38 Hilarious ‘Hot Fuzz’ Quotes from the 2007 Action-Comedy Film
Being a cop is Nicholas Angel's forte, so much so that his entire team started looking bad because of his abilities. After getting on his superiors' bad side, Nicholas gets reassigned to what appears to be a quiet town. However, there is more to his newly assigned location than meets the eye.
As Nicholas Angel takes on a new location in Standford, he is teamed up with another cop, Danny Butterman. The two don't always get along, with Butterman always asking about Angel's lifestyle.
However, when a mysterious murder, deemed an accident, happens, the two work to uncover the truth. Angel becomes increasingly aware of the abundance of firearms in the area, which seems normal. Suddenly, the quiet Standford town becomes a place of crime, mischief, and murder.
Throughout the film, Angel and Butterman have action-packed scenes and hilarious conversations between themselves and other people.

Nicholas Angel and Danny Butterman's quotes in "Hot Fuzz:" “Danny Butterman: I can't believe I shot someone. Nicholas Angel: He's a doctor, he can deal with it.” | Source: Youtube.com/UniversalPictures
'Hot Fuzz' Quotes and Dialogues between Nicholas Angel and Danny Butterman
"Nicholas Angel: Danny, this is murder.
Danny Butterman: It's not murder; it's ketchup." – "Hot Fuzz"
"Danny Butterman: Where's the trolley, boy?
Nicholas Angel: In the freezer.
Danny Butterman: Did you say cool off?
Nicholas Angel: No, I didn't say anything." – "Hot Fuzz"
"Danny Butterman: What do you think?
Nicholas Angel: Well, I wouldn't argue that it wasn't a no-holds-barred, adrenaline-fueled thrill ride. But there is no way you can perpetrate that amount of carnage and mayhem and not incur a considerable amount of paperwork." – "Hot Fuzz"
"Danny Butterman: I can't believe I shot someone.
Nicholas Angel: He's a doctor; he can deal with it." – "Hot Fuzz"
"Danny Butterman: What's it like being stabbed?
Nicholas Angel: It was the single most painful experience of my life.
Danny Butterman: What's the second most painful?" – "Hot Fuzz"
"Danny Butterman: 'Point Break' or 'Bad Boys II?'
Nicholas Angel: Which one do you think I'll prefer?
Danny Butterman: No, I mean, which one do you wanna watch first?" – "Hot Fuzz"

Nicholas Angel and Danny Butterman's quotes in "Hot Fuzz:" “Danny Butterman: He sounds like a good bloke. Nicholas Angel: Actually, he was arrested for selling drugs to students.” | Source: Youtube.com/UniversalPictures
"Danny Butterman: So what made you want to become a policeman?
Nicholas Angel: Officer.
Danny Butterman: What made you want to become a policeman-officer?" –– "Hot Fuzz"
"Danny Butterman: He sounds like a good bloke.
Nicholas Angel: Actually, he was arrested for selling drugs to students." – "Hot Fuzz"
"Nicholas Angel: It's Frank! He's appointed himself Judge, Jury, and Executioner.
Danny Butterman: He's not Judge Judy, an Executioner." – "Hot Fuzz"
"Danny Butterman: Have you ever fired two guns whilst jumping through the air?
Nicholas Angel: No.
Danny Butterman: Have you ever fired one gun whilst jumping through the air?
Nicholas Angel: No.
Danny Butterman: Ever been in a high-speed pursuit?
Nicholas Angel: Yes, I have.
Danny Butterman: Have you ever fired a gun whilst in a high-speed pursuit?
Nicholas Angel: No!" – "Hot Fuzz"
"Danny Butterman: What about... 'Lethal Weapon'?
Nicholas Angel: No.
Danny Butterman: You've seen 'Die Hard,' though?
Nicholas Angel: No.
Danny Butterman: 'Bad Boys II'?
Nicholas Angel: No.
Danny Butterman: You ain't seen 'Bad Boys II'?" – "Hot Fuzz"

Nicholas Angel and Danny Butterman's quotes in "Hot Fuzz:" “Danny Butterman: Hey, why can't we say ‘accident,’ again? Nicholas Angel: Because ‘accident’ implies there's nobody to blame.” | Source: Youtube.com/UniversalPictures
"Danny Butterman: Hey, why can't we say 'accident' again?
Nicholas Angel: Because 'accident' implies there's nobody to blame." – "Hot Fuzz"
"Nicholas Angel: Are there any questions?
Danny Butterman: Is it true that there's a point on a man's head where if you shoot it, it will blow up?" – "Hot Fuzz"
"Danny Butterman: She's our only policewoman.
Nicholas Angel: She's not a policewoman.
Danny Butterman: Yes, she is; I've seen her bra." – "Hot Fuzz"
"Danny Butterman: Do you want anything from the shop?
Nicholas Angel: Cornetto." – "Hot Fuzz"
"Danny Butterman: I'll drive!
Nicholas Angel: Shotgun!" – "Hot Fuzz"
"Nicholas Angel: This is the most important piece of equipment you will ever own. This notebook has saved my skin more times than I care to remember. Do you use yours?
Danny Butterman: Yeah, I use it.
Nicholas Angel: That's just extraordinary.
Danny Butterman: You should see the one on the other side." – "Hot Fuzz"

Nicholas Angel and Danny Butterman's quotes in "Hot Fuzz:" “Nicholas Angel: And are they as big as he is? Danny Butterman: Who? Nicholas Angel: The mum and the sister? Danny Butterman: Same person.” | Source: Youtube.com/UniversalPictures
"Nicholas Angel: I just want to be... good at what I do.
Danny Butterman: You are good at what you do. You just need to switch off that big ol' melon of yours.
Nicholas Angel: That's just it, Danny. I don't think I know how.
Danny Butterman: I can show you." – "Hot Fuzz"
"Nicholas Angel: And are they as big as he is?
Danny Butterman: Who?
Nicholas Angel: The mum and the sister?
Danny Butterman: Same person." – "Hot Fuzz"
"Danny Butterman: What's a matter, you got brain freeze?
Nicholas Angel: No, I've got brainwave. Get us back to the station. Now!" – "Hot Fuzz"
"Danny Butterman: Fancy a coffee?
Nicholas Angel: No thanks, don't drink it.
Danny Butterman: Cup of tea?
Nicholas Angel: I don't drink caffeine after midday.
Danny Butterman: A beer?" – "Hot Fuzz"
"Nicholas Angel: I feel as if I should say something smart.
Danny Butterman: You don't have to say anything at all." – "Hot Fuzz"

Nicholas Angel and Danny Butterman's quotes in "Hot Fuzz:" “Danny Butterman: What's a matter, you got brain freeze? Nicholas Angel: No, I've got brainwave. Get us back to the station. Now!” | Source: Youtube.com/UniversalPictures
'Hot Fuzz' Quotes from Nicholas Angel
"I may not be a man of God, but I know right, and I know wrong, and I have the good grace to know which is which." – Nicholas Angel, "Hot Fuzz"
"Police work is as much about preventing crime as it is about fighting crime. Most importantly, it is about procedural correctness in the execution of unquestionable moral authority." – Nicholas Angel, "Hot Fuzz"
"I don't remember a time when I didn't want to be a police officer... apart from the summer of 1979 when I wanted to be Kermit the Frog. It all started with my Uncle Derek. He was a Sergeant in the Met. He bought me a police pedal car when I was five. I rode around in it every second I was awake - arresting kids twice my size for littering and spitting. I got beaten up a lot when I was young, but it didn't stop me. I wanted to be like Uncle Derek." – Nicholas Angel, "Hot Fuzz"
"What's the matter, Danny? Never taken a shortcut before?" – Nicholas Angel, "Hot Fuzz"
"We just sat through three hours of so-called acting, constable, and their kiss was the only convincing moment of it." – Nicholas Angel, "Hot Fuzz"

Nicholas Angel's quote in "Hot Fuzz:" “What's the matter, Danny? Never taken a shortcut before?” | Source: Youtube.com/UniversalPictures
"If you had paid attention to me in school, you'd understand it's not all about car chases and excitement." – Nicholas Angel, "Hot Fuzz"
"I'm taking you to the station… Where is it?" – Nicholas Angel, "Hot Fuzz"
"Sir, with respect, I don't think driving under the influence can be called a 'little indiscretion.'" – Nicholas Angel, "Hot Fuzz"
"You don't mind a bit of manpower, do ya, Doris?" – Nicholas Angel, "Hot Fuzz"
"Have you ever wondered why, why the crime rate in Sandford is so low, yet the accident rate is so high?" – Nicholas Angel, "Hot Fuzz"
'Hot Fuzz' Quotes from Simon Skinner
"I'm sure if we bashed your head in, all sorts of secrets would come tumbling out." – Simon Skinner, "Hot Fuzz"

Nicholas Angel's quote in "Hot Fuzz:" “Have you ever wondered why, why the crime rate in Sandford is so low, yet the accident rate is so high?” | Source: Youtube.com/UniversalPictures
"You see, much as I enjoyed your wild theories, Sergeant, the truth is far less complex. Blower's fate was simply the result of his being... an appalling actor." – Simon Skinner, "Hot Fuzz"
"Stop, or the ginger nut gets it!" – Simon Skinner, "Hot Fuzz"
"I'm a slasher; I must be stopped." – Simon Skinner, "Hot Fuzz"
"A slasher... of prices! I'm Simon Skinner - I run the local supermarché. Drop in and see me sometime - my discounts are *criminal*. Catch me later!" – Simon Skinner, "Hot Fuzz"
"As much as I enjoyed your wild theories, the truth is far less complex." – Simon Skinner, "Hot Fuzz"
"I'm simply suggesting that should be given him a second chance. I'm sure he's going to learn a valuable lesson." – Simon Skinner, "Hot Fuzz"
"I'm afraid my nickname of 'Sissy' is a revelation only to yourself. My teenage years studying ballet are well known." – Simon Skinner, "Hot Fuzz"

Simon Skinner's quote in "Hot Fuzz:" “As much as I enjoyed your wild theories the truth is far less complex.” | Source: Youtube.com/UniversalPictures
"Hot Fuzz" features several talents, including Simon Pegg, who stars as Angel. Pegg also starred in "Mission Impossible III" alongside Tom Cruise.
Fans who enjoyed "Hot Fuzz" would also like action-packed comedy movies, such as "Baby Driver," "Drive," and "The Transporter."