An image of "The Bad Guys" characters with Mr. Snake's quote: "We'll always be bad guys!" | Source: youtube.com/UniversalPictures
An image of "The Bad Guys" characters with Mr. Snake's quote: "We'll always be bad guys!" | Source: youtube.com/UniversalPictures

27 'The Bad Guys' Movie Quotes That Will Make You Root for the Rogues

Christell Fatima M. Tudtud
May 23, 2023
05:00 P.M.

In 2022, "The Bad Guys" movie took the world by storm, melting the hearts of children and the young-at-heart. Who would've thought that villains could pull off a heroic makeover? Here are 27 quotes revealing goodness in naughty characters.


A new breed of heroes emerges in a world where danger lurks at every corner. But they're not your typical caped crusaders or masked avengers. Instead, they are creatures branded as predators, scorned and shunned by the masses.

Within the animated realm of "The Bad Guys" movie, an ensemble of captivating characters defies expectations, including Mr. Fox, Mr. Piranha, Mr. Shark, Diane Foxington, Mr. Snake, and Ms. Tarantula, to become the most improbable of heroes.

Their story reflects on embracing second chances, friendship, self-discovery, personal growth, and redemption. Discover the depth of these unlikely heroes through their inspiring quotes.

Professor Marmalade's quote: "Mr. Wolf may be a savage beast. Basically walking garbage. Sorry, I'm making a point." | Source: youtube.com/UniversalPictures

Professor Marmalade's quote: "Mr. Wolf may be a savage beast. Basically walking garbage. Sorry, I'm making a point." | Source: youtube.com/UniversalPictures

Best Quotes from 'The Bad Guys' Movie


"Yeah. Well, that ship has already sailed." — Governor Diane Foxington

"What was that? What did you say? You think I can't do this?" — Mr. Piranha

"It's not a butt! Not a butt!" — Professor Rupert Marmalade

"I'm 99% sure you can make it... 96% sure. Maybe 90%. I don't know. 50...What day is it?" — Mr. Snake

"Well, this just got a little weird." — Mr. Wolf

"The Bad Guys" movie quote: "Diane Foxington: How did you learn to do that? Tarantula: Oh, you know. I'm kind of a natural... mostly YouTube." | Source: youtube.com/UniversalPictures

"The Bad Guys" movie quote: "Diane Foxington: How did you learn to do that? Tarantula: Oh, you know. I'm kind of a natural... mostly YouTube." | Source: youtube.com/UniversalPictures

"Everyone say 'robbery'!" — Mr. Wolf

"Now let's huff and puff and blow this little piggy's heist down." — Mr. Wolf


"That's what makes them so delicious. You're not just eating food. You're eating pure goodness. It's not about the pig. It's about what it symbolizes on a deeper level." — Mr. Snake

"Look at that. 4:00 p.m. Now I know the exact moment our friendship died." — Mr. Snake

Quips and Quotes of 'The Bad Guys' Character Mr. Wolf

"Gutless? I'm gutless? I'm sorry, have we met? I'm the villain of every story! Guilty until proven innocent! Even if by some miracle we did change, who's gonna believe us? Huh? Of course you wouldn't know anything about that, with your little Miss Perfect power suits!" — Mr. Wolf

Diane Foxington's quote: "Guess I'm still the best bad guys the world has ever seen." | Source: youtube.com/UniversalPictures

Diane Foxington's quote: "Guess I'm still the best bad guys the world has ever seen." | Source: youtube.com/UniversalPictures

"Do I wish people didn't see us as monsters? Sure, I do. But these are the cards we've been dealt, so we might as well play 'em." — Mr. Wolf


"Mr. Wolf: Now let's make like a wolf and get the pack out of here.

Piranha : Ah, wordplay!


Piranha: I don't get it." — "The Bad Guys" movie

"Mr. Wolf: Time to launch the charm offensive.

Mr. Shark: Oh, yeah! The full Clooney." — "The Bad Guys" movie

"Professor Marmalade: You're going to have to choose between your friends, and the good life.

Mr. Wolf: They're the only friends I've ever had." — "The Bad Guys" movie

Mr. Snake's quote: "Snakes have impeccable taste buds. I can taste air." | Source: youtube.com/UniversalPictures

Mr. Snake's quote: "Snakes have impeccable taste buds. I can taste air." | Source: youtube.com/UniversalPictures


"Mr. Wolf: You stole my car?

[looks over at Diane Foxington]

Mr. Wolf: Respect." — "The Bad Guys" movie

"Mr. Shark: [while chasing the armored trucks] Are you insured?

Mr. Wolf: Yeah, why?

Mr. Wolf: [Mr. Shark pushes up and rips the top of Mr. Wolf's car off, turning it into a convertible] Hey! That's my car!" — "The Bad Guys" movie

Mr. Snake's quote: "Look at that. 4:00 p.m. Now I know the exact moment our friendship died." | Source: youtube.com/UniversalPictures

Mr. Snake's quote: "Look at that. 4:00 p.m. Now I know the exact moment our friendship died." | Source: youtube.com/UniversalPictures

Quotes Celebrating Diane Foxington's Guts and Glory in 'The Bad Guys' Movie

"I gave you an opportunity! A chance to show the world that you're more that just a scary stereotype! But you're too proud or too gutless to take advantage of it!" — Diane Foxington


"A wolf and a fox are not so different. Maybe they will believe you, maybe they won't. But it doesn't matter. Don't do it for them. Do it for you. This is a chance to write your own story. To find a better life for you and your friends. Come on, what have you got to lose?" — Diane Foxington

"Not everyone gets a second chance. Make the most of it, Mr. Poodleton." — Diane Foxington

"Diane Foxington: How did you learn to do that?

Tarantula: Oh, you know. I'm kind of a natural... mostly YouTube." — "The Bad Guys" movie

Mr. Wolf's quote: "Do I wish people didn't see us as monsters? Sure, I do. But these are the cards we've been dealt, so we might as well play 'em." | Source: youtube.com/UniversalPictures

Mr. Wolf's quote: "Do I wish people didn't see us as monsters? Sure, I do. But these are the cards we've been dealt, so we might as well play 'em." | Source: youtube.com/UniversalPictures

"Diane Foxington: [as The Crimson Paw, uncovers hoodie]


Mr. Wolf : [all] Diane?

Piranha: But how do you know how to do all that kick kick punch punch?

Mr. Wolf: Wait a sec, you're The Crimson Paw? The queen of cons, acrobatic swiss army knife; stole the Zumpango diamond, twice, once for profit second time just for fun. Never identified, never caught.

Diane Foxington: [Chuckles] Guess I'm still the best bad guys the world has ever seen.

Diane Foxington: [Looks at rip on suit] Ugh. At least I used to be." — "The Bad Guys" movie

Mr. Snake's quote: "I'm 99% sure you can make it... 96% sure. Maybe 90%. I don't know. 50...What day is it?" | Source: youtube.com/UniversalPictures

Mr. Snake's quote: "I'm 99% sure you can make it... 96% sure. Maybe 90%. I don't know. 50...What day is it?" | Source: youtube.com/UniversalPictures

"We'll hold on to the Dolphin until the gala. Just to remove any unnecessary temptation." — Diane Foxington to Professor


Additional Quotes from Resident Baddies in 'The Bad Guys'

"I'm having a baby! Is there a doctor? Or perhaps, several security guards, that can leave their post and help me?" — Mr. Shark

"We'll always be bad guys!" — Mr. Snake

"Mr. Wolf: But, I mean, come on, everybody loves birthdays. You got decorations. You got balloons. You got parties and cake.

Mr. Snake: Look, I don't need presents, I don't want decorations, and I'm-I'm not a cake guy.

Mr. Snake: Guinea pig.

Mr. Wolf: Oh, again with the guinea pig. I bet if I blindfolded you, you wouldn't be able to tell the difference between a skunk and a guinea pig.

Mr. Snake: Wrong. Snakes have impeccable taste buds. I can taste air." — "The Bad Guys" movie

Diane Foxington's quote: "Not everyone gets a second chance. Make the most of it, Mr. Poodleton." | Source: youtube.com/UniversalPictures

Diane Foxington's quote: "Not everyone gets a second chance. Make the most of it, Mr. Poodleton." | Source: youtube.com/UniversalPictures


"But how can we say they're hopeless if they've never been given a chance? What if... what if we tried a little experiment, Diane? As you know, my Gala for Goodness, the "hashtag charity event of the year," is coming up. If I can prove to everyone at that gala that the Bad Guys have changed, will you set them free and give them a clean start?" — Professor Marmalade

"Mr. Wolf may be a savage beast. Basically walking garbage. Sorry, I'm making a point." — Professor Marmalade

Mr. Wolf's quote: "Now let's huff and puff and blow this little piggy's heist down." | Source: youtube.com/Unive

Mr. Wolf's quote: "Now let's huff and puff and blow this little piggy's heist down." | Source: youtube.com/Unive

While they are natural predators, these unlikely heroes teach us that appearances can be deceiving. Behind their fearsome reputations, they possess hearts full of courage, determination, and surprising wit.

The talented actors lending their voices to these sneaky yet adorable characters include Sam Rockwell, Awkwafina, Anthony Ramos, Zazie Beetz, and Marc Maron.

The "Bad Guys" movie isn't the only film that has received appreciation from fans. Another character that has captured the hearts of many is Pikachu, known for its electrifying quotes that leave a lasting impression.



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