Sagittarius Woman and Pisces Man: Why the Way You Watch a Sunset Counts
A Sagittarius woman and a Pisces man don't seem like they would get along. Wouldn't the water burn out the fire, and the fire leave ash in a once pure lake? Or that is just a silly metaphor, and there is more to these two than is apparent.
We likely imagine completely opposing scenarios when we envision a Sagittarius woman and a Pisces man. Our minds will envision the archer climbing a mountain with her friends, laughing and singing, only to get to the top and feel a tinge of a teardrop in her eye as she watches the sun go down.
When we see a Pisces (February 19 - March 20) man in our mind's eye, we think of someone sitting at home on the couch, with ambient music playing in the background and incense smoke billowing around the room. A tear unapologetically falls as he reads a beautiful passage.
It's obvious; they're complete opposites, right? However, we find out that there is one similarity between these two visions. The passage that the Pisces man was reading was about a beautiful sunset in which hikers were engulfed.
A strange similarity but more profound than it seems.

A couple lying on the ground together. | Source: Pexels
Kindness and Empathy
The archer and the fish have big hearts, and this extends to the world and to each other. They will take extra care to make each other happy, creating a loving and emotionally safe relationship.
Pisces is hyperempathetic and can feel every emotion around him, making him sensitive to his partner's needs and feelings. On the other hand, Sagittarius (November 22 - December 21) has high social intelligence and can read people. As a result, she can pick up on her sensitive Pisces moods and help them deal with them. This will be no sweet off the Sag's back as they will do anything for the ones they love, and although Pisces usually feels as though they may be walking on eggshells due to their high empathy, this one will feel comfortable with their loving and honest Sag around.
Both have an almost spiritual connection to nature and animals. They will likely connect stray dogs and cats with abandon and treat all of them with extensive love and gentleness.

A couple lying on the grass together. | Source: Pexels
Passion-Filled Individuals
Both of these individuals are passionate in different ways. Sagittarius has a burning desire to explore life, grab all it offers, and go on every adventure.
Pisces' passion is more about depth. They love exploring their own and others' inner worlds, from the startling breadths of their imagination to the intensity of their emotions. Most of all, these romantics are passionate about love, which may scare the flighty Sagittarius away if the Pisces man is not careful.
However, sometimes he can reach out his hand and lead the Sagittarius into this new world, where the archer can explore more about her partner and her own emotions. This will be the first time Sagittarius has feared falling in love, but she will never say no to an adventure, whether an external voyage or an internal escapade. Meeting someone in such a deep space will be new for her, and the commitment-phobic Sagittarius will have to make a choice. Brave as she is, she will most likely stay.

A couple kissing. | Source: Pexels
At the same time, Sagitarrus's positivity and humor can bring lightheartedness to Pisces' intense world, bringing her out of her mind to feel the moment and the sunshine on her face.
The best adventure these two can take together is a hike or a walk through a forest. It will suit both their love for nature, Sagittarius's endless curiosity about the world around her, and Pisce's poetic disposition.
Both of these individuals see beauty in life; Sagittarius through more of an intellectual curiosity and Pisces through a more lyrical lens. Either way, passion is there, and it reflects in the bedroom.

A couple lying on the ground together. | Source: Pexels
Balancing Introversion and Extroversion
Pisces is more of an introvert, and Sagittarius is more of an extrovert. Due to their naturally caring natures and love for one another, they will do their best to compromise.
However, Pisce's hyper-empathetic nature will leave him overstimulated and exhausted, and Sagittarius may begin to feel bored and stuck; this is a surefire way to practically chase the Stag away and out of one's life forever.

A couple having a picnic on a cliff. | Source: Pexels
So, a very delicate balance must be held when it comes to this area of life, and both, as they can do, must practice compassion and patience with one another.
Conflict Resolution
These two would handle conflict well because of their kind and sensitive natures. However, one aspect gets in the way: Sagittarius's bluntness mixed with Pisce's delicate heart. While the Sagittarius truly believes they are being kind by being so honest, they must learn that it doesn't always come across that way. Meanwhile, Pisces must realize that his partner means well, and he must not take the bluntness to heart.

A couple hiking together. | Source: Pexels
When one thinks of Sagittarius and Pisces, they don't imagine a compatible duo. However, these two are similar, albeit in opposite ways. They are both sensitive and kind, adventurous, passionate, and intense, with a hunger for the beauty of life. Yes, there are some significant roadblocks, but they can and will make a plan if they remember their similarities.
If they achieve this, the Pisces man will no longer read about sunsets in books. Instead, his partner will come home from a long day of hiking, pick up the green tea that Pisces made, and breathe in the sandalwood incense. Instead, the Sagittarius will tell the Pisces about the sunset he saw, and it will be more beautiful than any passage he has ever read.
Find out more about the fishes' possible partners by reading Pisces Woman and Aquarius Man: A Union between the Dreamer & the Visionary.