13 Dorothy Vaughan Quotes from the Fearless Genius in ‘Hidden Figures'
Dorothy Vaughan is one of the leading characters in the acclaimed biographical drama, "Hidden Figures." The film showcases some of the talented black women America has to offer, and that is a fantastic ingredient for some memorable quotes.
"Hidden Figures" follows three African-American mathematicians working at NASA, working on mathematical calculations without being told what they are for. The women, mainly kept in the shadows due to segregation, punch above their weight and later get well-deserved recognition.
Based on the storyline, the film is about the struggle against racial and gender segregation, the triumph of black women, and falling in love. All of these are highlighted in the following quotes from Vaughan.

Dorothy Vaughan's quote: "Oh, it'll run eventually, and when it does, we have to know how to program it. Unless you'd rather be out of a job." | Source: Amodays
Dorothy Vaughan Quotes about Her Workplace
"We're going to need a lot of manpower to program that beast. I can't do it alone. My gals are ready, they can do the work." — Dorothy Vaughan
“The IBM 7090 data processing system. It has the capability of solving over twenty-four thousand multiplications per second.” — Dorothy Vaughan
“Oh, it'll run eventually, and when it does, we have to know how to program it. Unless you'd rather be out of a job." — Dorothy Vaughan
“Yes, ma'am. Katherine's the gal for that. She can handle any numbers you put in front of her." — Dorothy Vaughan
"I haven't been late one day in ten years. Haven't been out sick. Haven't complained. My work's on time. It's done right, it's done well." — Dorothy Vaughan

Dorothy Vaughan's quote: “And I bet he's like that day and night.” | Source: Amodays
Dorothy Vaughan Quotes about Colonel Johnson
"I hear he's planning on staying in the area.” — Dorothy Vaughan
“Mary Jackson: Katherine, go find your way over there. That Colonel Jim is a tall glass of water.
Dorothy Vaughan: That he is. Tall, strong, commanding.” — Dorothy Vaughan
“And I bet he's like that day and night.” — Dorothy Vaughan
“Hello, Colonel. I'm Dorothy Vaughn. That's Mary Jackson. I believe you met her husband Levi.” — Dorothy Vaughan

Dorothy Vaughan's quote: “Separate and equal are two different things. Just 'cause it's the way, doesn't make it right, understand?” | Source: Amodays
Dorothy Vaughan Quotes about Equality
“Vivian Mitchell: Despite what you may think, I have nothing against y'all.
Dorothy Vaughan: I know. I know you probably believe that.” — Dorothy Vaughan
“Separate and equal are two different things. Just 'cause it's the way, doesn't make it right, understand?” — Dorothy Vaughan
“Now don't get me wrong, any upward movement is movement for us all.” — Dorothy Vaughan
"What's not fair is having the responsibility of a supervisor, but not the title or the pay.” — Dorothy Vaughan

Dorothy Vaughan's quote: "What's not fair is having the responsibility of a supervisor, but not the title or the pay.” | Source: Amodays
The film was successful due to its brilliant story and how the lead actors, Taraji P. Henson, Octavia Spencer, Janelle Monàe, and Kevin Costner, expertly portrayed their characters with a well-diluted mixture of charm and aggression.
Fans of Costner can catch some quotes from Beth Button, a businessman in "Yellowstone," a show that the actor is the leading actor.