A photo of Bo Burnham with the quote: "I'm healing the world with comedy." | Source: youtube.com/boburnham
A photo of Bo Burnham with the quote: "I'm healing the world with comedy." | Source: youtube.com/boburnham

21 'Bo Burnham: Inside' Quotes Filled with Unfiltered Humor and Wisdom

Christell Fatima M. Tudtud
May 18, 2023
09:00 P.M.

Bo Burnham is a true master of wit, sarcasm, and comedy, unlike anyone else. To immerse yourself in his comedic genius and appreciate its brilliance, here are 21 quotes from "Bo Burnham: Inside" that will entertain and provoke thoughtful reflection.


Bo Burnham, an American comedian, singer-songwriter, musician, actor, and filmmaker, has gained fame through his comedic and musical performances that skillfully intertwine satire and introspection.

Burnham fearlessly expresses himself, capturing the hearts of fans worldwide with his unique perspective on life. One of his most notable works is "Bo Burnham: Inside," a remarkable film that flawlessly combines comedy, music, and a touch of drama.

What sets "Inside" apart is that Burnham wrote, performed, and filmed it entirely while in isolation inside his home during the COVID-19 pandemic. Below are some of his thought-provoking insights on life in general.

A quote from Bo Burnham in "Bo Burnham: Inside" comedy special: "Who are you, Bagel Bites?" | Source: youtube.com/boburnham

A quote from Bo Burnham in "Bo Burnham: Inside" comedy special: "Who are you, Bagel Bites?" | Source: youtube.com/boburnham

Thought-Provoking Quotes from 'Bo Burnham: Inside'


"Look, I made you some content. Daddy made you your favorite, open wide." — Bo Burnham

"How we feelin' out there tonight? Hahaha, yeah, I am not feeling good." — Bo Burnham

"Systematic oppression, income inequality...The other stuff. And, there's only one thing that I can do about it while being paid and being the center of attention." — Bo Burnham

"She'll hold her iPhone 5 no further than six inches from her face." — Bo Burnham

"The question is no longer, 'Do you want to buy wheat thins?' for example. The question is now, 'Will you support wheat thins in the fight against Lyme disease?'" — Bo Burnham

Bo Burnham's quote: "How we feelin' out there tonight? Hahaha, yeah, I am not feeling good." | Source: youtube.com/boburnham

Bo Burnham's quote: "How we feelin' out there tonight? Hahaha, yeah, I am not feeling good." | Source: youtube.com/boburnham


"Some random quote from Lord of the Rings incorrectly attributed to Martin Luther King." — Bo Burnham

"When I find a pirate's map, it's always tea-stained, and the edges are burnt. And it's like, if you're a pirate, all right, and you're gonna make this map and expect me to carry it around the globe as I search for your treasure, then laminate it!" — Bo Burnham

"My stupid friends are having stupid children." — Bo Burnham

"I think that, 'Oh if I'm self-aware about being a douchebag, it'll somehow make me less of a douchebag." But it...but it doesn't." — Bo Burnham

Bo Burnham's quote: "She'll hold her iPhone 5 no further than six inches from her face." | Source: youtube.com/boburnham

Bo Burnham's quote: "She'll hold her iPhone 5 no further than six inches from her face." | Source: youtube.com/boburnham

More of Bo Burnham's Quotes on Wisdom and Humor


"Who are you, Bagel Bites?" — Bo Burnham, "Bo Burnham: Inside"

"I promise to never go outside again." — Bo Burnham, "Bo Burnham: Inside"

Um, it’s not gonna be a normal special because there’s no audience, and there’s no crew. It’s just me and my camera, and you and your screen. — Bo Burnham

"Is it necessary that every single person on this planet, um, expresses every single opinion that they have on every single thing that occurs all at the same time?" — Bo Burnham, "Bo Burnham: Inside"

"We were overdue." — Bo Burnham, "Bo Burnham: Inside"

Bo Burnham's quote: "Look, I made you some content. Daddy made you your favorite, open wide." | Source: youtube.com/boburnham

Bo Burnham's quote: "Look, I made you some content. Daddy made you your favorite, open wide." | Source: youtube.com/boburnham

"I'm healing the world with comedy." — Bo Burnham, "Bo Burnham: Inside"


"Um, self-awareness does not absolve anybody of anything." — Bo Burnham, "Bo Burnham: Inside"

"Apathy's a tragedy and boredom is a crime." — Bo Burnham, "Bo Burnham: Inside"

Bo Burnham Lengthy Quotes on Creative Process and Personal Journey

"So I've been freaking out for a long time, thinking that I'm never gonna finish this special and I'm gonna be working on it forever. And recently, I've been feeling like, oh man, maybe I am getting close to done with this. Maybe I'm gonna finish it after all. And that has made me completely freak out because if I finish this special, that means I have to not work on it anymore, and that means I have to just live my life, and so I'm not gonna do that, and I'm gonna not finish this special. I'm gonna work on it forever, I think, and I'm never gonna release it. So I'm not talking to anybody right now, I'm just talking to myself." — Bo Burnham

Bo Burnham's quote: "Some random quote from Lord of the Rings incorrectly attributed to Martin Luther King." | Source: youtube.com/boburnham

Bo Burnham's quote: "Some random quote from Lord of the Rings incorrectly attributed to Martin Luther King." | Source: youtube.com/boburnham


"You wanna hear a funny story? So uh... five years ago- I quit performing live comedy. Because I was beginning to have uh severe panic attacks while on stage. Which is not a great place to have them. So I-I quit... and I didn't perform for five years. And I spent that time trying to improve myself mentally. And you know what- I did, I got better. I got so much better in fact, that in January of... 2020, I thought "you know what I should... start performing again. I've been hiding from the world and I need to reenter." And then... the funniest thing happened." — Bo Burnham

And you might be thinking, “Well, that’s fine. You know, look at you. You radiate such youth. You must not be turning 30 for years. And that’s very, uh, nice of you to say. But the truth is um, I turn 30 in less than a minute. So I’m just gonna sit here and enjoy uh, my twenties, and then get back to work. Yay." — Bo Burnham


"You know, I've learned something over this last year which is pretty funny: I've learned that real world human-to-human tactile contact will kill you, and that all human interaction, whether it be social, political, spiritual, sexual, or interpersonal, should be contained in the much more safe, much more real interior digital space; that the outside world, the non-digital world, is merely a theatrical space in which one stages and records content for the much more real, much more vital digital space. One should only engage with the outside world as one engages with a coal mine: suit up, gather what is needed, and return to the surface." — Bo Burnham

A quote from Bo Burnham in "Bo Burnham: Inside" comedy special: "Um, self-awareness does not absolve anybody of anything." | Source: youtube.com/boburnham

A quote from Bo Burnham in "Bo Burnham: Inside" comedy special: "Um, self-awareness does not absolve anybody of anything." | Source: youtube.com/boburnham

Despite experiencing frustrations from the pandemic, like many others, Burnham found solace and comfort in his extraordinary talent. He selflessly decided to share this gift with the world, offering a source of relief and inspiration.

With his unmatched blend of humor and introspection, Burnham entertains and stimulates thoughtful discussions on diverse subjects.

Burnham is among the most esteemed comedians today, alongside Pauly Shore and Dave Chappelle. Bob Saget, another comedy genius, inspired fans with his poignant quotes before his sudden death in 2022.



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