farm tradition?" | Source: AmoDays

"Do you believe in God? It's okay, you can believe for the two of you. You have lost somebody, and you are hurting, but you will get through this. You can survive this. You are strong. It's okay. You are going to be okay, I promise." — April Kepner


"April Kepner: Arizona, I'm fine.

Arizona Robbins: I know. I know.

Alex Karev: No white light? No pearly gates?

Ben Warren: Nothing?

April Kepner: [ ] You all thawed me out and rebooted my body. I didn't die and come back to life. There's one guy that does that... that's Jesus, and I know I didn't die, because if I had, I would've met him. I know that for sure." — "Grey's Anatomy"

"I bought the seamstress to you. You will look pretty for my wedding." — April Kepner

April Kepner's quote: "You have an unusually appealing face." | Source: AmoDays

April Kepner's quote: "You have an unusually appealing face." | Source: AmoDays

"April Kepner (to Owen): You always come and bring me back." — April Kepner


"Meredith Grey: For the longest time, ferry boats made me sad. But from now on, I will look at them the way my husband did. I will see the beauty. I will see the wind, the air, the sea, the motion. I will see the possibility because of the two of you. I have never seen two people bring out better in each other. And if the two of you can take this day and turn it into lemonade, then you can do anything. So, Alex Karev, do you want to marry Jo Wilson?

Alex Karev: I do.

Minister: Do you, Matthew, take April as your wife?

Matthew Taylor: I do.

Meredith Grey: Jo Wilson, do you want to marry Alex Karev?

Jo Wilson: I super do.

Minister: And do you, April, take Matthew as your husband?

April Kepner: I do.

Meredith Grey: By the power vested in me by the Internet...

Minister: And by the power vested in me and with God's abundant blessings, I pronounce you husband and wife.

Meredith Grey: I now pronounce you married. You may kiss the bride.


Minister: You may kiss the bride." — "Grey's Anatomy"

April Kepner's quote: "Whatever happened to good old fashioned romance?" | Source: AmoDays

April Kepner's quote: "Whatever happened to good old fashioned romance?" | Source: AmoDays

April Kepner Quotes Full of Personal Experience

"I did not know a miracle could be so boring." — April Kepner

"People don't like me." — April Kepner

"April Kepner: I lost God. [...] God was nowhere to be found. I lost him. And that's never happened to me before, and I got scared... and, uh, really angry. And all during our marriage, I just... I wanted you to know God the way that I did, and you never wanted to. And so, when I lost him, it felt like, I don't know, you've won or something. And... I hated that. I hated you.


Jackson Avery: Yeah, well, I was just trying to help.

April Kepner: I know, I know, I got it. You did. Oh, my God, you did. Things got... really rough, and I just... I needed to be sure that Harriet was okay. And of course she was because... of you. And I'm... I'm good now. I, uh... I found Him again. He and I are, like, tighter than ever. So you know. But I realize that even when it felt like He wasn't there... you were. So thank you. Thank you." — "Grey's Anatomy"

April Kepner's quote: "I'm asking for a job, not a date to the prom!" | Source: AmoDays

April Kepner's quote: "I'm asking for a job, not a date to the prom!" | Source: AmoDays

"'My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?' Job asked the question too. But he kept the faith. And what did he get for it? Replacement children. PTSD. Was it worth it to have been a faithful servant? Or would it have been better to just curse God's name from the beginning? Where was God throughout all of Job's suffering and pain? He was winning a bet with Satan. Makes you wonder where he is through all of the unfairness, inequity, and cruelness in the world. Where is he now?" — April Kepner


"Now, I don't know what personal stuff is going on between the two of you exactly, but whatever it is, I will not allow it to compromise my patient [...] And for what it's worth, I think you two are good together. Also, Catherine Avery is my mother-in-law, so I'll call her any damn time I feel like it!" — April Kepner

"April Kepner: The Bible also says that your body's a temple and you should use it to glorify God.

David: I'm trying to, but temptation is everywhere.

April Kepner: Yeah, well, the Bible also says that God doesn't tempt us beyond our ability. He doesn't give us more than we can handle." — "Grey's Anatomy"

April Kepner's quote: "I know that you guys call me the dud." | Source: AmoDays

April Kepner's quote: "I know that you guys call me the dud." | Source: AmoDays


"Job's faith was tested and he passed the test. And for his faith, God rewarded Job with twice what he had before. “Eloi, Eloi, lama sabachthani?” That's what Jesus said on the cross before he died. "My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?" Job asked the question, too. But he kept the faith. And what did he get for it? Replacement children. PTSD. Was it worth it to have been a faithful servant? Or would it have been better to just curse God's name from the beginning? Where was God throughout all of Job's suffering and pain? He was winning a bet with Satan. Makes you wonder where He is through all of the unfairness and inequity and cruelty in the world. Where is He now." — April Kepner

"I missed a little step, one simple step. When we follow the protocols we don't skip steps. People live, simple as that. You know you're right. I probably won't be chief resident, but the checklists work. You can't tell me they don't." — April Kepner

"I'm not board certified and I'm not a virgin!" — April Kepner

April Kepner's quote: "I have nothing left." | Source: AmoDays

April Kepner's quote: "I have nothing left." | Source: AmoDays


"April Kepner: What are we using for ER monitors in the meantime?

Richard Webber: We use the old-fashioned kind. You are our monitors now, people. I want you to rotate through your patients. I want you to take and retake heart rate and BP. Keep track on paper and notify Kepner of changes.

April Kepner: All right, everyone. Back to the Stone Age.

Richard Webber: Disrespectful.

April Kepner: Sorry." — April Kepner

"David, when God created the world, he also created metaphors." — April Kepner

"Put on your big girl pants, you're about to learn how to run the pit." — April Kepner

April Kepner's quote: "I'm late. Four days. I have never been four days late in my life." | Source: AmoDays

April Kepner's quote: "I'm late. Four days. I have never been four days late in my life." | Source: AmoDays


"April Kepner: God, you're like Jackson. He grew up with so much money he never had to balance a budget or check a price tag, and he just takes it all for granted. And you're like that with your talent. You're... You're missing the Harper Avery Awards 'cause you take for granted that there's just gonna be another one. You take your talent for granted, and, you know, some of us work really hard, and we're just average." — "Grey's Anatomy"

"What's the matter is that you keep holding me like this delicate flower that's gonna break every time you look at me. That is what is the matter." — April Kepner

April Kepner's quote: "Put on your big girl pants, you're about to learn how to run the pit." | Source: AmoDays

April Kepner's quote: "Put on your big girl pants, you're about to learn how to run the pit." | Source: AmoDays

April Kepner Quotes Loaded with Emotions

"April Kepner: She's supposed to be with me... bonding and attaching or whatever. Smelling me like birds and dogs.


Jackson Avery: Birds and dogs?

April Kepner: Shut up. It's nature." — "Grey's Anatomy"

"I'm late. Four days. I have never been four days late in my life." — April Kepner

"April Kepner: This was an upper-class neighborhood.

Jackson Avery: Yeah, those can be the worst neighborhoods for us." — "Grey's Anatomy"

April Kepner's quote: "I'm not board certified and I'm not a virgin!" | Source: AmoDays

April Kepner's quote: "I'm not board certified and I'm not a virgin!" | Source: AmoDays

"April Kepner (praying for Amelia): Please don't make me have to unplug her. Please don't make me have to unplug her. Lord, please make her be okay. Please let her be okay. Please don't make me have to unplug her." — "Grey's Anatomy"


"Jackson Avery: You two are staying.

April Kepner: Okay.

Jackson Avery: Okay." — "Grey's Anatomy"

"I have nothing left." — April Kepner

"April Kepner: I'm hunting bridesmaids.

Jackson Avery: Now, is that a farm tradition?" — "Grey's Anatomy"

April Kepner's quote: "What's the matter is that you keep holding me like this delicate flower that's gonna break every time you look at me. That is what is the matter." | Source: AmoDays

April Kepner's quote: "What's the matter is that you keep holding me like this delicate flower that's gonna break every time you look at me. That is what is the matter." | Source: AmoDays

"I know that you guys call me the dud." — April Kepner

"Patient: Nowhere, in any faith, is there a guarantee.

April Kepner: I'm not asking for everything to be good all the time. But fair... I think that I...


Patient: Fair? Was it fair when Isaac went blind and then his child betrayed him? And where was the fairness when Sara had to wait 99 years before she had a child, and God said, "Sacrifice him"? And Moses couldn't even get past the bouncer to the Promised Land. And like I said, I'm not up on the sequel, but from what I hear, Jesus got a raw deal. Nobody in the Bible lived a life free of suffering or injustice, or it wouldn't have been a best seller. And if they lived lives like that, why should ours be diff... different? Now, if people only believed in God when things were good, I guarantee you, after the Holocaust, not a single Jew would be a believer." — "Grey's Anatomy"

"I'm asking for a job, not a date to the prom!" — April Kepner


"Whatever happened to good old fashioned romance?" — April Kepner

"April Kepner: Her name is Harriet.

Catherine: Oh, I like it. Tubman.

April Kepner: Exactly. Tubman, also The Spy, which is a very good book." — "Grey's Anatomy"

April Kepner's quote: "It may not open doors, but Kepner means something." | Source: AmoDays

April Kepner's quote: "It may not open doors, but Kepner means something." | Source: AmoDays

"April Kepner: Webber just gave me the Grey Sloan Medical Innovation contest. The whole thing. Kind of freaking out.

Owen Hunt: Freaking out because you don't want it?


April Kepner: No. Why wouldn't I want it?

Owen Hunt: Uhh, I just think you'd want to compete is all.

April Kepner: Who wants to compete when you can be the judge?

Owen Hunt: Um, everyone?

April Kepner: Ev... He... He played me? Is that what you're saying? Dr. Webber played me?

Owen Hunt: I said nothing of the sort. But yes." — "Grey's Anatomy"

"You have an unusually appealing face." — April Kepner

April Kepner's quote: "I did not know a miracle could be so boring." | Source: AmoDays

April Kepner's quote: "I did not know a miracle could be so boring." | Source: AmoDays


Actress Sarah Drew brought Kepner's character to life, and her quotes are highly regarded by many because they are relatable. The message highlights how life's challenges can test and strengthen faith.

Through April's character development, viewers can witness personal growth, learn from mistakes, and ultimately become stronger individuals. The show teaches us to believe in ourselves, our abilities, and those around us.

Like Kepner, Mace Windu, played by Samuel S. Jackson in the "Star Wars" franchise, is known for his inspiring quotes, making him a memorable character alongside Mark Hamill's Luke Skywalker and other top characters.



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