42 Quotes About R2-D2 That Showcase This Droid's Beep-Boop Brilliance
R2-D2 is an astromech droid in the "Star Wars" universe and is crucial to the characters' survival in this space drama. Here are 42 quotes from "Star Wars" characters about R2-D2 that highlight its scene-stealing prowess.
Not all words shimmer like gold in a galaxy far, far away—some echo with a rusty 'beep-boop.' That's where R2-D2 shines, the skilled starship mechanic famous for its unique beeps, whistles, and electronic sounds instead of spoken quotes.
Unlike certain characters in the Star Wars universe, R2-D2 communicates without spoken language. Its 'dialogue' is deciphered through context and the reactions of those nearby, both for other characters and the audience.
This little droid may be small, but it has a big personality that's hard to ignore. R2-D2 shares an enduring friendship with the perpetually fussy protocol droid, C-3PO. Here are some quotes about R2-D2 that contribute to its iconic status.

Luke Skywalker's quote: "Boy, am I gonna get it. You know, that little droid's gonna cause me a lot of trouble." | Source: AmoDays
C-3PO vs R2-D2: A Tale of Love, Hate, and Hilarious Quotes
"Well, don't blame me. I'm an interpreter. I'm not supposed to know a power socket from a computer terminal." — C-3PO
"We seem to be made to suffer. It's our lot in life." — C-3PO
"R2, this is no time for heroics." — C-3PO
"It seems that he [R2-D2] is carrying a message from an Obi-wan Kenobi." — C-3PO
"Don't call me a mindless philosopher, you overweight glob of grease." — C-3PO to R2-D2

Luke Skywalker's quote to Princess Leia Organa: "I'm here to rescue you. I've got your R2 unit. I'm here with Ben Kenobi." | Source: AmoDays
"That malfunctioning little twirp, this is all his fault." — C-3PO
"There'll be no escape for the princess this time." — C-3PO
"Listen to them, they're dying R2! Curse my metal body, I wasn't fast enough, it's all my fault! My poor Master." — C-3PO
"I've just about had enough of you. Go that way. You'll be malfunctioning within a day, you near-sighted scrap pile. And don't let me catch you following me begging for help because you won't get it." — C-3PO
"'What message?' The one you've just been playing. The one you're carrying inside your rusty innards." — C-3PO

Luke Skywalker's quote: "R2, that stabilizes broken loose again. See if you can't lock it down." | Source: AmoDays
"Hello. I don't believe we have been introduced. R2-D2? A pleasure to meet you. I am C-3PO, Human-Cyborg Relations." — C-3PO
"How would you know the hyperdrive is deactivated? The city's central computer told you? R2-D2, you know better than to trust a strange computer." — C-3PO
"Hang on tight, R2. You've got to come back. You wouldn't want my life to get boring, would you?" — C-3PO
"R2 says the chances of survival are 725 to 1. Actually, R2 has been known to make mistakes from time to time." — C-3PO
"In the event I don't make it back, I want you to know you've been a real friend, R2. My best one, in fact." — C-3PO

Leia Organa's quote: "I have placed information vital to the survival of the rebellion into the memory systems of this R2 unit." | Source: AmoDays
"Now, don't you forget this! Why I should stick my neck out for you is quite beyond my capacity." — C-3PO
"No more of this Obi-wan Kenobi gibberish. You're fortunate he doesn't blast you into a million pieces right here!" — C-3PO
"Excuse me, sir, but that R2 unit is in prime condition, a real bargain. You'll be very pleased with that one, sir. He really is in first-class condition. I've worked with him before." — C-3PO to Luke Skywalker
"R2, where are we going? I couldn't possibly jump—ah!" — C-3PO
"R2, I'm not sure that's such a very good idea, it's a very long drop..." — C-3PO

Captain Panaka's quote: "An extremely well-put together little droid, Your Highness. Without a doubt, it saved the ship, as well as our lives." | Source: AmoDays
Unforgettable Quotes & Dialogues Showcasing R2-D2's Brilliance in 'Star Wars'
"C-3PO: Just you reconsider playing that message for him!
[R2 beeps a question]
C-3PO: No, I don't think he likes you at all.
[R2 beeps again]
C-3PO: No, I don't like you either." — "Star Wars"

Ric Olié's quote: "The power's back. That little droid did it! He bypassed the main power drive. Deflector shields up at maximum!" | Source: AmoDays
"[R2-D2 and Chewbacca are playing the holographic game aboard the Millennium Falcon]
Chewbacca : Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaarrrgh!
C-3PO: He made a fair move. Screaming about it can't help you.
Han Solo: Let him have it. It's not wise to upset a Wookiee.
C-3PO: But sir, nobody worries about upsetting a droid.
Han Solo: That's 'cause droids don't pull people's arms out of their sockets when they lose. Wookiees are known to do that.
Chewbacca: Grrf.
C-3PO: I see your point, sir. I suggest a new strategy, R2, let the Wookiee win." — "Star Wars"
![C-3PO's quote: "It seems that he [R2-D2] is carrying a message from an Obi-wan Kenobi." | Source: AmoDays](https://cdn.amodays.com/505029f8dcf5dfef28a3dc28a067cf49091c5a119eaa8ed40bb3b756931ff56b.jpg)
C-3PO's quote: "It seems that he [R2-D2] is carrying a message from an Obi-wan Kenobi." | Source: AmoDays
"C-3PO: I would much rather have gone with Master Luke than stay here with you. I don't know what all this trouble is about, but I'm sure it must be your fault.
[R2 beeps an angry response]
C-3PO: You watch your language!" — "Star Wars"
"C-3PO: Are you there sir?
Luke Skywalker: 3PO?
C-3PO: We've had some problems...
Luke Skywalker: Will you shut up and listen to me! Shut down all the garbage smashers on the detention level, will ya? Do you copy? Shut down all the garbage smashers on the detention level! Shut down all the garbage mashers on the detention level!
C-3PO: [to R2-D2] No! Shut them *all* down, hurry!
[R2 shuts down the compactors]
Luke Skywalker: What? HAHA! Hey, you did it 3PO!
[Luke, Leia and Han start laughing hysterically; it sounds like screaming]" — "Star Wars"

C-3PO's quote: "Now, don't you forget this! Why I should stick my neck out for you is quite beyond my capacity." | Source: AmoDays
"[C-3PO is tangled up in wires after a run-in with tie fighters]
C-3PO: Help! I think I'm melting! This is all your fault!
[R2-D2 makes a series of beeps that sound like chuckling]" — "Star Wars"
"C-3PO: Master Luke, sir. Pardon me for asking, but what should R2 and I do if we're discovered here?
Luke Skywalker: Lock the door.
Han Solo: And hope they don't have blasters.
C-3PO: That isn't very reassuring." — "Star Wars"
"C-3PO: We've stopped. Wake up! Wake up!
[R2D2 beeps]
C-3PO: We're doomed." — "Star Wars"

Young Anakin Skywalker's quote: "R2, get us off this autopilot! It's gonna get us both killed!" | Source: AmoDays
"Luke Skywalker: Boy, am I gonna get it. You know, that little droid's gonna cause me a lot of trouble.
[talking about R2D2]
C-3PO: Oh, he excels at that, sir." — "Star Wars"
"C-3PO: I beg your pardon, but what do you mean, "naked?"
R2D2: [beeps]
C-3PO: My parts are showing? Oh, my goodness, oh!" — "Star Wars"
"Captain Panaka: R2-D2, Your Highness.
Sabé: Thank you, R2-D2.
[R2 beeps in gratitude]
Sabé: Padme!
[Padme steps forward]
Sabé: Clean this droid up as best you can. It deserves our gratitude." — "Star Wars"

C-3PO's quote: "In the event I don't make it back, I want you to know you've been a real friend, R2. My best one, in fact." | Source: AmoDays
"Obi-Wan : [seeing the repair droids being destroyed] We're losing droids fast.
Captain Panaka: If we can't get the shield generator fixed, we'll be sitting ducks.
[the next-to-last droid is destroyed, leaving only R2]
Ric Olié: The shields are gone.
[R2 works feverishly to repair the circuits. In the cockpit, the control panel lights up]
Ric Olié: The power's back. That little droid did it! He bypassed the main power drive. Deflector shields up at maximum!" — "Star Wars"
"C-3PO: R2D2 where are you?
[R2D2 shows up]
C-3PO: At last! Where have you been? What are we going to do? We'll be sent to the spice mines of Kessel or smashed into who knows what?" — "Star Wars"

C-3PO's quote: "R2 says the chances of survival are 725 to 1. Actually, R2 has been known to make mistakes from time to time." | Source: AmoDays
"Luke Skywalker: What is it?
C-3PO about R2D2: I'm afraid I'm not quite sure, sir. He says, 'I found her,' and keeps repeating, 'she's here.'" — "Star Wars"
Quotes That Spotlight R2-D2 in 'Star Wars'
"An extremely well-put together little droid, Your Highness. Without a doubt, it saved the ship, as well as our lives." — Captain Panaka
"R2, get us off this autopilot! It's gonna get us both killed!" — Young Anakin Skywalker
"Now, let's see if we can't figure out what you are, my little friend, and where you come from." — Uncle Owen
"R2, that stabilizes broken loose again. See if you can't lock it down." — Luke Skywalker

C-3PO's quote to R2-D2: "Don't call me a mindless philosopher, you overweight glob of grease." | Source: AmoDays
"I have placed information vital to the survival of the rebellion into the memory systems of this R2 unit." — Leia Organa
"This little droid. I think he's searching for his former master, but I've never seen such devotion in a droid before. Uh, he claims to be the property of an Obi-Wan Kenobi. Is he a relative of yours? Do you know what he's talking about?" — Luke Skywalker
"I'm here to rescue you. I've got your R2 unit. I'm here with Ben Kenobi." — Luke Skywalker to Princess Leia Organa

C-3PO's quote: "Well, don't blame me. I'm an interpreter. I'm not supposed to know a power socket from a computer terminal." | Source: AmoDays
Ben Burtt, a voice actor, brought the iconic droid to life. Other talented actors in the "Star Wars" franchise included Mark Hamill, Natalie Portman, Harrison Ford, Carrie Fisher, and Samuel S. Jackson.
R2-D2 teaches us the importance of resourcefulness, adaptability, and creative thinking. The character embodies loyalty, trustworthiness, and hope, making it beloved and iconic in the "Star Wars" franchise.
Merely grasping R2-D2's brilliance seems not to be enough. In order to stay attuned to the ever-evolving "Star Wars" saga, here is yet another compilation of insightful quotes from the legendary character Qui-Gon Jinn.