28 'A Bug's Life' Quotes — Disney's Brilliant Adventure Story
In the quirky world of "A Bug's Life," a 1998 Disney animated gem, a group of ants led by Flik refuses to conform to the typical ant stereotypes. Here are 28 quotes from the film that reminds us to assert ourselves daily.
Flik, a determined ant on Ant Island, sets out on a daring mission to defend his colony from the oppressive rule of the grasshoppers under the command of the powerful Hopper. To achieve this, Flik seeks the aid of a troupe of circus bugs, forming an unlikely alliance.
United with the ants, the circus bugs ignite a newfound spirit of empowerment and togetherness within the ant community. Through their collective efforts, they triumph over the grasshoppers, paving the way for a brighter future for all the ants.
The quotes below highlight how the film emphasizes the importance of standing up against oppressors, challenging societal norms, and embracing one's inherent abilities. It is a timeless reminder of the power of unity and resilience in overcoming adversity.

Francis's quote: "Judging by your breath, you must've been buzzin' around a dung heap all day!" | Source: AmoDays
'A Bug's Life' Quotes from Hopper
"You piece of dirt! No, I'm wrong. You're lower than dirt. You're an ant!" — Hopper
"Hopper: You let one ant stand up to us, then they all might stand up. Those puny little ants outnumber us a hundred to one. And if they ever figure that out, there goes our way of life! It's not about food. It's about keeping those ants in line. That's why we're going back! Does anybody else wanna stay?
Molt: He's quite the motivational speaker, isn't he?
Hopper: Let's ride!" — "A Bug's Life"
"First rule of leadership: Everything is your fault." — Hopper

Dot's quote: "You're weird, but I like you." | Source: AmoDays
"Hopper: Guys, order another round because we're staying here! What was I thinking? Going back to Ant Island. I mean, we just got here, and we have more than enough food to get us through the winter. Right? Why go back? But there was that ant that stood up to me.
Axel: Yeah, but we can forget about him!
Loco: Yeah, it was just one ant.
Hopper: Yeah, you're right! It's just one ant!
Loco: Yeah, boss. They're puny!"
Hopper: Hmm, puny. Say, let's pretend this grain is a puny little ant. Didn't that hurt?"
Loco: Nope.
Hopper: Well, how about this one?
Axel: Are you kidding?
Hopper: Well, how about this?" — "A Bug's Life"

Hopper's quote: "First rule of leadership: Everything is your fault." | Source: AmoDays
Heimlich: I think I'm going to wet myself.
Francis: Steady...
Hopper: What's going on here?
Princess Atta: Well, uh..."
Slim: Uh, yes. We were invited by Princess Atta as a surprise for your arrival."
Hopper: Squish 'em." — "A Bug's Life"

Flik's quote: "For the colony, and for oppressed ants everywhere!" | Source: AmoDays
'A Bug's Life' Quotes from Flik
"Ants don't serve grasshoppers! It's you who need us!" — Flik
“Flik: Here, pretend. Pretend that that's a seed.
Dot: It's a rock.
Flik: Oh, I know it's a rock, I know. But let's just pretend for a minute that it's a seed, alright? We'll just use our imaginations. Now, do you see our tree? Everything that made that giant tree is already contained inside this tiny little seed. All it needs is some time, a little bit of sunshine and rain, and voilá!
Dot: This rock will be a tree?
Flik: Seed to tree. You've gotta work with me, here. Alright? Okay. Now, you might not feel like you can do much now, but that's just because, well, you're not a tree yet. You just have to give yourself some time. You're still a seed.
Dot: But it's a rock.
Flik: I know it's a rock! Don't you think I know a rock when I see a rock? I've spent a lot of time around rocks!
Dot: "You're weird, but I like you." — "A Bug's Life"

Mosquito's quote: "Hey, bartender!.. O-Positive!" | Source: AmoDays
"For the colony, and for oppressed ants everywhere!" — Flik
"Hopper: Let this be a lesson to all you ants! Ideas are very dangerous things! You are mindless, soil-shoving losers put on this Earth to serve us!
Flik: You're wrong, Hopper. Ants are not meant to serve grasshoppers! I've seen these ants do great things, and year after year, they somehow manage to pick the food for themselves and you. So who is the weaker species? Ants don't serve grasshoppers! It's you who needs us! We're a lot stronger than you say we are. And you know it, don't you?" — "A Bug's Life"
"Hopper: Where do you get the gall to do this to me?
Flik: You were gonna squish The Queen.
Dot: It's true.
Hopper: I hate it when someone gives away the ending." — "A Bug's Life"

Bus Beetle's quote: "Making all stops to the septic tank, including standing water, an empty bean can, and dead rat!" | Source: AmoDays
'A Bug's Life' Quotes from the Queen, Slim, and Other Characters
"You've got a lot of spunk kids. But no one's gonna help a bunch of ants." — The Queen
"It's the same every year, they come, they eat, they leave—that's our lot in life. It's not a lot, but it's our life." — The Queen
"Pretend it's a seed, okay?" — Dot
"Ladies and gentle bugs! Larvae of all stages! Rub your legs together for the world's greatest bug circus!" — Slim
"I'm the only stick with eyeballs!" — Slim

Flik's quote: "Ants don't serve grasshoppers! It's you who need us!" | Source: AmoDays
"How many roaches does it take to screw in a light bulb? Can't tell. Soon as the light goes on, they scatter." — Slim
"P.T.: We're losin' the audience! You clowns get out there now!
Heimlich: I hate performing on an empty stomach!
P.T.: Do your act, Heimlich, then you can eat.
Slim: P.T., what's the point?
P.T.: Not now, Slim.
Slim: What's the point of going out there? They'll only laugh at me.
P.T.: That's because you're a clown!
Slim: No. It's because I'm a PROP! You always cast me as the broom, the pole, the stick! A splinter!
P.T.: You're a walking stick! It's funny! NOW, GO!
Slim: You parasite." — "A Bug's Life"

Hopper's quote: "You piece of dirt! No, I'm wrong. You're lower than dirt. You're an ant!" | Source: AmoDays
"I'm a beautiful butterfly!" — Heimlich
"Fly 1: Hey, cutie! Wanna pollinate with a real bug?
Francis: So, bein' a ladybug automatically makes me a girl! Is that it, flyboy?! Huh?!
Fly 2: Yikes!
Fly 1: She's a guy!
Heimlich: Francis, leave them alone! They are poo-poo heads!
P.T.: Not again!
Francis: Judging by your breath, you must've been buzzin' around a dung heap all day!
Slim: Come on, Francis. You're making the maggots cry." — "A Bug's Life"

The Queen's quote: "You've got a lot of spunk kids. But no one's gonna help a bunch of ants." | Source: AmoDays
"Hey, turn your butt off!" — Francis
"Francis: Any time, pal! I'm gonna pick the hairs outta your head, one by one!
Fly 1: You take your best shot!
Francis: You name the place!
Fly 1: Oh, yeah?!
Francis: Yes! 'Cause when you get there, you are dead!
Slim: Francis, let me handle this. That's no way to speak to a lady.
Francis: I heard that, you twig!" — "A Bug's Life"

Slim's quote: "Come on, Francis. You're making the maggots cry." | Source: AmoDays
"Hey, waiter. I'm in my soup." — Fly
"Making all stops to the septic tank, including standing water, an empty bean can, and dead rat!" — Bus Beetle
"Hey, bartender!.. O-Positive!" — Mosquito
"Worker Ant #1: I'm lost! Where's the line? It just went away. What do I do? What do I do?"
Worker Ant #2: Help!
Worker Ant #3: We'll be stuck here forever!
Mr. Soil: Do not panic, do not panic. We are trained professionals. Now, stay calm. We are going around the leaf." — "A Bug's Life"

Slim's quote: "I'm the only stick with eyeballs!" | Source: AmoDays
"That's how my 12th husband died. So, now I'm a widow. I mean, I've always been a black widow, but now I am a black widow." — Rosie
"Manny: Utilizing psychic vibrations, I shall select the perfect volunteer.
Molt: Oh, oh, oh, oh! Pick me! Oh, oh! Come on, I'm asking you with my brain." — "A Bug's Life"
"You see, Hopper, nature has a certain order. The ants pick the food, the ants eat the food, and the grasshoppers leave." — Princess Atta

Heimlich's quote: "I'm a beautiful butterfly!" | Source: AmoDays
The classic movie showed us that achieving something great requires a strong support system. The power of unity, trust, camaraderie, and teamwork are crucial elements in attaining success and peace.
In Flik's case, we discover the significance of giving our best despite past mistakes and the potential for personal growth. The animated film boasted a skilled cast featuring Dave Foley, Kevin Spacey, Hayden Panettiere, and Ashley Tisdale.
Like Flik, Marcel the Shell, on the other hand, shows us that small things can have a meaningful impact. Marcel broadens our understanding of what truly matters by sharing insightful quotes about family and the importance of finding joy in simple things.