Zeke Banks's quote: “I need everyone on this case. He could be anywhere. He could be anyone. We're gonna tear this city apart!” | Source: youtube.com/LionsgateMovies
Zeke Banks's quote: “I need everyone on this case. He could be anywhere. He could be anyone. We're gonna tear this city apart!” | Source: youtube.com/LionsgateMovies

32 'Spiral' Quotes That Reveal How Much We Need Jigsaw Back

Roshanak Hannani
May 31, 2023
01:00 P.M.

After the worldwide success of "Saw" and its many sequels, it makes sense to try to revive the story in some way, although the main character, Jigsaw, has been dead for many years. "Spiral" wasn't the most successful try, but fans of this universe should read these 32 "Spiral" quotes.


Soon into the story, audiences realize that these "Jigsaw tricks" seem to target other cops. However, the detectives also uncover a dirty secret the department has been trying to hide, which is what the killer wanted to bring to life.

While it's not the best Jigsaw film – as it has a different feeling than the original franchise – it's also not a bad try. But it was badly marketed, and only real fans even knew it was coming out. It got lost in the hoopla of some other amazing horror release between 2021 and 2022.

Still, it's nice to see a comedian take on a serious and trying role, although Rock still brought some of his humor to Zeke Banks. Samuel L. Jackson also appeared in the film as Banks' father, who was also a detective and had a different reputation than his son. Let's remember these 32 "Spiral" quotes.

Zeke Banks's quote: "Lock it up! Nobody gets out of this precinct." | Source: Amodays

Zeke Banks's quote: "Lock it up! Nobody gets out of this precinct." | Source: Amodays


Spiral” Quotes from Zeke Banks That Show He’s a Smart Detective

"Whoever did this has another motive — something personal." — Zeke Banks

"Lock it up! Nobody gets out of this precinct." — Zeke Banks

“Zeke Banks: Jigsaw.

William Schenk: Wait, I thought the Jigsaw Killer was dead.

Zeke Banks: He is.” — “Spiral (2021)”

“Police Dispatch: All available units, officer down.

Zeke Banks: [to everyone] That was just a diversion to get us out of the precinct!” — “Spiral (2021)”

“I need everyone on this case. He could be anywhere. He could be anyone. We're gonna tear this city apart!” — Zeke Banks

Zeke Banks's quote: “There’s nobody on the force I can trust!" | Source: Amodays

Zeke Banks's quote: “There’s nobody on the force I can trust!" | Source: Amodays


“I mean, all I’m saying is, you know, most crime happens on weekends, holidays. So you would think anybody married to a cop would understand this. But no. One day, your wife will be angry because you couldn’t go to her sister’s birthday dinner. You can give a woman six hundred Tuesdays. It ain’t worth three Saturday nights.” — Zeke Banks

“William Schenk: This bum’s going to be tough to ID.

Zeke Banks: I’m not too sure this is a bum. I don’t know a lot of bums trying to get their steps in. Whoever this is, is married, and wears a Fitbit.” — “Spiral (2021)”

“Zeke Banks: Don’t forget, Pete, you gave me the knife.

Pete Dunleavy: You’re right, I did.” — “Spiral (2021)”

“There’s nobody on the force I can trust!” — Zeke Banks

Scary “Spiral” Quotes From the New Jigsaw

"Live or die. Make your choice." — Jigsaw II

Jigsaw II's quote: “Hello, Detective Banks. When was the last time you saw your father?” | Source: Amodays

Jigsaw II's quote: “Hello, Detective Banks. When was the last time you saw your father?” | Source: Amodays


"Can you stand by the sidelines while justice is finally served?" — Jigsaw II

“Hello, Detective Banks. When was the last time you saw your father?” — Jigsaw II

“Hello, Detective Banks. Do you know where your officers are?” — Jigsaw II

“Hello, Detective Banks. I’m here to help reform the Metro Police, to remind them of their oath to the people of this city. One officer from your station refused to be reformed. He will not be the last to play my game.” — Jigsaw II

“Hello, Detective Fitch. I want to play a game. The tide of justice is rising around you. In ninety seconds, the water will rise to the height of the copper wires, and if you are still in the tank, you will be electrocuted. Unless you make the sacrifice that will cleanse you.” — Jigsaw II

Tim O’Brien's quote: “You're too close to this thing, Zeke!" | Source: Amodays

Tim O’Brien's quote: “You're too close to this thing, Zeke!" | Source: Amodays


“Hello, Detective Boswick. I want to play a game. The three train is arriving in two minutes. It is up to you to decide if this will be your final stop. You have taken the witness stand many times and railroaded innocent people with your lies, putting them away in jail. Today, it is you who will be railroaded. You have one chance to live.” — Jigsaw II

Spiral” Quotes That Make You Think

"Your dad is the reason I got into this in the first place." — William Schenk

"It could be another Jigsaw copycat." — Zeke Banks

“You're too close to this thing, Zeke!" — Tim O’Brien

"John Kramer was right. The spiral: a symbol of change, evolution, progress." — William Schenk

"Spiral (2021)" dialogue: “William Schenk: So, I’m guessing you’re divorced. Zeke Banks: Divorced, no, not yet. I’m going through a divorce. That’s even worse.” | Source: Amodays

"Spiral (2021)" dialogue: “William Schenk: So, I’m guessing you’re divorced. Zeke Banks: Divorced, no, not yet. I’m going through a divorce. That’s even worse.” | Source: Amodays


“William Schenk: So, uh, how do you take your coffee in the morning?

Zeke Banks: Alone.

William Schenk: Ok.” — “Spiral (2021)”

“Someone's out there pulling all the strings.” — William Schenk

“Zeke Banks: [referring to the photo] What are you doing?

William Schenk: Oh, it’s just family. This is my wife, Emma. This is my son, Charlie.

Zeke Banks: They’re cute. Enjoy it while it lasts.

William Schenk: While it lasts?

Zeke Banks: Nothing happier than the wife of a new detective. And nothing more angry than that same woman ten years later.” — “Spiral (2021)”

“William Schenk: So, I’m guessing you’re divorced.

Zeke Banks: Divorced, no, not yet. I’m going through a divorce. That’s even worse.” — “Spiral (2021)”

“Zeke Banks: If you’re going to throw up, don’t do it on the evidence.


William Schenk: Are you kidding me? I’ve been dreaming about this since I was twelve years old.” — “Spiral (2021)”

Zeke Banks's quote: “Don’t drain my battery watching Twilight.” | Source: Amodays

Zeke Banks's quote: “Don’t drain my battery watching Twilight.” | Source: Amodays

Zeke Banks: How did you get in here?

Marcus Banks: Did you forget who the landlord is?

Zeke Banks: Yeah, but that doesn’t give you the right to just walk in here anytime you want. Renters got rights.

Marcus Banks: You start paying some rent, you can get some rights.” — “Spiral (2021)”

“Marcus Banks: Jigsaw copycat. That could be difficult.

Zeke Banks: What are you saying?

Marcus Banks: Nothing. Just, you know, being lead detective. A lot of responsibility.


Zeke Banks: You got a problem with that? Or are you just scared I’m going to embarrass you?” — “Spiral (2021)”

“Don’t drain my battery watching Twilight.” — Zeke Banks

“William Schenk: Just waiting for Emma to get home. She’s having a girl’s night.

Zeke Banks: Girl’s night out. Okay. You better be careful with that.

"Spiral (2021)" dialogue: “William Schenk: We did what we had to to clean up the streets. Pete: The streets got cleaner because the cops gots dirtier.” | Source: Amodays

"Spiral (2021)" dialogue: “William Schenk: We did what we had to to clean up the streets. Pete: The streets got cleaner because the cops gots dirtier.” | Source: Amodays


“William Schenk: You think this guy sent you the boxes because you’re the lead detective on the case, or because you’re you?

Zeke Banks: I don’t know.

William Schenk: Well, you got any enemies? That aren’t cops?” — “Spiral (2021)”

“William Schenk: We did what we had to to clean up the streets.

Pete: The streets got cleaner because the cops gots dirtier.” — “Spiral (2021)”

“Zeke Banks: So, now you’re giving fatherly advice?

Marcus Banks: What you talking about, Willis?

Zeke Banks: Dad. We live in the same building. I saw you out front the other day, you nodded at me like we were the only two black guys in the mall.” — “Spiral (2021)”

Jigsaw II's quote: "Live or die. Make your choice."  | Source: Amodays

Jigsaw II's quote: "Live or die. Make your choice." | Source: Amodays


It's probably better to go back to the first "Saw" film and rewatch the entire franchise that truly revolutionized the genre of horror and serial killer stories. "Spiral" is good enough despite how under the radar it flew during its release.

If you like Chris Rock, find out about his wife of 19 years, who gave him children. Meanwhile, Samuel L. Jackson and his wife have been together for over four decades. And did you know that Max Minghella is Elle Fanning's boyfriend?



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